Monday, August 23, 2010

You Already Hold My Heart

You Already Hold My Heart, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Design inspired by I'm Hot Layered Template 4 by Jen C Designs.
Credits: Greatest Expectations Mega Kit contributions by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns By Denise), Laura White (C.W Picket & Company), Janet Bracewell (Janet B Designs), Nikki Mulreany (7hump3r Designs), Ivonne Ivett (Craft-tastrophic Designs), Charm City Scraps, Mandymade Designs and Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs). Font is DJB Elke 1 by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: The entire time I was pregnant Lukas asked me daily when Logan was
going to be born. When I went into labour he was so excited that he was finally getting to meet his baby brother. He was not at all happy that he had to wait for Nan to bring him to the hospital to see Logan for the first time. As soon as Lukas took hold of him, Logan reached out of his blankets and grabbed hold of Lukas’s finger, and refused to let go, it was love at first sight for both of them. 4th August 2009.

Football Crazy

Football Crazy, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Desktop 2) by Lukasmummy (me) and My Soccer Star and All About Me Volume 2 Alpha by Laura White (C.W Picket & Company).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Great Great Grandmother

Great Great Grandmother, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Freebie 49) by Chrissy W and Flea Market Finds and Not The Doctor Alphas by Laura White (C.W Picket and Company). Fonts are Rage Italic LET and Pea Jacks and Matty by Amanda Bottoms (Fonts For Peas).
Journalling reads: Nan hates having her photo taken and I always tried to respect that and just take her photograph when she didn’t know I was doing it. But after going through my photos and realising I never had a single one of her holding Leo, it made me determined to make sure I photographed her holding Logan. I am so glad I convinced her to let me take these photographs of them together.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Early Birthday BBQ

Early Birthday BBQ, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits:Layered template (Handy Helpers 2, Template 1) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns By Denise), I'm Funky by Jen C Designs and Tea Party At Georgia's Glitters by Red Genius Enterprises (Jane Shaver and Jewel Goodwin. Fonts are MTF XOXOvo2.1 and MTF Toast by Miss Tiina and ea Angedawn by Amanda Bottoms (Fonts For Peas).
Journalling reads: When it comes to birthday presents, I have a very bad habit of giving them to the boys early. Iam awful at keeping secrets from people and surprising them, mostly because I am so impatient. I want to see their reaction as soon as I have the gift to give them. This year that ended up working in my favour for once. I gave the boys one of Logan’s birthday presents to play with one day when they were being noisy and annoying each other. I thought it would be a good distraction and an activity they could do together. They had a lot of fun playing with it and fighting over who got what to play with. Their birthdays ended up being really rubbish, so I am glad that they at least had this chance to play with and enjoy one of the birthday presents, before all of the chaos. Even if all of the little bits are now missing. Although the best part for me is having photographic evidence that they can play nicely together!

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (On The Grid, Template 4) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns By Denise) and I'm All Boy by Jen C Designs. Fonts are MTF Chubb by Miss Tiina and sf On The Dot by Sugar Frog Fonts.

Cargo Net

Cargo Net, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Blocked Out, Template 2) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns by Denise) and I'm All Boy by Jen C Designs. Font is MTF Hello Again by Miss Tiina.
Journalling reads: Logan has always loved to climb up things, but it’s only recently that he has started to climb across and over things, his favourite being the rope bridges and cargo nets on the climbing frames. This park has a little kiddy obstacle course complete with a baby cargo net frame and cargo net bridge. It was so cute watching him take tiny deliberate steps to get across it. He never put a foot wrong once which is lucky since he is tiny enough to get his feet stuck in the gaps. He was so proud of himself when he got all the way across it.


Slide, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Stackables Set 1, Template A) and I'm All Boy by Jen C Designs. Font is Pea Ink and Post by Amanda Bottoms (Fonts For Peas).
Journalling reads: Logan loves to go down the slide. It’s always funny to watch him. After climbing up the stairs, he always sits at the top of the slide, just looking around and smiling for a while. Then he shoves his bum forward and regrets it. He reaches over to the bar and hangs on for dear life. When he eventually lets go he slides down, usually on his back with this bemused look on his face, like he can’t really understand what he has done. Then he jumps off the end and crawls around to the steps to go again. His favourite thing is when he gets to go down the slide on Lukas’s lap. He always holds on really tight to Lukas, right until they get to the bottom, and then he can’t shove him off quick enough and escape back to the steps again.

Zip Line

Zip Line, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Stack It Up, Template 2) by Denise Tilley (DigiDesigns By Denise) and Hit The Road Jack Mega Kit contributions by Jewel Goodwin (Mad Genius Designs), Meredith Lester (Daphadilly Art), Jaime Rhinehart (Cjoy2Day Designs), Nikki Mulreany (7hump3r Designs), Jen C Designs and Laura White (C.W Picket & Company). Fonts are sf On The Dot by Sugar Frog Fonts and Pea Jo by Amanda Bottoms (Fonts For Peas).
Journalling reads: When Lukas saw this zip line in the park, he begged us to take him so he could have a try. We had somewhere to be that day, but we did promise to bring him back another day. Since the weather was nice and Mark was off work we decided today would be a great day to try it out. We caught the bus to the park and played for a while on the other park equipment. When the zip line was free we walked Lukas over for his turn. It was then that he decided he wanted nothing to do with the zip line. He said it was “too fast, too high and too scary”. Daddy couldn’t wait to have a go and try it out, and even though we tried our hardest we couldn’t convince Lukas that it was fun. Logan however has no fear and he couldn’t wait to try it out. He got a go with Daddy first and even though he nearly slipped off daddy’s lap, he couldn’t wait to go a second time with mummy. Mummy held him a little differently but he loved both of his trips on the zip line. We haven’t found anything yet that scares him, he’s willing to try anything once and then again to see if he likes it. It’s a little scary really we can already tell that he is going to be an up for anything daredevil!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Tired Mummy

Tired Mummy, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Quick and Easy) by Darcy Baldwin and New Beginnings by Jen C Designs. Fonts are My Fair Cody and sf Rachel by Sugar Frog Fonts.
Journalling reads: All of my pregnancies have been difficult, but the worst by far was my pregnancy with Leo. We were at the hospital at least every other day, there were blood tests, urine tests, ultrasounds, Fetal monitoring and lots of sitting around for hours. It was so tiring that by the time we got back to Mark’s parents house I was always ready to just crash. Some nights I didn’t even manage to eat dinner before I fell asleep. I spent a lot of evenings falling asleep on the sofa, sometimes Lukas even slept with me. Looking back I don’t know how we managed to get through it, especially with a two year old to take care of as well. I guess we were incredibly lucky that he was so well behaved. At the time I still another 3 months until my due date. I had no idea of how I was going to cope. This photo ended up being taken 4 days before Leo was born, 12 weeks early and ironically I ended up wishing that I was only this tired again. Even though the pregnancy had been hard it was really nothing compared to what came next!

Friday, August 06, 2010

Sweet Dreams Leo

Sweet Dreams Leo, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Can Ya Dig It August Template), All About Me Tab Alpha, Walk In The Park and Read With Me all by Laura White (C.W Picket & Company) and Glitter from Hit The Road Jack Mega Kit by Daphadilly Art. Fonts are Park Avenue BT and Pea Angedawn by Amanda Bottoms (Fonts For Peas).
Journalling reads: He used to look so innocent when he was laid in the moses basket. He was so tiny that he could lay across it instead of top to bottom like a normal baby. It was a beautiful moses basket, but he didn’t care. He hated it with a passion. The only place he wanted to sleep was wherever my arms were at the time. As long as he got what he wanted he would sleep for hours without making a sound. He was always an angel but never more than when he was dreaming his baby dreams and snoring his sweet little baby snores.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Good Night Lukas

Good Night Lukas, originally uploaded by Lukasmummy.

Credits: Layered template (Made In The Shade August 2010) by Kerry Ticknor (Kerryt), Read With Me by Laura White (C.W Picket & Company) and button from Hit The Road Jack Mega Kit by Laura White (C.W Picket and Company).