Credits: Layered template (Cindy's Templates Set 33, Template 4) by Cindy Schneider and Boys Club by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs). Font is DJB Becca by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: I came across this photograph of you the other day, it’s a really old one. I’ll admit if it hadn’t been filed in your folder. I might have thought it was Aidan. I don’t think I have any other photograph where you look so much lke my brother as this one. But anyway I will stop talking about that now and tell you about this photograph. You were wearing Grampy Andy’s reading glasses, I have no idea what it was you found so fascinating about them but you seemed to like wearing them a lot. Personally I am slightly inclined to believe it’s simply because you are a little clown and you knew it made us al giggle. You really suited wearing glasses, it made you look really smart and cute.
This blog contains the ramblings of one crazy mummy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If it offends you feel free not to read it. You will often find moans, whinges, lists of my digiscrapping purchases and even the occasional freebie. I accept no responsibility at all for any purchases that result from reading my blog lol.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Grampy's Glasses
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Staying Cool In The Pool
Credits: Layered template (Ballerina Princess Templatez, Template 2) by Jeanye Labaya (NeeNee's Creative Inspirations, It'z A Neet Design), Date Stamps 2 by Janet Phillips, Summer Surprises by Jane Shaver and Jewel Goodwin (Red Genius Enterprises) and P365 Basics Beaten Up White Alpha by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs). Fonts are FO Howie's Stamps Lowfat by Fontologie and DJB Sissy by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: When the summer heat was enough to make us both feel like we were melting, we did the only thing we could think of to keep cool, we got out the paddling pool. We set it up on the deck and filled it with bucket after bucket of water. Then we dug out our swimming costumes and filled the pool with toys before we climbed in. It was just big enough for both of us to sit in, Daddy was being a spolisport and didn’t want to join in, but we had a great time splashing around in the pool.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Logan Playing At The Park
Credits: Layered template (Fireside Templates, Template 2) by Britt-ish Designs, Buzzing Around by Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2day Designs) and Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and Play Talent Wordart by Kathy Winters (Wordart Fun). Font is DJB Coffeeshop Espresso by Darcy Baldwin and Shawna Clingerman.
Journalling reads: when you were little and we went to the park, you used to be content to sit in your pushchair and stare at everything going on around you. you loved to go on the swing and have me push you gently. you liked sitting on my lap on the see saw and bouncing up and down. when you got a bit bigger we got a little more adventurous, you started going down the slide on lukas’s lap. the first few times you were a little hesitant but on the 3rd or 4th attempt you decided you liked it. everything changed once you were able to crawl properly and climb like a little monkey. you wanted to chase after lukas when he ran off, you wanted to climb up the slide steps. Lukas was sweet he used to sit at the top of the steps to help you while I stood behind incase you slipped and fell off, the steps are high enough to hurt you. But now all of a sudden you have gotten more daring, you not only want to climb up the steps to the slide by yourself, but you want to slide down the slide on your own too. Your favourite method seems to be headfirst straight down the slide. You love it when Lukas is waiting at the bottom to catch you. that’s bad enough on it’s own but it gets worse. your new favourite trick is on the metal tunnel, you like to use the bars to pull yourself to your feet and lean out through the gap to look at the ground. i am pretty much always worried about you at the park now because you are a little daredevil. luckily there are still a few safe things you like to do at the park. like sitting inside the tunnel and banging and scratching on the metal surface, you like the noise it makes. you love when Lukas pops his head through one side of the tunnel or the other, it makes you scream with laughter. no-one can make you giggle as much as your lala can. i think you are thinking the same thing i am, one day he’s going to do that and get stuck!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Bump Photos
Credits: Layered template (Cindy's Templates Set 52, Template 2) by Cindy Schneider and New Beginnings by Jen C Designs. Fonts are CK Mapped Out and CK Ashleys Alpha.
Journalling reads: When I was pregnant with Logan, I was so thrilled to have a real little baby bump. I was intending to take bump photographs and scrap my pregnancy journey since we knew my body couldn't take another pregnancy. But nothing went to plan. I felt so ill all the time, that we only managed this one set of pictures.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Cake
Credits: Layered template (Expressway Map 3) by Suzanne Baird (Roadside Designs) and June Wedding (slightly recoloured) contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Janet B Designs, C.W Picket, Karen Schulz (Snickerdoodle Designs), Mandymade, Denise Tilley (Digi Designs by Denise), Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2Day Designs) and Ivonne Ivett (Craft-tastrophic Designs). Font is AdineKirnberg-Script.
Journalling reads: To look at how beautiful our cake looked, you would be forgiven for thinking it was very expensive. We actually bought our cake and cake pillars from Marks and Spencer. We went for fruit cake on the bottom tier and sponge on the other two. Our cake topper came from Ebay and we just borrowed a serving stand and knife set. In total it was less than £100 for evryything, including the ribbon around it. What you can’t see in the pictures are the extra cutting bar cakes we ordered and our other cake topper. But that one deserves a page all to itself.
Ella In The Pool
Credits: Layered template (Cindy's Templates Set 31, Template 4) by Cindy Schneider and Summer Surprises and Summer Surprises Cardstock by Jane Shaver and Jewel Goodwin (Red Genius Enterprises).
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Your 1st Baseball Bat
Credits: Layered template (Cindy's Templates Set 31, Template 3) by Cindy Schneider, Ribbon from Summer Surprises Blog Freebie by JennCK, Ribbon and Staple from Summer Surprises Blog Freebie by Linda Walton, Stitching from Pretty Cozy by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and Summer Surprises by Jane Shaver and Jewel Goodwin (Red Genius Enterprises). Fonts are Goudy Stout and DJB Writes A Lot by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Everytime Nannie Donna went on holiday, she used to take great pleasure in bringing you back some, well I will be nice and say unusual gifts. She seemed to look for the most noisy or destructive thing she could possibly find. This time that happened to be a Power Ranger Baseball bat and ball set. Not only was it a potentially lethal weapon but it made the sound of shattering glass everytime anything touched it. I can’t even guess at how many times, me and daddy came racing down to the garden thinking you had smashed the shed window or the kitchen door. You couldn’t quite get the hang of swinging it at the ball, but we had a lot of fun trying at the park. We soon moved on to mummy and daddy hitting the ball and you chasing after it, like a dog. You are such a funny little boy Lukas.
Happy 5th Birthday
Credits: Layered template (Water Getaway Template 1) by Mandymade Designs and Everyday Moments and Everyday Moments Cardstock by Jane Shaver (Little Red Scraps). Font is Ghostwriter.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Day Before
Credits: Layered template (Templatez: Volume 7, Template 4) by Jeanye Labaya (NeeNee's Creative Inspirations, It'z A Neet Design), Strong Words Brushes and Stamps by Katie Pertiet and Shine On (slightly recoloured), Jaime's Party and Jaime's Party Cardstock all by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs). Fonts are GG Leslie and Georgia.
Journalling reads: When I found these photos of you, I just thought that they were cute. I couldn’t remember taking them but there are a lot like that in the older photo folders. Then I saw the date on them and I felt a bit sick. Before I tell you why I just want to point out how happy and content you look in them. You don’t look like you have a care in the world. These photos were taken the day before Leo died. None of us could have realized how much 24 hours would change our lives completely. This was the last day that we didn’t have to grieve for him, I would say the last day that we didn’t have to miss him, but we missed him every second he was in the hospital away from us. This was the last day we could truly smile and be happy without feeling like we were betraying him by doing it. This was the last day you just got to be a carefree little kid instead of a kid with a broken heart who was missing his beautiful baby brother. I’m glad we have these photos to remind us how things used to be.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
This blogging thing
is becoming more of a once a week thing all the time. I suppose the one disadvantage there is to Project 365 is that I no longer feel the need to blog every tiny detail. I feel like they are on my P365 pages and that’s enough. Obviously that comes back top bite me sometimes, like when I get behind on my project 365 pages and find I can’t actually remember what we did that week to journal about it. Luckily for me I am not really too far behind, I have 2 layouts to do to finish off May and I think it’s 3 layouts or possibly 4, haven’t looked at the number of spaces on the templates yet to get up to date. Hopefully I will get that done today. Conor’s friend Luke stayed over last night and since they are still asleep I am using this time to get caught up on everything computer wise, when they are up we have to make a start on clearing Lukas’s room. Is it bad that I am hoping they will be typical teenagers and stay in bed for another few hours lol. Sundays are fast becoming my enabling day for my CT’s since it’s Mark’s day off work I have started making him have Logan on Sunday’s so I can get caught up. It’s kind of nice to still be here incase I am needed but to be able to get things done at the same time. I’m tired today. Yesterday while Lukas and Mark watched the England game, Me, Nan and Logan went shopping in Tesco. Quite a few hours, 2 trolleys and £177 and change and 2 taxis later the fridge is now full to bursting point, so are the cupboards and there isn’t a great deal of room in the freezer either. Ironically I still open the fridge and can’t see anything I fancy for breakfast lol. So I had a couple of chocolate biscuits because I was in need of some sugar and called it good. The kids are both awake and dressed and they are currently in the bed with Mark playing the X-Box 360. Lukas got up really early for him, and as normal couldn’t resist waking Logan up. Logan did go back to sleep after he got dressed but Lukas woke him up again. He’s not exactly thrilled to be awake so early in the day. Bless him he just wanted to be able to sleep in peace. He’s just crawled over for a quick cuddle and a bottle and is now sitting on the bed shouting at me and then grinning when I turn around and look at him lol. Anyway I have things to do and nothing else to say so I will be back later with some enabling for you. If I get chance I will add the enabling to the other layout posts too.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Photographing Your 1st Teeth
Credits: Layered template (Cindy's Templates Set 28, Template 2 and Nothing But The Tooth by Charm City Scraps. Fonts are CK Solid, CK Stensa, CK 8 Ball, CK Journaling, CK Nitelite and CK Stars.
Journalling reads: Ever since you got your 2 teeth through, I have been trying to capture a photograph of them. I have tried every trick I can think of, from trying to make you giggle, to pinning you down and using my finger to open your mouth. I have tried from every angle including holding you upside down and up over my head. But you are stubborn and obstinate. Every time I try you grab the camera, or shake your head, you put your tongue over them or just tip your head back and more often than not, you bite me. News flash baby, your definitely my little boy, where do you think you got the stubborn streak from? I persevered and today I managed to get not one but two photographs that showed both of your little fangs in all their glory. It was just a tiny little victory, but i’ll take it, even if you were having a complete meltdown in the playpen at the time!
Monday, June 07, 2010
Announcements, Enabling and Freebies
You can find this month's It's A Fad challenge right here, just post in the thread you want to take part and then you will receive a private message containing a coupon for 50% off the total price. Since I rambled on a little bit more than I was intending and Logan is now climbing all over me I am going to start a new post to share the freebie with you, just as soon as I have fed Lukas.
Eating the frog
before you start thinking I am on some illegal narcotic I will try and explain. I subscribe to a lot of newsletters and one of my favourite non scrapbooking related ones is from this lady – Marcia Francois. This post will explain it much better than I can My “frog” is blogging although it’s not a difficult task for most people it’s one of the things I don’t look forward to doing, because I think it’s hard to sit and write a blog post when you have kids wanting your attention all the time. When I sit down to right a blog post I have a train of thought (ok usually a pretty vague one but still). You all know that I struggle to remember things, I often walk downstairs or into another room and have a complete blank about why I did it. Well when I am constantly getting interrupted I get lost. I forget what I wanted/needed to write and then by the time I sit there and think of it or try and write something else, the task I thought would take maybe 15 minutes has taken an hour. So blogging is frustrating. Now if I was sensible I would write my blog once the kids have gone to sleep. But while it sounds good in theory it doesn’t really work in practice. After the kids have gone to sleep and I am wide awake I scrap, but I don’t journal. It’s a common misconception that I am not tired at night. I am always tired, but for some reason I just can’t sleep at night. I sleep much better during the day. At night when I am tired, I struggle to concentrate on anything. I make a lot more mistakes that I need to go back and fix which is more time wasted. Usually when I get up I start a layout or I work on one that’s still open from yesterday, I check email and go from one thing to the next never really getting anything achieved. So today I decided to approach my day a little differently, I got up and checked my email to see if there was anything important. I quickly checked one of the forums I like for new posts. Then I caught up on a few things that probably should have been finished before I went to bed this morning. Then I put Logan in his travel cot, Lukas is playing the X-Box and here I am about to start eating my frog and actually blog. I wonder if I can concentrate for long enough to get it done while both kids are distracted?
Wedding Album - The Kiss
Credits: Layered template (Winter Berries, Template 3) by Altered Sea and June Wedding Mega Kit contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Mandymade Designs, Karen Schulz (Snickerdoodle Designs By Karen), Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2Day Designs) and Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise). Ivonne Ivett (Craft-tastrophic Designs) and Melissa Robinson (Melly Scraps).
Wedding Album - The Wedding Party 1
Credits: Layered template (Can Ya Dig It, June 2010 Template) by C.W Picket and June Wedding Mega Kit contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise), Ivonne Ivett (Craft-tastrophic Designs) and Melissa Robinson (Melly Scraps).
Potty Training Milestone
Credits: Layered template (Cindy's Templates Set 52, Template 3) by Cindy Schneider, Delicious by Ellie Lash, Cheeky Girl by Zoe Pearn and Strawberry Fields, Strawberry Fields Cardstock Apple Blossom Time, Everyday Moments by Jane Shaver Little Red Scraps and Shiny Sticker style (used on the red heart on the tag) by me. Fonts are DJB Judy T, DJB Hunky Chunk and DJB Pato all by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: I wasn’t exactly in the habit of taking pictures of you on the toilet, while we were potty training. So I guess this must have been some kind of milestone we had reached. Otherwise why would I have bothered taking a photograph? Potty training is al a bit of a blur to me. I remember you never liked the potty and you went straight to using your special seat on the big toilet. I remember buying a lot of pull ups but I don’t remember you being difficult to train. I’ll be honest and say it’s more than likely that I just didn’t make the effort to potty train you and the pull ups were easier for me to deal with. But all of the details are sketchy. I don’t remember much about you at this age and I am truly sorry for that. I had so much on my mind after losing Gaiebraille and Leo that I was basically just going through the motions, doing what had to be done and no more. A lot of your milestones slipped through the cracks you don’t even have a real baby book and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for that. I just wanted you to know that I was proud of each and every one of the milestones you reached, even if you don’t have the photographs or scrapbook pages telling you so. The slightly ironic part about this photo is that it was taken on Gaiebraille’s 2nd anniversary. Whatever you were doing in this photo was important enough to drag me out of the grief haze I went through for the first few years, grab the camera and capture the moment, I can’t remember what the moment was anymore but I am proud of you anyway. I love you Lukas and I really hope you know that.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Wedding Album - Liz and Josh
Credits: Layered template (Stacked Paper Templates, Template 3) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise), 4x12 Paper Cutters 2 by Chrissy W (Hearts) and June Wedding Mega Kit contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2Day Designs), Mandymade Designs and C.W Picket.
Wedding Album - Lukas 3
Credits: Layered template (Stacked Paper Templates, Template 2) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise) and June Wedding Mega Kit contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Janet Bracewell (JanetB Designs), Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2Day Designs), Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise) and C.W Picket.
Wedding Album - Lukas 2
Credits: Layered template (Stacked Paper Templates, Template 1) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise) and June Wedding Mega Kit contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Mandymade Designs, Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2Day Designs), Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise) and C.W Picket.
Wedding Album - Lukas 1
Credits: Layered template (Stacked Paper Templates, Template 4) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise) and June Wedding Mega Kit contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Janet Bracewell (JanetB Designs), Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise) and C.W Picket.
Fairground Photo
Credits: Layered template (Cindy's Templates Set 52, Template 4) by Cindy Schneider, Date Dangly Doos by Connie Prince, Shine On Blog Train Freebies by ShanMomTo4 Designs (little cream button), Starry Eyed Designs (little turquoise button), Rustic Charm Creations (red button and orange ribbon) and Little Red Scraps (red ribbon), everything else from Shine On kit by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs) and 5 O'clock Somewhere Glitters by Misty O'Brien and Jane Shaver (Little Red Scraps). Fonts are DJB Mellykat by Darcy Baldwin and Sunshine In My Soul.
Journalling reads: When we found our camera on a trip to the park, we were really thrilled. It was an amazing camera, the only problem was there were no software, no cables but most importantly no instructions. On our trip to the fair I took this super cute photo of you on one of the rides, but I forgot to put an SD card in. I was so upset because I couldn’t think of any way I would be able to get any of the pictures off the camera. There were a few other times when I forgot the SD card and since the photos were nothing special I just deleted them, but this one was too cute to delete. I kept it in the vague hope that I might be able to buy a cable on Ebay. I was just fiddling around with some of the many different settings on the camera and I came acros something I had not only never found before, it was also something I never even knew existed. A sub menu that allowed me to transfer pictures between the camera memory and an SD card. To say I was thrilled would be a huge understatement. I only wish I had discovered that setting before I deleted those other photos, oh well live and learn!
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Now for that other enabling
Oops, I started writing this post out the other day and saved it as a draft. I was intending to scrap a layout and then come back and post it and then I forgot. It was only when I logged in to moderate a comment on a really old post that I saw it hadn’t been posted. So I am very very sorry. Luckily for me (and you I suppose) Jane’s kit is still on sale and has a free gift with purchase. But I am going to start with Jewel’s kit Shine On because I don’t have any layouts scrapped for that one. I really like this kit it just says boys to me, with all the stars and bright colours. This kit was previously 2 separate mini kits, one was available as part of the March 2010 Blog Train and the other was a freebie available exclusively at Digi Scraps Drive In. Now that both kits have been combined for sale Jewel has also added an alpha. If you already have both mini kits you can purchase the alpha separately in the store here.
Jane’s kit Sharp Dressed was designed with prom’s in mind, it’s very elegant and pretty. We don’t really have school prom’s here so I had to get a little bit creative with this one, but I found it worked great for my wedding photos and a photos from my brother in laws wedding. I’m guessing it would work well for anything that required you to get dressed up and go out. You can see the two layouts I made using it here and here. Right now the kit is 25% off and it comes free with some beautiful prom wordart (but you can buy that separately here if you only want the wordart. Jane also has a free striped paper addon available on her blog. I am also going to link you up Jane’s Basic Alpha Bundle (that’s on sale too) because all of them would work perfectly with this kit, especially the Stunningly Silver one.