Friday, March 16, 2012

No Hands

No Hands by Lukasmummy
No Hands, a photo by Lukasmummy on Flickr.

Credits: Layered template (March 2012 Template Challenge) by Moon Designs, The Only Date Stamps You'll Ever Need by Amber LaBau (Stolen Moments) and Butterflies and Blossoms Solids, Butterflies and Blossoms Elements, Butterflies and Blossoms Gingham and Butterflies and Blossoms Patterns all by Jen C Designs. Font is Euphemia.
Journalling reads: You never quite know what to expect in this house, things can change completely from one minute to the next. Take these photos for example, Logan was sitting on the bed with me, and he had Leia on his lap. He was looking at her like she was the most interesting thing in the world, she was just gazing back at him and it was one of the cutest and most precious moments that I had seen between them both, so I reached over and grabbed the camera. When he saw what I was doing, he turned her around to “look for the picture” which seemed innocent and fairly sweet. Then he grinned that special Logan grin, the one that always makes me feel slightly sick, because I know it means he has thought of doing something that will almost certainly be very naughty or just plain cheeky. Then he just looked me straight in the eye as he let her go, laughed and said “look mummy, no hands”.

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