The last few days I have just not been able to get motivated to scrap. I have spent a lot of time opening various templates or kits and then closing them again because I just couldn't be bothered to actually use them, I have done quite a bit of organising in ACDSee though and last night I spent the evening trying to make some space on my main scrap drive. I am even worse at downloading things more than once than I thought lol. I know that my scrapping is kind of crazy because some are rectangle, some are square, some are loud colours, some are pastels. But I honestly can't wrap my head around the concept of a coordinating album it just seems so dull to have everything looking like it's supposed to go together, and I can't work in any sort of order. Sometimes I want to scrap something pink and girly (yes I did say pink!!) because I like to indulge myself with glitter and flowers and sparkly things. Sometimes I like to scrap something that means something like documenting an event or an emotion but mostly I just like to create something. I don't care what the process of scrapping pictures is therapeutic for me, on the days where I don't scrap I am a lot more depressed and moody. I have noticed a lot of people lately promoting the notion of actually printing out your layouts and to me that just doesn't appeal I like making them when they are done, I usually decide that in my opinion they aren't good enough to be printed. But the other day I got a reality check from Lukas he saw me making the shutterbug layout and repeated his usual request of a desire to have a copy printed out (or as he says scanned out since he can never keep scanning and printing straight in his head). I said I would just to get a few minutes peace. I thought I would be able to get away with printing it and putting it in his baby album that he spends a lot of his time looking through, honestly next to the word vain in the dictionary their should be a picture of my little guy he loves to look at photos, especially ones of him. But I am getting away from the point, the picture was the wrong size and rather than resize, reprint etc I decided that the easier option was to use one of the 6x4 leather photo albums I picked up cheap with the intention of printing my wedding photos out for the grandparents. Then I noticed that they had 36 spaces and knew this was not going to end well, he was not going to be content with just one layout of him when he could have a whole book full lol. So I started going through some of the older layouts and found that actually I had quite a few 6x4 layouts. I had made some when I guested on
FreestyleMama's CT and some when I had guested for
Jennifer Schmitt, there were some that I had done using
Royanna's kit just because a smaller layout had seemed to work better at the time. But as I went through them finding fault's and dismissing them for this or for that, I found a few that I thought weren't too bad. Realising that I had now left myself with the job of making another 30 layouts for this book was a really depressing thought. Then Lukas wondered in and asked for this layout or that layout, now he's my boy without a doubt because once he makes his mind up about something there's no chance of changing it. He wanted these layouts and my problems with them were just not valid as far as he was concerned. After we argued over it for a while he said something to me that I will never forget for as long as I live. He said "I like all the layouts you make, because you make them and I love you". That was when it clicked that it doesn't matter what I scrap, it doesn't matter why I scrap it only matters that I do. If sitting here and creating something levels out my mood so I am a better person and a better mummy because I am less miserable or stressed that's a bonus but it's about the process of making the layouts rather than the end result. I need to remember that next time I look at the layout I have spent hours on and wonder why no-one else gives a damn, or I wonder why I spent hours working on something only to get a grunt or a that's nice comment from Mark. It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks about the layouts I create and that includes me, I am doing them for Lukas and he will love them no matter what. Wow that ended up a lot longer than I was intending, oh well here's the layout that I made this morning using some of Lukas's photos he took with the camera.
I have to do another page to go with it containing all of the journalling.

Credits: Layered template by Chrissy W (Sample Pack 1 Template 2), Haiven's World and Label Brushes 01 by Royanna Lea Fritschmann and Sponged Canvas Atomic Cupcake Action. Font is 2Peas Blueberry Pie.
Enabling: Sample Pack 1 Templates by Chrissy W available
here, Haiven's World and Label Brushes by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available
here and
If you haven't heard
Atomic Cupcake is changing their pricing from next month all actions, kits and templates will be available separately instead of as part of the club packages. I have had membership to both the Atomic Club (actions and templates) and the Cupcake Club (kits) from not long after I started scrapping until now, I liked the club pricing but a lot of people were always asking about actions being available separately because they didn't want to purchase a membership just for the few items they didn't have. Doesn't matter which way you run it you can't please everyone. I won't be purchasing the actions separately though because I just don't use them enough to justify the individual cost per action.
1 comment:
Crystal, it would be great if when you finish your album, you take a photo of it and post it here. I'm thrilled you're doing an album... and I know Lukas is gonna love it! Well done!
(PS, if you want me to stop reading and commenting on your blog, feel free to drop me an email. I'll respect your wishes.)
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