Credits: Layered template (Memory Makers Volume 10, Template 1) and Someday Soon both by Jen C Designs and Wordart by Wordart World. Font is KG What The Teacher Wants by Kimberly Geswein.
Journalling reads: Photos like these are one of the main reasons I scrap. If I don’t take the time to record why I took these photos all of these little moments will be lost forever. I will never just remember, this stage that you went through of stripping off as many of your clothes as possible, emptying out my washing basket (or a box at a push) and settling yourself down with a piece of paper and a pen to draw. I might forget that it was the only time you were ever silent or still. I doubt though that I will ever forget the wicked grin you always gave me as you were busted yet again for using your whole body as a canvas for artwork once you had filled the paper up. 17th August 2013.