Hopefully you can read the journalling if you can't leave me a comment and I will add it for you. Credits: Sunshine by Miriam Lima, Layered Template by Liz Newberry and Happiness quote by Michelle Ramsey. Fonts:TullysHand and Pea Donna.
What other news do I have to share with you today? I haven't scrapped anything else well I have but photoshop munched it. So need to redo it tomorrow. I have made a small decision today, I think I am going to restart doing blog prompts on here, it gave me something to ramble about. Some of them would make amazing Book Of Me pages as well.
January seems to have flown by and with all the wedding and feeling so rubbish all the time I don't seem to have achieved much. I have scrapped a bit, but I don't think I am anywhere near my goal of one layout a day.
I suppose instead of sitting here thinking of ways to ramble I could put the washing away, or clear the desk, pick up the rubbish or go to sleep. There's lots of things I should be doing but I just can't be bothered.
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