Yesterday really was a bit of a disaster I have spent pretty much all weekend and yesterday trying to fix some problems on my computer. One of the biggest problems I have is the hard drive I use for photographs is full, because when I had to reinstall my computer last time, everything important had to be backed up to that drive (because there was no space anywhere else). Since then I have a brand new 750GB External hard drive so they now have to be moved on to that. I have 6 SD cards that are completely full, I can't take anymore photos until I have somewhere to empty them off onto. Moving files, sorting files and emptying SD cards takes a lot of time. It also slows my computer down to a crawl. I also have a lot of CT work, photo editing and other stuff that can't be put off so I have tried to work around the slowness but then everything takes up to 4 times longer than normal its insane. Last night we added even more fun into the mix when our upstairs toilet broke again, and flooded the downstairs bathroom again. Right now I still have 4 SD Cards to empty, another 30-50GB of stuff that needs to be moved and every time we need the toilet we are having to go all the way downstairs and negotiate around the container catching the water because the upstairs one is completely out of comission. As I am writing this the very nice plumber is making his 3rd trip to the local hardware store because the part that he bought that should fit doesn't. *Sigh* I have a lot to get done today, and since it's almost 3pm and I still have yet to actually open photoshop and get started I think it's going to be a very very long day. Ok let's try this again, when I started this it was nearly 3pm lol. Then Nan got back from shopping and Ella was having a little meltdown, so I offered to take her and Lukas to the park for a while. It's now 6:15, Ella has just gone home (fast asleep lol) Lukas is now playing the playstation and I am going to attempt to get some work done lol. The upstairs toilet is now properly fixed, and we have a fully working flush for the first time in a very long time. The downstairs bathroom is still damp, still have water running through the light fixture and still need to phone them again tomorrow and try and get them to come fix it. But despite everything I did manage to get 2 layouts done using Amy's new releases last night.

Credits: Layered template (Rock The Template September, Template 4) and Purple Paradise by Amy Bleser. Font is DJB Erika by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads:Ella you have never been the kind of little girl who played nicely with dolls. You bore easily so they don’t hold much interest. So it was a very nice surprise when we went to play at Jamboray, to see you and Lukas playing mummy and daddy in the home corner. You weren’t able to find a baby so you took it in turns to walk around with the empty plastic carseat. Eventually you two found a dolly right at the bottom of the dressing up box and then you played together like this almost the whole time we were there.It was so sweet to watch you both.
Enabling: Rock The Template September Templates and Purple Paradise by Amy Bleser available
here and
here or
here. DJB Erika can be found

Credits: Purple Paradise Quick Page 1 by Amy Bleser. Font is DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Poor Ella, you fell at the park and broke your foot, and now you have it in a plaster cast for the next 3 weeks at least. I took these photos after they fitted the temporary cast and you were still hurting a bit and feeling pretty miserable. I know it might not feel like it but there are some plus points to having a plaster cast. You have to be carried around like a little princess until the real cast is fitted. Everyone wants to make a fuss over you, and they are happy to fetch anything you want. But best of all you get to have your dummy all day long. See it’s not all bad is it?
Enabling: Purple Paradise Quick Pages available
here or
here, DJB Nicole can be found
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