I've just finished this one, and it really made me think how many important events I need to scrap about still. I am very greatful for my little blog when it comes to trying to journal about things and I am especially greatful when it comes to the rescue and saves my butt because Mark never bothered to change the date on the camera and it reads some random date like 1st January 2003 (um no those were taken in 2006 when Lukas started school) I like to date my photos, because it helps me remember why I am scrapping them it's kind of oh yeah September/October 2006 that would be Lukas's first year at school kind of thing. (Actually as you can see he never actually went to school until November because he started after the half term and he was ill for the first week back but that's a whole other layout lol). But I think I have rambled enough let's get on with the showing bit. My photography has improved a whole lot since these photos were taken but the top photo in particular was taken with the old camera and let's just simply say I didn't have as much of a handle on either the functionality of the camera or my own person bribery tactics as a parent. I have learnt a lot and by the time I took the second one it was almost close to be not blurry, what can I say the rapid shot function on my new camera is my very best friend lol and you can't go wrong with a combination of chocolate, trades and threatning every punishment you can think of if they don't sit still lol. I personally think that those peace organisations should try bargaining with a 5 year old before they moan that they have difficult jobs, all they are aiming for is world peace bet that's a lot easier than a little kid sitting still for long enough to take a 1st day of school or last day of school picture lol.

Credits: Layered template by Chrissy W (Just The Two Of Us Template 3), 1st Day Jitters by Kate Hadfield and Ashley Olson and Just Another Memory by Jessica Bolton. Font is Cheryl.
Since I am unsure if you can read it journalling reads: When you started school you were so excited. You couldn't wait to ready for another school day.That novelty wore off after a few days, you moaned about getting up in the morning, and made every little thing take so long to complete. It didn't take long for you to assert your own independace and refuse to wear a white top to school, you would only wear blue ones. I saw a lot of changes in you in your first year of school. Some were not so good and some were great but when it comes to school photographs, you are still a fidget who can't or won't stand still. It's nice to see some things never change!
Enabling: Just The Two Of Us Layered Templates available here, 1st Day Jitters by Ashley Olson and Kate Hadfield is no longer available and Just Another Memory by Jessica Bolton is no longer available either (actually I think that one just might have been a newsletter freebie but not sure.
Right I am off to try and get some sleep, yeah I know I will more than likely be back because I can't but a girl's gotta try, especially since this particular girl fully intends on avoiding her mummy duties for much more fun scrapping orientated ones until the dh leaves for work at 4pm tomorrow, although I will happily settle for the much more probable hour or two at maximum I will get before they wake up before I spend every available minutes seperating them, shouting at them and nagging at least one of them to pick up something from the floor. Oh the joys of living with a pig and 5 year old lol.
1 comment:
Hey Hey lady!!! Link us up! We're your new home so where are we on your blog links!?!? :D heehee!
Love your blog and the colors!
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