It came at 7:55am this morning, Mark set it up for me while I had a sleep - yes another night of being awake.
Its black and silver and so fast. Makes me want to compare the old one to a typewriter.
I could of course go on for hours about my new computer but I won't bore you with that (although I might make a layout about it lol).
So before I start weeping at the thought of my little man being 4 tomorrow, I will show you what I won at Divine Digital the other night.
Isn't it lovely!
Will also show you whats new at dedicated2digital this one was one of last months club kits at and theres a matching alpha Ok time to bore you senseless with talk about Lukas's birthday tomorrow.
We went to Tescos earlier to get a cake but they looked gross so will pick one up tomorrow morning at Marks and Spencers. The one he wants is Cars The Movie. Lukas wanted a party but he's not having one didn't stop us spending loads in Tesco on stuff for party boxes for my brothers and sisters, Conor and Ella and Hailie and Josh. We are also obviously doing one for the birthday boy and one for the little boy Lukas plays with a few doors down. He has his main present from us the other day that way he got a chance to ride it and Mark got to make all the necessary adjustments. Want to see a picture? Tough if you said no because I am going to show you anyway lol. Ignore that he has no helmet on he does have one and he was wearing it after that shot was taken, we were just adjusting the straps and that was too cute of a picture lol.

Tomorrow we are off to Nans will probably spend the day there and no doubt he will have Cards and stuff from my Mother. Oh joy a visit to the wicked witch, oh well at least I can get some pictures of the kids.
I was thinking earlier about what I was doing this time 4 years ago, I remember we went to tescos and did loads of shopping and walked back to my house while dragging the trolley full of stuff. Yes I know that its wrong to "borrow" trollies but seemed like a good idea at the time. I am toying with the idea of a page about that lol. So I seem to have run out of interesting things to talk about, Im sure I will be back tomorrow to bore you with all the mundane details of Lukas's birthday (I never said you had to read it lol)