Challenge: For this first challenge I want us all to get a chance to know each other. However, we are going to do something different than the traditional "All About Me" layout. So here are the instructions for your challenge.
1. Use this sketch/template when creating your layout. Provided in square and rectangle sizes.
2. Use your favorite color on the layout. Try to make at least half of your layout in your favorite color so we can all see what it is.
3. Share with us a picture of your favorite person or animal to scrap about on your layout. I want to know who or what is closest to your heart.
4. Go through your collection of digital elements and pick out one of your favorites. Then use at least three times on your layout. You can use different colors of the same thing, but I want to see three of the same element. For example, if your favorite element is a specific satin ribbon, then use that ribbon three times on your layout. You could use it three times looking exactly the same way or you could alter the color of ribbon to three different colors.
Deadline: Sunday March 2nd Midnight EST.
Prize: $10 Gift Card to the store.
My Take: I chose to use the square version of the template because I couldn't be bothered to resize everything lol. My favourite colours are red and purple but I didn't have any photos that would go with purple. Closest to my heart well that was a bit of a given really wasn't it lol. Everyone knows how much I adore my little guy, I thought it would be fun to play on my love for him and his love for the little red tractor. The last part was the most difficult for me because I don't really have a favourite element, but I do have a fondness for brushes so I went for three of the funky little metal gears and three of the little metal screws included in the kit I chose to use and I used the tire brush three times so hopefully that should cover all the requirements.
Journalling reads: I wish I could understand why you love this little red tractor so very very much, since you got it for your birthday, I have hardly ever seen you off it. You sit on it to watch television, you ride it all around the house and outside, If you don’t want to ride it, you have it tipped upside down, spinning the wheels and examining every little bit to see how it works. You lift up the seat and fill the void with toys. It makes me giggle to see you pushing them around in it, using the tractor like a little pushchair. You have such a great little imagination Lukas.Who would have thought it was possible to get so much pleasure from a little red tractor. I guess we should be very greatful that Nannie Donna telelphoned and asked if she should pick you one up when she saw them reduced to three pounds in Sainsbury’s. I think that little tractor was worth every penny, because seeing you so content isworth more to me than any money in the world. In fact it’s priceless.
Enabling: Extreme Sk8tr and My Boyz All That Brushes by Royanna Lea Fritschmann available here and here. Fonts were all purchased, I believe Jeanelle's store is now closed, but Darcy's fonts are available in her store at the Digi Chick. You can see the details for the template above.
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