I obviously had more to get off my chest than I thought! I think the inner demons took over for a minute and typed all that frustration because all I really came here for was to share my latest layouts roflmao. Incase you are wondering my vodka and lime squash isn't bad. Could have done with a bit more squash lol. See all I need to feel better is a vodka and a blog. Incase any of you are wondering, no I am not an alcoholic, I don't have a problem with drink and I don't turn to it when I am depressed. I happen to be one of those lucky (being sarcastic here) people that conventional painkillers don't work on. But vodka does, one glass of vodka and the pain is a lot more bearable, to get to the point where im not really noticing the pain anymore that's between 3-5 to get to the point of being drunk i'll let you know if it ever happens lol. I can drink a lot and not be remotely drunk, they said I was drunk at my wedding, I wasn't I was very very tipsy from the champagne, I had no food and no sleep and I ended up sleeping at my reception lol classy bird really aren't I rofl. I have only ever been sick once from alcohol, it was when Leo was in hospital, I had been to help someone out (waitressing at a black tie dinner) and was feeling low and miserable and like a really bad mum, I had a few drinks with the bar staff and when I came home I couldn't sleep, I underestimated the amount of vodka that was in the bottle, and decided that since there was only a little bit I could dilute it with a can of drink it would have worked fine if not for two factors, one there was more than I thought in there and two it was the wrong bottle of vodka, it was Mark's expensive stuff. Me I have cheap taste I like the value stuff, the more expensive stuff is just too strong (did I mention I judge my shots by eye?) and I threw up absolutely everywhere and do you want to know what Mark did? He woke his mum up to clean it, I was more embarassed the next morning than I have ever felt in my life. I didn't have a hangover, I had a guilt overload lol. That brings me to a whole new subject binge drinking. The goverment here are trying to crack down on binge drinking, my argument on the matter is would you rather a: have people go out every night, drink the legal limit - 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (80mg/100ml)and probably end up drunk.
b: have people drink the recommended daily allowance of alcohol every day (pasted from an article on ivillage) Current alcohol recommendations in the UK are up to 4 units a day for men and up to 3 units per day for women, regardless of body weight. One unit contains 8g or 10ml of alcohol and is equivalent to: 1/2 pint ordinary beer, lager or cider, 1 single measure of spirits
1 small glass of wine,1 measure of fortified wine, e.g. port or whisky or c: have people like me who go out once in a blue moon and have way above whats recommended? Just to tally it up if I was to drink the RDA of alcohol my chosen drink being vodka that would be 1 shot a day every day for a year thats 365/366 shots a year, I certainly dont drink that on one night out!
1 small glass of wine,1 measure of fortified wine, e.g. port or whisky or c: have people like me who go out once in a blue moon and have way above whats recommended? Just to tally it up if I was to drink the RDA of alcohol my chosen drink being vodka that would be 1 shot a day every day for a year thats 365/366 shots a year, I certainly dont drink that on one night out!
Anyway enough about that now onto the layouts.

And now ladies, gentlemen and anyone else who chooses to read my ramblings, I bid you goodnight, maybe, I have to at least try and sleep lol
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