Credits: French Provisions by Royanna Lea Fritschmann and layered template by Tracy Blankenship. Traci Murphy Dropshadows - Chipboard Dark, Paper Dark, Doodle Dark, Photo Dark, Metals Dark and Thin Fiber Dark. Font is JPaige_Crystal by Jeanelle Paige. Journalling reads: Lately it feels like nothing I do is right, I always seem to be upsetting someone. I feel like I am on everyone’s side and no-one’s on mine. It’s gettingto the point where I have had enough of all the petty fights and everyone wanting me to fix them everything when I cant.
If you are wondering why I am awake at 5:44am its because I haven't been to bed because Lukas has the "Ugly Bug Ball" thing at 9:15am in the morning and with how bad mornings have been lately for me it's easier to stay up and sleep afterwards. Want to see his mask?

Mark did most of it, Lukas helped, I supervised lol. The green bit is what attatches it to his head. I think I will go and make Lukas's lunch be back later.
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