These two were created for week 5 of the Simply You Challenge at Divine Digital. I would ask if you want to see, but it's a bit pointless really since I am going to show them to you whether you want to see them or not lol. I have a confession to make, the 1st one is scrapped with photos I took while I was trying to scrap it lol (with the exception of the 2 stock photos because I tried taking photos of my ipod and I just couldn't get a decent one, and the hot chocolate I have some and cream but I was too lazy to go make it, bring it up, photograph it and too hot to drink it lol.) But as usual I am getting away from the point, the confession is not my photography skills *snigger* it's that this layout is one that I really like lol yes I know very very rare for me to like one of my layouts. The 2nd one I am not so keen on it's a country song so I thought using Royanna's Americana Country (that I had to have to complete my collection but never actually had any ideas for using lol) would work but I am not so sure now it's finished, good thing I save layered documents, I might go back and switch some things around to try and make something I like better, the only part that is going nowhere is the swirly doodle things made up of brads, I think there are 90+ they took ages but I think the end result is pretty cool. Anyway enough with the rambling I better hurry up and show them to you since it's 5:16am and I really need to get my very tired body into my very inviting looking pit aka my bed.
Journalling reads:1.My engagement ring and my wedding ring. 2. My Latex allergy bracelet 3. Caffeine Free Coke (my favourite drink) 4.My Ipod shuffle (the best way to have all my music in one place, I listen music and audiobooks on it while I scrap. 5. My Shakeaway badge (myf avourite treat to myself) 6.Hot Chocolate (the onlyhot drink I will touch) 7. My computer (aka my lifeline for so many reasons) 8. My Leo bracelet (won as a prize for a photo competition @ Divine Digital, helps me feel close to Leo when I need to) 9. My Mothers Day cookies (a gift from Lukas I love to be reminded that I am a mummy)10. My bandaged wrist (it’s the only way I can use it) 11. My birthstone ring (I had originally wanted a silver and turquoise engagement ring but we couldn’t find one. Nan saw this one and bought it because she knew I would love it).
Enabling: Fasten Down The Hatches, Tweet Baby Alpha, Keepin' Tabs 01 and A Papered Life 11 - Waverider all by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here, here, here and here. Lightroom Presets: Vintage New York Effect Light and Vintage New York Effect Dark by Matt Kloskowski available here and Vintage Pop by Annie Manning (Paint The Moon) available here. Fonts are DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here and Stamp Act available here. All the details of the template challenge including the download link can be found here. Stock photos: Ipod shuffle from (found via google) and Hot Chocolate from Stock Xchng (by LastClick).
Journalling reads: I love this song everytime I hear it, I am reminded thatI shouldn’t feel guilty about all the time I waste every single day. Sure I could be moreproductive and be caught up oneverything for once in my lifebut then I would miss out on all the fun stuff about having Lukas. Things like snuggling on the bed watching dvd’s, going to play in the park. The “work” is all going to be here waiting for me but those precious little moments with him will be over way too fast. To me that definately is time well wasted. My Favourite Song April 2008. Time Well Wasted Brad Paisley. The other writing is the song lyrics.
Enabling: Twosies Templates by Chris Greiser available here, Americana Country by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here.
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