I'm really getting into doing the challenges at Sweet Shoppe Designs, it feels good to scrap something that isn't a CT assignment. Please don't misunderstand me when I say this, I love my CT's I really do and I am still really sad that I had to resign from Royanna's team but sometimes I feel like I try really hard to make layouts using their products, I work on them for hours and then when they are done they don't look as good as I thought they would and I am disappointed. When I scrap with things that aren't CT assignments, I seem to like the end result more, and usually they come together a lot easier. Like my ADSR layouts, I think some of those are my favourite of all of the 100s of layouts I have done. This layout I am going to show you was made for the Spin-A-Lift challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs, this one is a scraplift with a difference, they pick a scrapper and you can choose any layout from their gallery to scraplift, but you have to spin it. For this round the scrapper chosen was Jennilyn she has some very very cool layouts, and I was a little spoilt for choice. But I kind of feel in love with this one and already having the template she used just made it even better. I used one of the kits I picked up on Saturday, how shocking is that I not only used something I bought but it's less than a week old lol. Now here's my confession I haven't really been in a scrapping sort of mood lately, I started this layout on Sunday, it's not complicated and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it, but I have been spending a few minutes here, a few minutes there and just not really been motivated to finish it. I feel like I am letting my CT's down lately because I am not scrapping very much and what I am doing seems to be stuff like this, challenges etc. Usually making a layout using stuff laying around on my harddrive inspires me to create other layouts, 1 challenge layout usually translates into 2/3 CT layouts. Hopefully I will find my CT scrapping inspiration again soon, I hate to let them down. I think a lot of my lack of motivation has to do with my shoulder playing up it hurts to type so I have been staying away from the computer a bit more than I usually do, I've also been taking painkillers to help and for some bizarre reason they seem to be making me really sleepy at the moment normally painkillers don't do hardly anything on me, but I have found that a combination of asprin and ibruprofen takes the edge off my shoulder, enough to make it tolerable. The heat also doesn't help it's really been too hot to do anything, today is cooler but it's still too warm. It's way too bright though even with my curtains closed, i'll be glad when the sun finally does go down tonight, maybe then I will get something done lol. Right now I am off to give Lukas a bath and get him undressed for bed, I might be back if I get chance but for now I will leave you with my spin-a-lift (flipped horizontally) of Jennilyn's Breaking The Habit found here.
Journalling reads: I have never been a smoker, growing up with my chain smoking mum and dad was enough to make me never want to start, but when I met you I knew you did. I hated that you did with a passion and frequently told you so at least once everytime we went out together. But we were just friends back then so as much as I wanted to I didn't have the right to tell you how to live your life (still don't but that doesn't ever stop me does it). you changed from cigarettes to tobacco and papers, to slow down your smoking. Then eventually my nagging got to you and you decided to try and quit. I was supportive (well I think so) and I believed you when you said you had stopped. Of course when I found out you had been lying to me I didn't take it well. We argued about it a lot and I even threw you out of the house. You went back to your parents and carried on smoking yourself into an early grave. I hated that you would do anything that meant I might lose you sooner than I had to, but I hated it more that you were not only choosing to do this to yourself but you were doing it to us (me and Lukas), and we didn't choose it! Right now we are trying the quitting route again and I'm hoping for the best, I really want nothing more than to believe you when you say you haven't slipped up but it's hard to trust you. I'm trying to believe in you though, and keeping my fingers crossed that you will succeed and finally be smoke free!
Enabling: Ablaze by Eva Kipler available here, Stamped Script Alpha Brushes,School Time Alpha and Sleigh Bells Ring Alpha all by Traci Reed available here, here and here. DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here. 3 Up Frames by Nancy Comelab are part of this giveaway on her blog they were previously found in the Party In A Box at Designs by Dani. Layered template was for Cookie Decorating 101 number 31 all the details including the download link can be found here.
1 comment:
congrats!!!! that's so fun!!! and that page is fantastic!
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