8 days since my last post and that was one about what a bad blogger I am lol. We had a great time when we went bowling last Thursday. We played 1 game in total and then had a meal in there. Mark won the game but Lukas wasn't far behind him. They are so competetive I would hate to see what they will be like when Lukas is older. Neither one of them likes to lose or is willing to concede, I will admit the fact that Mark was the way he was with Lukas who is only 4 really annoyed me. But he has never been any different I have been to a few different places with him and every time I have said never again lol. I have been feeling really unwell lately and I am finding it hard to get anything done. Two of the wedding brag book pages are doing double duty for the 40 days. I have something else I managed to scrap to share with you. I think Mark may have some new layouts on his blog as well if you want to take a look you can here. When I get a spare minute I will add his link to my sidebar. The two layout I wanted to share with you are these two they are a large step away from my normal scrapping style but I kind of like them.

Credits: Credits: Boy Theory and Reindeer Games Alpha by Traci Reed, Grab Bag 3 by Amy W and Layered Sketch by Brenda Miller
This was for the scraplift challenge at Digiscrapdivas I chose to scraplift this layout by bohtieque http://www.digiscrapdivas.com/photop...amp;perpage=16 using the Scrappin Pattern 2 by Kelley Macdonald.Credits: Punk Love by Traci Reed and Scrappin Pattern 2 by Kelley Macdonald. Fonts are: KGD Renee and KGD Jackie by Kimberly Geswein.

The pages for the wedding album doing double duty for the 40 days of scrapping purpose are this one posted previously and this one
The other layouts for the 40 days can be seen here, journalling reads:Mirrors are strange things. Sometimes they show you someone you hate,you see the weight that you cant get rid of, the dark cirlces from lack ofsleep. Other times they make you feel positive you can see scars and marks from accidents and realise that you are still standing. They show a reflection of how you feel, if you feel positive you notice the good bits, if you are in a negative mood you see the stuff you don’t really want to. But even normal mirrors are sometimes like the carnival mirrors they distort everything and make it look worse, its all a matter of perspective. You could look and seeevery negative thing and feel depressed about it, or you could look and say ok I don’t like whaty I see what can I do about it? There is also a third option where you could accept that what you see is what you have and you are stuck with it and just accpet that. I dont believe that we are ever stuck with anything, even my medical issues have to be fixable somehow its just finding out how to fix them. I also dont usually believe in hating what I see, admitedly sometimes I do but I prefer to look at things from the point of view that they could be worse. I hope that looking on the bright side and being proactive to change things are the leagcy I teach Lukas, I hope he sees the world like I see it.
Here,journalling reads:My sight allows me to see the wonders of the world,sunsets, flowers and precious things like Lukas’s smile.My hearing allows me to experience his laughter and helphim when he is distressed. My sense of touch allows me to feel when things are sharp/dangerous as well as helping me to feel things I love like my satin bedding. My sense of smell usually helps to make me hungry when I smell food. I can also smell things that bring back memories like the perfume I wore on my wedding day. Taste allows me to enjoy food especially chocolate. All my senses help me to experience the things that make each day part of my life rather than just another day of living. I have been unlucky enough to lose all my senses at times in my life. It really made me appreciate how lost I am without them andwhile it is possible to learn to adapt without them its not something anyone would choose to do I feel blessed to have all my senses.
Here Journalling in arrow reads: I find it really hard to talk about myself it feels really conceited but on the other hand I suppose it would be selfish for Lukas to know nothing about the person who is his mummy. So I will start with a few simple things about myself. Main journalling reads:My name is Crystal Louise Blake, I was born on 30th December 1984. I have one little boy called Lukas and one big boy aka my husband called Mark. I also have 3 angel babies called Gaiebraille, Leo and Ambrose. I have 2 sisters and 6 brothers. My strength is never letting life defeat me.My weakness is letting my medical issues rule my life.What inspires me more than I could ever begin to describe on one page. What empowers me overcoming feeling ill and being able to do things with Lukas.My best attribute is looking on the bright side.Something I want to change about me is feeling ill all the time.What I desire most is to feel better so I can be a better mum and wife.What I am passionate about so many things that it requires its own layout.I am unique because I am the only me anywhere.
And here journalling reads:The 40 days of scrapping purpose has faced me with many challenges. The hardest thing for me about scrapping is tojournal about myself, my thoughts, feelings and emotions areoften hard to describe and put into words. I love every layout I have made in this series of challenges. I have really enjoyed the wide range of challenges I have been offered. Therehave been times when I have foundit difficult to keep up. It’s made merealise I have limitations and pushingmyself too hard means I achieve a lotless than I wanted to. I have to accept that I can only do so much.
I might be back later I have some other layouts to share. But since it's between 6-11pm and Tiscali suck it would be pointless to even attempt uploading anything else. I cant even read my email until 11 *sigh*
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