You might remember I made Nan a calendar as a Christmas Gift, when Lisa saw it she asked if I would make her one too. I finally made an effort to do it this evening (since its february and all lol) all I can say is she better like it lol. I missed watching Bonkers because I was doing that and so far it's been printing for nearly and hour and its on April! I still have wedding album pages to do but they were stressing me out so I took a little break from them for this evening. I think the bit that upsets me though is people assume these gifts are quick and easy to make, they really aren't they take a lot of time and effort and they aren't exactly cheap either. When they are appreciated that's the best thing in the world and I am happy to them. Like for Nan I would make her anything because she really appreciates it. Marks mum on the other hand tends to throw my gifts into the back of the cupboard and forget about them which makes me furious. I really object to giving her gifts at all, when I make stuff she pulls that face, you know the disapproving is that all kind of look and when I buy her stuff she takes it to the boot sale. Since we are talking about gifts, I will share something else I made tonight - Mark's cup. I bought those travel mugs with the customisable inserts a la starbucks from Tchibo an absolute steal at £6 each. Mark has been bugging me since we got them to please do his mug. He has used it constantly since we got them. So here is the insert, I can't be bothered to fix the pictures of the mug, the glare is really bad on them. I will take some decent ones tomorrow, never trust a man to take pictures.
Credits: Artistry Papers by Krista Mettler, Cowgirl alpha by Tandika Star and September Sapphire Birthstone Hearts Silver Melany Violette.

On a completely different subject we have snow! Our garden has a good few inches of coverage and we had a great time getting all wrapped up and going for a play outside, poor Lukas could hardly move with all the clothes he had on lol. We sort of built a snowman and then had a lot of fun kicking him over lol. The only sad thing we dont have any pictures because the camera batteries died and when we went to go look for some more, it started to rain. But I might so a few pages with a lot of journalling to remember the occasion. I have 2 days of 40 days layouts to catch up on yesterdays and todays. I was going to do it last night after my bath but I had an accident and slipped and landed my whole weight (and thats some substantial amount lol) on my left arm have a very gruesome looking bruise and cant really move my arm properly. It's not the first time I have hurt my self and I am sure it won't be the last. Fantastic the ink has just run out on my printer. May-December will have to wait to be printed until tomorrow when I buy two new cartridges. Nothing is ever just simple is it!
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