This blog contains the ramblings of one crazy mummy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If it offends you feel free not to read it. You will often find moans, whinges, lists of my digiscrapping purchases and even the occasional freebie. I accept no responsibility at all for any purchases that result from reading my blog lol.
Monday, December 31, 2007
So I could start with an apology
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I know that I am batty
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Just got back from Lukas's school play
Lets start with the line that made me giggle, although to my credit I did manage not to laugh out loud.
Little kid: "Sparkle was the brightest star in all the sky"
Lukas "No it isn't my Leo is"
Yep entirely my fault that one when I explained about Leo going to heaven I told him that Leo was a star in the sky. Having no clue which star was which or how I could point out just one that he would always be able to see, I told him Leo is always the star which looks the brightest to you, he's watching from up above and he shines brightest for you because he wants you to know that he is there.
He followed this up with a tiny row with the teacher sat next to him because she confiscated his star he was wearing. He kept taking it off because he wanted to chew the string on it and she didn't want him to do that so she took the star away and he wanted it back.
The funniest part for me was when he saw me afterwards trying to get at least one photo that wasn't pants and he told the little girl stood right in fron of him "will you move, my mum's trying to take pictures" lol. That's my boy alright. He was a lot better this year than last year he joined in some of the songs (not that I even knew he was going to be singing, I never know anything he's done at school. It's my job to be a proud mummy even if I am only proud that he didn't cause a major scene, that he never tried to get up and wonder off or that he didn't cry to come home when he saw me. You've come a long way baby, and I am one very proud mummy. It's just a shame that the pictures aren't any good. I can't see a way to make them salvageable. Oh well there's always next year lol.
This just doesn't seem to be our Christmas does it
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Been a really crappy day!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Stupid Stupid Stupid
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Do you ever get that
Friday, December 07, 2007
Giving the gift that keeps on giving - Chickens
The card reads:I've given you some chickens for Christmas, but you don't have to look after them! They've been given to Nakanyonyi Primary School, near Jinja in Uganda. The Chickens' eggs will feed orphans and some will be sold to buy pencils and exercise books for the school. So............ your present is bringing happiness to lots of children in Uganda and, I hope, to you too! Happy Christmas. Your voucher is on the back of the card.
The voucher says: £1.00 voucher, the money raised from the sale of this voucher will be used solely for the purpose of purchasing chickens for Nakanyonyi Primary School.
They had three different "vouchers" for sale £1.00 bought 5 chickens, £10.00 bought 100 chickens and I think the other one was £25 bought 1000 chickens but I could be slightly wrong on the last one. We bought 5 chickens and no I don't intend to gift them to someone, I just felt like doing some charitable and cute Lukas's school got £1, the other school got 5 chickens and me well I got the satisfaction of knowing we had done something nice for someone else and something new to scrap about lol.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Sometimes it's about taking one for the team
Monday, December 03, 2007
Confused and miserable
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Hi ho hi ho it's off to shop we go
Friday, November 30, 2007
Maybe there's a chance to put that Merry back into Christmas
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
We played this at his funeral
Today's post is a letter to my little angel
It's three years ago tomorrow, well technically today since it's 2:39am that you went away and do you know what it still hurts me more than I can bear. Lukas is staying home from school so we can do something to remember you by, something more productive than sitting at home crying. I could cry from now until eternity but it won't change anything will it. Those tears will only make my heart raw from pain, my chest heave with sobs and my mind ache from the outpouring of emotion that if I start I will never be able to stop. Tomorrow we are going somewhere that is outside of these 4 walls, and believe me when I say we will be trying all day not to think of you. Does that sound cruel? I didn't mean it to, you are always in our hearts and on our minds not a day goes by where our deepest wish is not to have you here, but tomorrow is just one of those days that hurts that bit more. Just like your birthday does, and christmas does but tomorrow hurts most because tomorrow is not a day that would have been if you were here like the others we don't wonder what would you be doing now if you hadn't died like we do on the others because tomorrow is the one day that makes all the others unbearable, if tomorrow hadn't happened everything else would have. Everything except the tears, the hurt, the unimaginable soul destroying sorrow they wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for tomorrow. I hate that tomorrow the pictures I see of you in my mind aren't the ones that I scrap, they aren't the ones we display for everyone to be reminded that you must never be forgotten, they are the images of your swollen body a reaction to the drugs they pumped into you in a pointless effort to make you better. The images of you poor red face, raw from the tape you were allergic to. The images of my beautiful baby boy who had changed into something I didn't recognise something that had tubes and wires everywhere. I would happily sacrifice anything to be able to remove those images from my mind to only see your soft brown fluffy hair and your gorgeous eyes open and looking at me, to see your beautiful delicate skin and your tiny little hands unmarked, to see you as my Leo. Lukas misses you so much, he cries all the time for you and it breaks my heart over and over again to see how much he is hurting. I hate tomorrow, because it makes me resent you, it makes me almost hate you for hurting us all so much. I feel so helpless tomorrow because I know that it's going to come next year, and the year after and it's never going to go away. Every year it will bring back all the bad feelings, the hurt and it's so hard to bear. I hope you understand why it hurts so much, why I hate it so much. I'll be ok afterwards it's easier to cope, it hurts just as much but it's not so overwhelming. I love you so much Leo and I hate that tomorrow makes my love for you hide beneath all the horrible emotions, I hate that tomorrow is the only day of the year I love you less because I can't remember how to just love you tomorrow. I only know how to hate what tomorrow is and hate what it does to me, I only know how to hurt tomorrow, and there's not a thing in the world that can kill that pain. I'm going to bed now little guy, I have a hard day tomorrow and let's face it I am not exactly the strongest person on a normal day, I need everything I am and then some for tomorrow. I love you with all my heart and soul little guy even if it doesn't sound like that right now. Please forgive me for anything I say in anger or pain tomorrow after all I am nothing but a mummy who is in pain xxx
Monday, November 26, 2007
The advent calendar for Artist's lol
Sunday, November 25, 2007
What happened to Sympathy?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Did you miss me?
I finally caved and bought Traci Reed's Lightroom Presets, at a very cool 40% now I am wondering how I managed without them lol.
Pop Starrs Lightroom Preset Bundle
Dream Team Lightroom Presets Bundle
I picked up some new Tracy Blankenship templates at ScrapDish
Templates with Attitude 6x6 xmas albums sets 1 and 2
I went to ScrapArtist and picked up some Two Sisters Designs Stuff
La vie en paint Collection
Blessed: The Kit
FALLing into Art: The Kit
Beauty Marks Vol. 4
Beauty Marks Vol. 5
Beauty Marks Vol. 6
Beauty Marks Vol. 7
Beauty Marks Vol. 8
Sponge Strokes
Addy's Party Flowers
Journal Me Plenty
Live Free
W is for Watercolor: Bits and Pieces
Stitched Grids
Our Closet: The Basics-Collection 1
I already had the first 3 Beauty Marks Sets so I just got the missing ones, even though the complete collection is an absolute steal! They are retiring some items at 50% off this weekend is a 30% off sale at ScrapArtist so you get 50% off and then a further 30% off but all the retiring products will be gone on Monday!
I went to OScraps and picked up some Sue Cumming's wordart, and got a free gift for spending over $5.00
These two are part of Scrap Apple Subscription I have so they were free lol
"Scrap" Apple Inspirations *Special Edition {Christmas}
"Scrap" Apple Inspirations {Week 13}
From My Chalkboard {Christmas ABC's}
From My Sketchbook {Father}
From My Notebook - Mothers Day {Mum}
From My Notebook - Mothers Day
Special Offer {November 2007}
I also got a template and Grab Bag by Melanie Colosimo, the grab bag was free with any purchase.
Drip Drop - 2 Page Template
Black Friday Grab Bag
Next up Christina Renee Designs newest goodies, If you remember I won a coupon good for 100% off anything in her store that lasted for 3 months and is still valid so these were free as well lol
Ultimate Art Collection
Spunky Flower Garden
and I finished up with a few items from the Lily Pad
Some Layered templates by Lauren Barden
Scrap Pad - Big and Bold
and some new Kate Hadfield goodies
Jacque and Kate's Make Your Own Snowman
Jacque and Kate's Make Your Own Christmas Tree
Doodled Black Alpha
Doodled Paper Folds.
The only thing I wanted that I didn't pick up was a few items at Scrapbook Graphics because of some issues with processing my card Mark's going to buy them for me on Monday lol.
Right now that I have hopefully given you some ideas how to spend your cash lol, I have to run I have loads to do today and it's already 5pm!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's turning out to be one of those weeks
Monday - Wasn't too bad, Mark moved all the furniture in our room and we bought the new Harry Potter film which is rubbish compared to the book!
Tuesday - Mark had to work, I was really ill and woke up to Nan bitching at me, the day didn't get any better and after having to stand in the rain waiting to pick up Conor because Lisa couldn't be bothered to get Ella out of the car, the day ended with a blazing row with Nan. If that wasn't bad enough Lukas threw up everywhere as well.
Wednesday - Lukas stayed off school because he is full of cold and feeling poorly, Nan is refusing to even speak to me because she's sulking over the row. She's of the opinion that everything I said is lies and I think she's a nagging old bat who is full of crap!
Which brings us to today, Lukas got scared by the bloody cat coming into our garden and screeching again (I think it was trying to get my hedgehog out from under the shed again!) and ended up sleeping across the bottom of my bed, so I am tired and stiff today from trying not to hurt him in the night, I am still feeling more sick than normal, Lukas is still off school, Nan is still being hostile but at least she's answering me today and Mark well he's at work until 7pm still not listening to me, or doing anything I ask. I am just about to try and make a dent in my huge to do list if I can drown out the noise of Cartoon Network talking to itself in the background, Lukas coughing and whinging and ignore the burning desire to go back to bed!
Monday, November 12, 2007
In the words of kermit - It's not easy being green
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Just call me the tooth fairy
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Why am I the only one whose cold?
Do you want to hazard a guess why, yep that's right I am sick again. I was up nearly all night with my stomach hurting again and when I finally got up (about an hour ago) I feel like crap. It's been raining so I am hurting everywhere had to resort to bandaging my right hand up so I can use it because it's so stiff and swollen. The left one is only slightly better but I have lost the other bandage so I am managing with it. I have a slight cough, my eyes are sore and I could quite happily go back to my bed and go back to sleep.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Want to know how I spent my day?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
*Sigh* just another day in the madhouse.
I would give anything to be able to go to sleep one night, get up the next morning and go for a whole day with no raised voices, accusations or ranting from anyone. I would rather have that than anything else I can think of, even being free from pain. I am so depressed with everything at the moment I just feel like sitting down and crying for hours on end because I am so fed up!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Just shut up for a while!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Pillowbox pictures and loose teeth

If you want them you can grab them here.
Now I have something else to talk about, my little guy had an accident at school, I don't know exactly what happened he has a bruise on his cheek and one of his teeth is so wobbly I am worried he will swallow it. I'm sad that he's going to lose his first tooth already, I will just have to keep a really close eye on it. *sigh* it's just never ending he's always getting hurt at school I know there's nothing I can do about it but that's never going to stop me wishing that there was. I hate seeing him hurt it makes me feel so helpless.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween
But since it was a craft project we hit the inevitable problems we always encounter and I know you are just dying to know what they were lol.
1. The main printer had still not been filled and had no red ink.
2. Mark overfilled the cartridge
3. After cleaning up the mess and placing cartride back in printer no red ink is coming out
4. Resorting to backup annoying printer means longer waits for paper to print.
5. It made the wait longer by running out of blue ink completely.
6. Refill the blue ink cartridge and then mess around trying to make it print as straight as possible since it always prints off centre but with many adjustments the difference is hardly noticeable if you are trimming off excess paper, completely useless if you are going for a full page though which luckily we weren't lol.
7. Find 3 staplers, only staples for 2 of them
8. One of staplers decides to mangle all staples put into it leaving on;y the stiffest one we own.
9. Lose glue stick and luckily manage to borrow one from Nan
10. Try to assemble boxes at 2am when we are both tired and Mark hasn't quite scored them in the right place.
It was lots of fun lol. I made little cards as well they were supposed to fit in the boxes but were slightly too big but after much printing,cutting, gluing, stapling,assembling and stuffing we had a very cute completed project ready for school and here's the important part - THEY WERE ON TIME lol. Lukas took them to school and apparently the kids were thrilled and so were his teachers (they got the same thing different filling). Mark said all the kids were coming out of school this afternoon talking about them, I say that's job well done I love making people happy. Lukas's Buzz Lightyear suit came this evening, he loves it. He said he didn't want to go trick or treating but then changed his mind when Mark went out to the shop, so I took him on my own just around our street. He didn't even do the full street before he decided he was fed up and wanted to go home. He's not really into sweets and chocolate so he was more than content with the little bag he got. Everyone told him to take what he wanted and everytime despite them urging him to take more he only took one. It was very sweet. He loved seeing the kids coming to the door. Nan had a great time handing out sweets and talking to all the little kids, she exhuatsed her sweet supply and used up some of mine. I spent the evening making another 10 pillowboxes for friends and family, there was no way I could have done them last night and they will just think they have been here waiting for them. I'm a little sad that my guest spots with DeDe Smith and Jennifer Schmitt are over but I am excited about my guest spot with Traci Reed for next month. It's Mark's brothers birthday tomorrow, so I have to whip something up a birthday card at the very least. We have had a fairly nice day, my hands are barely usable because of all the cutting last night and today but we made a lot of people smile and for me that's worth the pain in my hands and in my shoulder. It's worth feeling wiped out completely I really need to make a start on the christmas projects, maybe if I spread them out a bit we won't end up making the printer do overtime the day before lol.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Why do I always think I have posted here
I've had a strange old October, I have had a blast creating for my guest CT spots, I have made a lot of layouts that I am proud of BUT and there's always a but I am feeling completely drained. This is the worst I have felt physically in a while, I am in a lot of pain I am not sleeping because of it and it's really taking it's toll on me. I really need a decent nights sleep, but I would settle for just a couple of hours of undisturbed sleep or at the very minimum just enough sleep to clear some of this constant fog from my head. Being in pain makes me more tired, being tired makes the pain bother me more so it's a never ending circle *Sigh*. Lukas's Brain Training Game for the DS arrived this morning, it was supposed to be part of his DS package he got for his birthday in August and I ordered it near the beginning of July and he's just got it this morning crazy isn't it. Anyway I couldn't resist having a quick go and to say the very least I was disappointed when I got my score apparently my brain age is 71 years! What can I say except I am brain dead because of sleep deprivation. My little guy got some parcels I ordered on Ebay this morning. He is now the very proud owner of another policeman's helmet and police vest, a race car driver suit with remote control car and his most favourite thing of all Buzz Lightyear Slippers. He's currently wearing all of it lol. He has some more parcels coming including a Buzz Lightyear Spacesuit, Buzz Lightyear Bedding and a Power Ranger Outfit. Mark will be home soon and then we will start the Halloween Project for school tomorrow. We have 27 Pillow boxes to print, assemble and fill with sweets and 27 little cards to make. Me and my bright ideas lol. I could have got started but the decent printer needs a little more ink, so I had the choice of fighting with the printer that does have ink but hates picking up paper, makes loud grinding noises and always prints slightly off alignment or waiting for Mark to come home and add some more ink to my lovely printer that will print in a very short space of time perfect prints. I choose to wait but no doubt I will be regretting that decision later when I am trying to assemble the damn boxes at around if past experiences are anything to go by midnight or 1am lol. But I think Lukas and his little friends are worth it I like doing things to make people's day a little brighter. I wonder if I could possibly manage a couple of hours sleep before Mark gets home?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Now I know why I married him
Very very bad blogger.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hooray for half term
Did I mention I have 2 new toys to play with? I got Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite 3 (PSCS3) and Lightroom 1.2 and I am loving them both. I have started playing around at Facebook. If you are wondering why there have been no layouts posted it's because I have been uploading them to albums over there. I will add a link in the sidebar and I might start uploading them here again but I don't know at the moment. So what else have I been up to? Umm CT work (loads of fun), Helping Kirsty Wiseman convert her Photoshop Tutorials to Elements (More fun and no I am not being sarcastic, I really enjoyed doing it), I have started on Calendars for Christmas presents and I have an album to do for Malcolms Birthday which is in oh 5 days time lol. You should all know what I am like with deadlines by now, I am that mother that's still wrapping up presents on Christmas Eve, heck sometimes I am that Mummy that falls asleep and ends up wrapping presents on Christmas Morning lol. It will get done, eventually. We took Lukas out the other night for another duck feeding session. There weren't many ducks but there were lots of swans and geese and seagulls. Swans are very smart birds they caught right on to the fact that the closer they stepped to Lukas the more likely I was to throw massive chunks of bread or even whole slices at them so they wouldn't come any closer. I love my boy and like I told the birds, "Touch him, and you i'll drown you myself". Nan's been poorly, she has a nasty chest infection that just seems to keep spreading despite antibiotics. I am hoping that they will find something to treat it soon because I hate seeing her ill. There have been other dramas here as always and my cousin has a new baby girl. Her names Ruby and I am dying to see her so I can take lots and lots of pictures. But I'm sure your all wondering what's going on with my marriage, well things aren't that bad right now. Mark is still being a bit of a pig same old issues, but I am reaching the point where I no longer feel the need to resort to making into a row. His solution right now is he acts like a pig, he buys me something so I am getting lots of new Digi Stash lol. It's not all bad he seems happier than he's been for a while, I tune out the constant sport with my new Ipod, I hear the words love you quite a lot. Things aren't exactly sunshine and roses but they aren't completely dark and depressing either I guess for now there's a bit of a fog and nothing is really clear. I do believe that Mark loves me on some level, and he likes being back here. Things will work out one way or the other they always do. For now there's not much I can do except sit back for the ride.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Time to make a few confessions
2. I'm still not really sure how I am going to word this post, so I am just going to go for it and hope I end up making a little sense.
Me and Mark came to the decision that our marriage deserved one last chance, he moved back in with me and Lukas. Things are very rocky right now and I really don't know how I feel about it. The truth is it was kind of nice when he wasn't here, I lived in a house full of peace for a while. There was no bickering, I didn't shout at Lukas at all but I was still willing to trade it all for my husband, what can I say I am a fool. I tried to be strong and set down ground rules before we moved back in together. I thought we had an understanding but I was so wrong. Now I live with a man who could care less about the rules we made, a man who is even worse than he was before and now has the added minus of being a smoker again. He's stroppy, biting mine and Lukas head off at every opportunity and I am stuck. I wanted my marriage to work but he's not the man I fell in love with anymore. He's mean and nasty and I feel as if every day when I get up and I let him treat me like this another piece of me dies. There's a rough road ahead and there are tough choices to be made. If only I could find Mark again I catch glimpses of the old man and I like what I see he's not gone completely just buried and I would love nothing more than to dig him out from under this hateful human being my husband is becoming. I remarked to him the other day that we had more sex when he lived at his mothers and he simply replied fine i'll go back there then. From the way he acts you would think that he is being denied sex but he's just not interested. He's content to sit and watch sport, play his laptop or his playstation 2 and not speak to anyone. I need more than that, I need to feel someone holding me, I need to see someone looking at me like they love me. *Sigh* there's bound to be another row later on tonight because I am feeling kind of edgey and emotional today thanks to getting my period this morning. I would be lying if I said I wasn't gutted but I get like this every month I would so like another baby I always felt confident when I had a baby to care for, they don't judge and they love unconditionally, don't get me wrong I still get that from Lukas I just don't get it as often as I need it. He's at school all day, he sleeps in his own room at night and I just really feel like he doesn't need me anymore. This is a real downer of a post so let's finish it off with something a bit more positive. I got my new Ipod Shuffle this morning (came free with my subscription I can't read a book anymore so audio books are my only way to get back to "reading". The best part is I can listen to them while I do other stuff. Multitasking rocks lol). I am loving it. I am currently shifting my itunes onto it, I can't run CS3 and Itunes because they crash my system so I have been resorting to cds and it's a pain. I currently have 150+ songs on my Ipod and there's still space, Just press play and i'm good to go sounds fabulous to me. Might be back later.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I have stuff to say
Friday, October 05, 2007
Do you ever have one of those days
Lukas's school has had an outbreak of sickness, yesterday 40 kids and various teachers were sent home they ended up putting buckets into some of the classes for the kids to throw up in while they were frantically ringing around parents to come get their puking kid. Lukas came home with a rash all over him. So being the mummy that I am I decided to keep him home today. Well let's just say that now I understand why parents look forward to their kids being at school and why they dread the holidays. He's been a little horror for me today. Everything has needed to be repeated over and over and over again. He has pulled all my bedding off over and over and over again. Just don't ask about the bedding it's a sore point basically he strips all the bedding off the bed and piles it onto the floor, why I haven't a clue. How to stop it, no clue there either. I have tried begging, threatening, punishing,I have tried screaming, shouting, taking toys away and still he continues to do it. I am just fed up with it all today. I am sick again have a temperature, feel rough and have a headache from hell, I just didn't need Lukas to be a pain today. Nan doesn't help when I moan to her about him she responds with "he's been an angel down here". Kind of makes me want to smash her head against a wall. I know he's been good downstairs, I know he's ALWAYS good downstairs don't rub it in! He's good downstairs for two reasons 1. he has CBeebies to watch, 2. he has a playstation to play. So he's occupied and like I have said before once he's doing something he hears nothing. I got one small victory today though. He finally picked up all the toy cars and animals from his room, I threatened to bin everything on the carpet if it wasn't picked up in 30 minutes. Normally I am pretty patient with Lukas but today I just feel like everything he is doing wrong is driving me crazy and I am snapping at him. I guess if I didn't feel ill it wouldn't be so bad. I also know that a lot of it comes down to me feeling resentful. I feel overwhelmed by everything and all of Lukas's questions and requests are tiring, they require energy I don't have and while I am struggling and very close to breaking point, my husband is still at his mothers. He comes and takes Lukas to school, and picks him up. Spends about 10 minutes a day with Lukas and moans about doing that. I resent him a lot especially when he says "Well you kicked me out", no actually I didn't I told you to pack your stuff and leave so I didn't kill you because you were driving me mad. If I really meant it I would have packed your bags myself, dumbass. I get so sick of having all the blame ladled onto me. Like the whole you hit me thing. Yes I did hit him, and I apologised over and over and over again for it. But why did I hit him because he drove me over the edge. He will accept no blame and I get really sick of everyone thinking he was an innocent victim who was kicked out by his violent wife. The more honest version would be he was hit by a wife who had long since reached her breaking point, a wife who was acting more like a mother to him. I mean to be fair how many people would not crack under the pressure of living with a 30 year old man who acts like a 3 year old? All I ever did was repeat myself - "please take the dishes down", "please take the washing down", "Please don't drop rubbish on the floor". It would have been bad enough to do that day after day after day, without feeling ill. It got to a point where I chose my computer over my bed with my husband because I was sick to death of being pushed away, why bother trying to be close to him only to be ignored, or moved out of the way of the sport on the television. That's without the issue of trying not to retch when laying next to him because he hadn't had a bath for so long. Don't get me wrong I love Mark, even now and I would still be willing to risk going through all the crap again to make our marriage work.I don't want to be another statistic, I want my marriage to work out. I want the stubborn, pigheaded, ignorant son of a bitch to come home. Family is important to me and it always will be. I still hold hope for my marriage, it lives in the shame place that believes one day my mum will tell me she loves me and my dad will wake up and realise how much I love him and stop letting me down. What can I say I am a fool. Lukas is asleep I might go and join him and see if I feel brighter in the morning.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Inspiration anyone?
Even I have no excuse to say I have no inspiration. Anyway they have been revamped and re-released and are on sale for 40% at Katie's brand new store Scrapbook Lady Designs. Just in case you don't know who Katie is, she's a Digital Designer with a very cool blog here where she provides a monthly set of prompts to "Round Up" your month. Check out September's here, she also hosts the Wordy Wednesday challenge at The Digi Shoppe Blog. I'll be back in a bit I have some layouts to share.
Monday, October 01, 2007
You may have noticed the new look
I am feeling very sad I found out yesterday that my mum had the baby on Thursday. She was 9 weeks early and weighs 3lb something. I believe her name is Maya. There were complications and my mum lost a lot of blood but she signed herself out of the hospital because of the no smoking policy they have in place. I am hurt that nobody even wanted to call me, I found out from Nan. I wish with all my heart that there was some way to begin mending the relationship but there just isn't my mum doesn't understand the concept of forgiving anyone she holds a grudge and I guess on some level so do I. I would love to see my baby sister or just know that she was ok but I can't. I don't have my best friend to talk to anymore because he became my husband and now wants a divorce and I just feel so overwhelmingly lonely I am lost for words to describe it. I have nobody to talk to, nobody to make it better anymore. I hate feeling so powerless, my life is slipping away from me and there's nothing I can do about it, except sit here and watch it leave. I am really starting to understand why people resort to suidicide, or alcohol or drugs to take this feeling away. While I can resist pouring myself a large drink or taking a large quantity of pills I am starting to understand why some people do and I don't like it. It was always easier to assume that they must have had no feelings for anyone around them, that they cared about no-one but themselves and that they allowed themselves to wallow in self pity and loathing. But I guess maybe they just felt like I do now and they felt like they had no-one to turn to either. Or maybe they just felt like enough was enough. I have been through so many trials in my life and through them all I have seen that distant light at the end of the tunnel, as dull as it was at times it was always there and I was always determined to reach it but now it's all just so dark. I feel like I am feeling my way through life like a blind person and I guess I am just wondering why I am bothering.Everytime I ask myself that question the answer I come up with is for Lukas. I do it all for him. I want to be strong for him and never give up on hoping that things will get better. But it's hard to find hope in the dark.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Nan's Birthday Presents.
So here is the insert to her bag she has same back and front. I designed it from scratch no template (I know *Shock* *Horror* I scrapped alone lol)

Then here's Nan's bus pass holder.I cheated for this one because I couldn't find the tape measure to measure the cover lol.

Then finally I made this Hybrid card to go with it (this is the digital version before I assembled it)

I'm not doing enabling now, I might do it tomorrow if I feel like it. I am tired I haven't slept in nearly three days and I am starting to get ratty.
Let's talk layouts

Font is Pea Sue's Print.
Enabling: Layered CD Album Templates by Jennifer Schmitt available here

Traci Murphy Dropshadow actions - Chipboard Light, Light Stitch Light, Flower Light and Ribbon Light. Fonts are Susie's hand and Love Ya Like A Sister by Kimberly Geswein.
Enabling: Layered template 6 from Set 10 in Collection 1 and Autumn Glow by Jennifer Schmitt are available here and here.
Traci Murphy's Dropshadow actions are available here.The stock photo site address is and you can pick up Kimberly's font here.
Will post Nan's memory purse and other bits in a new post.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Nothing is sacred
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Just a layout today
Credits: Spiderman layered template by Bonecade Papel Scraps and All Divas Eve (recoloured) by Royanna Lea Fritschmann.
I got to thinking
Saturday, September 22, 2007
i cant hate you anymore
Sounds very appropraite for the way I feel right now. I am tired out from crying and I don't hate him right now. Give me time I am sure the hatred will come later