pretty much since the last time I blogged, I have been sick. Yes I know I am always sick but this was different. This was the sort of sick that made me crawl into my bed and not get up. Thankfully, it’s changed now and although I have a nasty chest infection and I am still running a fairly high temperature I am ready to start trying to play catch up. I have tried really hard to stay on top of everything, despite being sick and for the most part I haven’t done that bad, even managed a layout here and there but with all the normal day to day stuff, end of year school activities and a few other things a lot of things have been left to slide. Emails have stacked up, the bedroom is even more chaotic than usual and it all needs to be sorted out but for now I need to try and recap the month. The last time I blogged was the 9th so that gives me 11 days to recap doesn’t it? It’s probably not going to be accurate as far as dates go. *sigh* my P365 for this month is going to be a nightmare to scrap, don’t even have many photos to play with so minimal journalling is not going to be an option. I haven’t really twittered or facebooked, yeah this post is going to be a lot of fun to write lol. Speaking of P365 I have ordered my first photobook. I received some free photobooks from Artscow, so I decided to go for it and made weeks 1-18 into a book. I used actions for the pages and templates for the cover by Wendyzine to resize everything to the right size. Then I made a cover and an introduction page. I am really excited to see how it all turned out. Let’s start with the things I know have happened but unsure on the dates for. Logan now has 4 teeth, the top two have come in, one is through enough to hurt when he bites with it, the other is getting there. Lukas tried strawberries at school and decided that he really liked them, he would never even try them for me. Logan took his first few solo steps between me and Nan, up until now he can zoom around in the baby walker, he can walk around using the furniture but he’s point blank refused to even attempt any steps by himself. It’s kind of scary to imagine what it’s going to be like when he can walk unaided, he can already cause so much destruction when he’s limited in where he can go lol. Conor had an accident on his Skateboard and hurt his knee and then managed to have another a few days afterwards and whack his Achilles tendon with the skateboard, so he’s feeling a little stiff and sore at the moment. Mark had a week’s worth of holiday from work. It was kind of strange (and frustrating) having him around all the time. He messes up the tiny bit of routine that we have and it’s annoying. But on the plus side it was nice that he offered to take Logan with him each day to get Lukas from school. I got to work with C.W Picket & Company for one of my Paper Shaker assignments at DSDI. I got the chance to play with her new twitter/facebook inspired collaboration with Nibbles Skribbles – Something To Say. You can see the two layouts that I made using it here and here. It’s a really cute kit, here’s the preview (I linked it up just in case you want to go shopping and pick up a copy of your own). C.W Picket & Company is exclusive to DSDI, but this kit is also available here and here in Nibbles Skribbles stores. After I was finished with the kit, Laura (C.W Picket & Company) sent me a really nice message asking me if I wanted to be a part of her CT, it’s always a huge honour to be asked to join a CT, so obviously I accepted and I was so excited about it. I even downloaded a new kit to work with, then things got um interesting. On the Sunday, which would be the 11th, I had laid down at around 7pm because I wasn’t feeling very well, within a few hours I was really really sick. I had a really high fever but I was shivering and shaking all over, I was struggling to breath, dizzy, nauseous and in a lot of pain. All I really wanted to do was sleep. It was hard to even lift my head up off the pillow. I remember Mark waking me up and telling me something, I was really too sick to concentrate on what he was saying. I didn’t even know what day it was at the time lol. Yes the word delirious does come to mind, I had absolutely no clue what was going on. Things were not much better the following day but after a combination of painkillers I was at least able to comprehend what Mark was saying to me. He had received a phone call during the night telling him that his uncle Tim had died. It was a huge shock for all of us, ironic really that it always seems to work out that when Mark needs me to be strong for him I am always at my worst. Mark isn’t really as close as he probably should be with his family, but it really hit him hard. I think it had a lot to do with the fact the Tim was Mark’s Dad’s youngest brother. It made him realise that his Dad is going to be around forever. I think even after losing his mum it was hard for him to even imagine a day when he would have neither of his parents around. So it shook him up a little. The Monday was his day off anyway,but he ended up having an extra day off work to try and process everything. As much as I hate to say this, him having that day off benefitted everyone, because I was still really sick that day and spent a lot of the day sleeping. On the Wednesday (up to the 14th now aren’t we?) he went back to work, he had a twilight shift so it only left me having to look after both boys between 4 and when Lukas went to bed. I never fully appreciated quite how well behaved my boys are. They were perfectly content to snuggle in bed with me and watch dvd’s, they kept the noise and chaos to a bare minimum and I was incredibly grateful to them both for that. I have no clue how I would have coped if they had been having a bad day. Thursday I was thrown right into the deep end again, I even had to get Lukas from school. It was very lucky that the worst of it was over with, and apart from being more tired than normal, a lot weaker than normal and the chest infection really starting to take hold it didn’t work out too bad. Friday Mark was able to get Lukas from school but I had to take him out into the garden to shoot some photographs for the Horticultural Show at school the following day which takes us right up to Saturday, which was the school fete and that post is going to have to wait because both of the boys are awake now and they both want breakfast. Mark is still asleep so I am going to leave it here for now and try and get back later.
This blog contains the ramblings of one crazy mummy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If it offends you feel free not to read it. You will often find moans, whinges, lists of my digiscrapping purchases and even the occasional freebie. I accept no responsibility at all for any purchases that result from reading my blog lol.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
This could take a while
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1 comment:
So glad you joined my team!! And thank you for the links to those actions! I love my artscow books!! Those will make printing next years so much easier!
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