Day 23
Credits: January qp by Sammy Davies (recoloured) and Messy Stamped Alpha 2.0 Brushes by Christine Smith. Font is Journalling reads:You are my hero. No matter what life throws at you, I have never seen you handle it with anything other than dignity and class.I am honoured to have you in my life. Thank you for always being there for me. I would be completely lost without you. I love you Nan Day 25 Credits: Wallet Mini Album by Stacey Trueman and A baby's room by Rebecca Myers. Font is KGD Kimberly Script by Kimberly Geswein.Journalling reads:I dont have many positive memories of my childhood.But all the ones I do have involve Nan. She was always much more of a mother to me than my mum ever was.I remember Nan walking me to school every day. Fussing about my uniform being perfect and then kissing me goodbye at the gate. I remember her meeting me fromschool and then sitting on her lap for a cuddle before doing my reading homework. I remember Nan laying in my bed with me until I fell asleep because I was worried about falling out. But above all I remember always feeling like she was the only one who really loved me and cared about me.
I am really looking forward to the next scrapping event at divine the 360 degrees of inspiration. That starts on April 1st and I am going to try really hard to stay on top of the layouts one a day is simple, it when you miss a day and then you miss another and it snowballs and you end up with loads of layouts to do in a small amount of time. lol
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