I suppose I better get started on some of the many items on my to-do list. What I don't get done tonight I should be able to get done tomorrow though since Lukas if off to see CBeebies Live with Ella and Gary. Gary got the tickets for Ella because Conor is going to see the wrestling tomorrow with Lisa, her friend Louise and Louise's kids Morgan and Reece and he thought Lukas might like to go too. Now if only I could find a way to get rid of Mark for a few hours I could have some peace and quiet lol. Might be back later with a layout, but have to bath Lukas before I can start scrapping, hopefully then I can bribe him with a dvd while I get some stuff done.
This blog contains the ramblings of one crazy mummy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If it offends you feel free not to read it. You will often find moans, whinges, lists of my digiscrapping purchases and even the occasional freebie. I accept no responsibility at all for any purchases that result from reading my blog lol.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Time for that blog post I haven't managed for 2 days
Oh this just isn't my day! I had almost finished the blog post and then the electric went out, so much for the autosave function! Oh well let's try this again shall we, but I have to be quick I have a lot to get done today. Monday and Tuesday I didn't really do anything, except play with Lukas and scrap a bit. I already blogged about what we did on Sunday (on Tuesday lol), Lukas got a new game for his playstation, The Incredibles 2: Rise of the underminer I won it on Ebay and I think that anything that costs less than £5 and keeps him entertained for any amount of time is a bargain lol. On Wednesday I had a really bad day, and spent the whole day in bed it was so bad Mark had to take the day off work to look after Lukas. Thursday well that was definately interesting. It was Ambrose's Anniversary and Darren's Birthday so as you can imagine I was feeling pretty low, I miss my family a lot of the time, birthdays are among the worst. I hate all of my angel babies anniversaries but I guess this one was a little harder because someone we know had her baby girl the same day. I am not going into anymore detail about that because it's a very sore point for me, she's had lots of abortions and I am pretty bitter about the fact that she can have kids as and when she pleases and has chosen to get rid of so many when we have lost three definately not through choice and there are so many other people who struggle to have just one child. Babies are precious and while I believe abortions are an individual choice, I also believe that they are wrong, I have always been of the opinion someone should sit down with her and explain what contraception is and how to use it! But anyway enough about that. When I got up and went downstairs I found that Conor had stayed the night, not really unusual for him to stay but he doesn't normally stay on a Wednesday night, I just shrugged it off thinking that it was nothing important. When Nan got back she explained that Lisa had rung during the night saying Nan needed to make the bed up for Conor so they could take Ella to the hospital. She had fallen over at the park earlier in the evening and had been screaming for a good few hours because of it. They were expecting to be told she had sprained her ankle or something. When they x-rayed her foot, they found not only had she broken it but she had broken it in the one place in your body that's supposed to be practically unbreakable lol. The put her in a temporary plaster until she went back to clinic the following day. They came to pick Conor up and obviously I couldn't resist getting a few photos of Ella.
See she even managed a little smile for me, even though she was really hurting bless her. On Friday Mark went to the city centre and bought Lukas another playstation game, Lego Star Wars mainly because he wanted it lol. Ella went to the hospital and the decision was that she would have a permanant plaster for at least the next 3 weeks and they would review the situation then. I will say one thing for her, she definately has a sense of style all of her own. She went for a pink plaster cast and lilac crutches, and was not at all impressed the only plaster shoe they had in her size was blue lol. She gets around on them great, kids are great at adapting. When Nan said she had crutches we looked at each other and bet that when someone annoyed her she would use them in a completely different manner than they are intended for lol. This morning Nan told me that so far she has tried to use them as a weapon a few times and has also knocked quite a few things over with them lol. Here's a photo I took of her yesterday. Can you see how much better she felt once she had a proper plaster on it, she has a lot more colour in her skin in the second one. Nan says the easiest way to tell if something is broken is to see if they have that sickly look about them and look really pale, if these photos are a judge she is spot on. I used the same camera setting in the same room, and she's stood in almost the exact same spot.
I suppose I better get started on some of the many items on my to-do list. What I don't get done tonight I should be able to get done tomorrow though since Lukas if off to see CBeebies Live with Ella and Gary. Gary got the tickets for Ella because Conor is going to see the wrestling tomorrow with Lisa, her friend Louise and Louise's kids Morgan and Reece and he thought Lukas might like to go too. Now if only I could find a way to get rid of Mark for a few hours I could have some peace and quiet lol. Might be back later with a layout, but have to bath Lukas before I can start scrapping, hopefully then I can bribe him with a dvd while I get some stuff done.
I suppose I better get started on some of the many items on my to-do list. What I don't get done tonight I should be able to get done tomorrow though since Lukas if off to see CBeebies Live with Ella and Gary. Gary got the tickets for Ella because Conor is going to see the wrestling tomorrow with Lisa, her friend Louise and Louise's kids Morgan and Reece and he thought Lukas might like to go too. Now if only I could find a way to get rid of Mark for a few hours I could have some peace and quiet lol. Might be back later with a layout, but have to bath Lukas before I can start scrapping, hopefully then I can bribe him with a dvd while I get some stuff done.
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