I am scrapping a lot today so I don't smash anything. We received 2 letters this morning the first one was a letter from our store card, because we got married and Mark took my name we had to inform them so that the replacement card (it expired a little while ago) would have the right name on it, today they informed us that they wont be issuing another card, when asked why they replied that they had re-checked Marks credit and he was too much of a risk. If we had lost the card, not gotten married or anything like that they wouldn't have bothered. I wouldn't mind but we have nearly £100 available on it, have never ever missed a payment and basically they are just gits! Im sulking because Mark was going to use it to purchase my new office chair because this one makes everything hurt worse and the two printer cartridges we need this month. So now we need to find that £50ish in cash, and we just don't have it this month, so that means I am either going to have to pay to get the Father's day gift printed or find the cash and have to make do with this chair. That was midly irritating what got me completely furious this morning was the other letter we got, it was a letter from the local council informing me that this stupid man had carried out an assessment of Lukas with the school social worker (just dont ask it's on here somewhere I will look for the link later). In a nutshell the report says that Lukas can't do anything, what I would really like to know is how the hell can you trust the educational judgement of someone who can't even spell the kid they are reviewings name?
Since Lukas is on half term now I have over a week to stew over the contents of the letter, hopefully with some shopping, scrapping and blog writing I will be able to restrain myself when I see the teacher, because right now I could happily thump her!
I just finished off this layout

Aw, the layout of Zoey is great!
Sorry to hear about the blunders that are currently happening in your life. It will get better, I'm sure..just remain positive and YES scrap more! LOL Lovely LO, btw...she is precious!
man....that stinkssss! Scrapping is great therapy though, isn't it. I do it when stressed too,lol! great page!
This is one of my many favorites of your Zoey gifts! It will get better and I am glad that Zoey is helping with the therapy!
Wonderful LO of little Zoey! I hope things have turned around for you...sorry about all of the stress you seem to be under.
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