and my 40 days layouts are all done. I have days 32, 36 and 37 to share with you in that order.
Journalling reads:Life is a funny old thing. We often go through it trying to make everyone like us. often we get ourselves upset because somebody doesn’t like it You can waste years of your life wondering why they don’t like you or trying various ways to make them like you.But it won’t change a thing because no matter how hard you try you will never be able to please all of the people all of the time.Its not humanly possible to be liked by everyone. I spent up until a few months ago trying to do everything I could think of to make my mum like me. I could never understand why no matter how much effort I made she still hated me, still made trouble at every chance she got. It was a mystery to me that a mother couldn’t orwouldn’t love or even like her own daughter. When she caused the row just before my wedding and then never turned up it dawnedon me that nothing I could ever do would make her happy because the problems were hers not mine. They weren’t caused by anything that I had done and they weren’t caused by anything I hadn’t done.The only problem that existed was that she doesn’t like me. I could have continued trying for the rest of my life and still got nowhere.Its a lot easier for me to spend my time and energy doing things with and for the people who do love me. If I could give you one piece of advice it would be this, by all means try and understand why someone doesn’t like you but always remember this if someone doesn't like you it might have nothing to do with you.
Journalling reads:Plans are a good place to start what’s not so great is when those plans don’t materialise into actions. At the beginningof the year I made a page about goals and resolutions and now three months on hardly any of those goals have come to anything. But since the year is only three months old I have a whole 9 months more to fix that. I am going to focus on the 5 main things I need to change.1. Get healthy - the time has come to stop feeling like being ill all the time is normal. If these doctors can’t or wont help it is time to find someone that can/will help.2. Get tidy - we live in mess and despite my good intentions to follow the FLYLady plan. I only seemed to get as far as reading the daily emails, it’s time to start establishing thosehabits.3. Losing weight and getting fitter require the medical issues to be sorted. It’s impossible to eat less than I do now and I don’t really eat rubbish its the exercise thing that’s the hardest part because of having no energy.4& 5 Stop being a doormat - It’s great to help people but some of them are just taking advantage its time to notice that and take action. Its time to stop making excuses forpeople and most of all start saying NO!
Credits: Grandma's Treasures Brag Book, Angel Baby and Captivate by Royanna Lea Fritschmann. Font is JPaige_Crystal by Jeanelle Paige.
Journalling reads: CaringRomanticYoung mumStrongTalentedAttentiveLoving
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