remember the other day I said I was going to post about what I spent the day doing, and then I forgot and what I was doing today sort of became what I was doing 2 days ago lol. On Sunday we got up (well technically I didn't get up since I didn't go to bed) to snow! I can never ever remember seeing that much snow in my life let alone, that much snow in April!
This is the view from my bedroom window, (that's not noise on it that's falling snow!)

and this is the view of the back garden,

The ones that we took outside are a lot clearer, but I defy anyone to be able to take decent photos either hanging out of the window, poking the camera through the tiny window and using one shoulder to wedge the window open as far as possible or while leaning over a toy medical centre to take photos through the back door, with the net curtains draped over their shoulder lol. Now I bet you are wondering why I didn't wonder outside to take the photos, the answer to that one is simple even crazy people like me don't venture outside at 6am in the freezing cold to take photos. I will do a lot of things for a good shot but outside at 6am is just a little too much lol. I noticed it had snowed at 5am and I couldn't resist waking Lukas up to show him lol. After getting really excited, and begging to go outside for a while he eventually went back to sleep for a grand total of almost 3 hours. I never thought I would see the day when we were all up and dressed and outside by 8am. We spent the day playing in the snow and taking photos. There are some great ones of Lukas eating the snow lol. Unfortunately there aren't any of when I decided that standing on the trampoline would give me a better angle for photos, and while stepping up managed to slip off the trampoline onto my butt, it was a good idea in theory I just didn't know that they outer edge of the trampoline would be so slippery. I managed to get up there on the 2nd attempt though and got some great shots until Lukas told me to get off lol. He wanted to jump on the trampoline (which was still covered in snow!). After we had been in the garden for a while we decided to go to the local park and play there for a while, mainly so we could take photos lol. Me and Lukas made snow angels, and he went down the slide into a huge pile of snow. So far I have only gotten around to scrapping one of the many photos I took. I went for a little bit of a different take and went for spring colours rather than snow, and ice. Here's the layout.
Credits: Layered template (Twelve{12} January), Twelve{12} April, From My Paintbrush Overlays, 52 Inspirations 2008 Week 4 and ScrapApple Week 21 Spring all by Sue Cummings. Fonts are Stamp Act and DJB Writes A Lot by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: I guess this year winter is hanging around a bit longer than normal. We were really surprised last year to see snow on Valentines Day. But that was nothing compared to seeing it in April.
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