When I first saw this prompt I passed over it because I couldn't think of anything I could post that makes me happy. I have lots of layouts, but I already post those here and honestly, I couldn't think of one that made me happy, since I always pick fault with each and every one I make lol. I don't really have any photos that make me instantly happy when I look at them either well until now. We went to Chessington world of adventures on Wedneday and for the 1st time in a very long time we were happy. I haven't wrote out the blog post for that yet but I will get to it, for now I will just leave you with an image, everytime I look at it I am reminded of the day and it brings a smile to my face as I remember everything we did, this place makes me happy and I can't wait to go back!
This blog contains the ramblings of one crazy mummy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If it offends you feel free not to read it. You will often find moans, whinges, lists of my digiscrapping purchases and even the occasional freebie. I accept no responsibility at all for any purchases that result from reading my blog lol.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
From Our Blog To Yours - Common Spelling Mistakes
Another little quiz I am willing to bet I will get none of these right since I just can't bring myself to American spell anything lol, gotta add those u's lol.
Wow I was really surprised by those results, that's given me a little happy before I finally go to bed lol. Catch you later, I have a couple layouts to share with you.
Your Common Spelling Mistake Score: 90% Correct |
Your spelling is excellent. You don't fall for common spelling pitfalls, and you spell almost everything correctly. |
Wow I was really surprised by those results, that's given me a little happy before I finally go to bed lol. Catch you later, I have a couple layouts to share with you.
From Our Blog To Yours - Who Were You In High School
Another fun little quiz this week, i'm interested to see what the results say since it's bound to be based on American schools not British ones. Back in a minute with some results.
You Were the Arty Kid |
Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique. You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! |
Friday, August 29, 2008
Buy The Store
Since I started scrapping I have picked up a few of these, usually they have cost me around $50, I have spent a really long time adding the stuff to the basket, checking out and downloading. Then they kind of get put away somewhere on my hard drive and forgotten about. Eventually when I get around to looking and in some cases unzipping them, I find that I am slightly disappointed, files have bits missing, or they just aren't as good as they looked in the previews. The fault is usually all my own, if I unzipped straight away the missing files could be redownloaded or I could contact the designer. The style/quality of the kit is often decided by comparing it to other stuff I own or maybe it just no longer suits my style or my scrapping needs. $50 is a lot of money so it takes a lot of begging Mark to let me use his paypal almost always combined with a little bribery and fluttering of my eyelashes if all else fails I get my boobs out lol. But I am getting away from the point, buy the stores for me, don't usually work but there is an exception to that rule, when the buy the store is being held by a designer you have purchased from before, coveted items in their store or are just a little bit of kleptomaniac and must have everything that designer has released well that's when buy the store promotions really become worth their weight in gold. Since designers usually reduce their store when they run these promotions I work on these rules:
- If the items you want will cost more than the buy the store promotion, then buy the store! There are no rules that you have to download everything in their store but obviously doing so means you get more value for you money.
- Unzip everything straight away that way you can redownload any files that you have had problems with or you can contact the designer.
- Never be afraid to download something you aren't sure about, you can always delete it but if that sparkly pink girl kit you didn't pick up because you only have boys then becomes one of those damn I wish I could still buy that purchases you are all set. When designers retire stuff there is always something that becomes the I wish I had bought it when I had the chance things.
- If the designer offering the buy the store promotion is someone you haven't purchased from before, check the galleries for layouts using the products it will give you a much greater idea of the quality and versatility of their designs. Always check to see if they have a freebie or sample available as well, a whole store is a considered purchase for almost anyone and you wouldn't dream of making most considered purchases without trying them out first would you.
Apart from those I don't really have any rules as such, now I am sure you are wondering why am I am posting about Buy The Store promotions aren't you. Well that would be because my super awesome husband, (yes I know he's normally at best, the git, but why he has suddenly become awesome, is a whole other post that I haven't got around to writing about yet) has bought me two amazing buy the store promotions that I am overjoyed about. They are seriously the digiscrapping bargains of the year, in my opinion and since it's my blog my opinion is the only one that matters lol. So here are all of the details, along with the links to purchase since I think everyone should be frantically rushing to the stores and checking out with these lol.
The 1st one is being held by Trish Jones. Right now she is encountering a few technical difficulties and her site is down for maintenance but I will give you the details anyway since she has promised to extend the sale and give everyone more time to download their purchases.
You can buy that one here (once the store is back up anyway). I first saw Trish's designs when she retired from selling at Scrapbook Graphics, I picked up her templates at a bargain price. When I saw she had this promotion running I jumped at the chance to pick up any templates I was missing because I couldn't remember which ones I had bought lol. Only I then found herself and was in digiscrap heaven at all the goodies I could pick up. I don't have a store total for that one since I haven't finished adding things to the basket but will update when I do have one.
The 2nd one is being held by Royanna Lea Fritschmann
You can buy that one here. I every item in her store because I want to put them onto a different drive in one folder, want to know the total order value? Are you sitting down? $1030.50. That's insane isn't it and you have to remember it has a much greater value than that since everything is already available at a reduced price of $2.50 or less. Some of her kits alone usually retail for around $9.98 each. If you are a designer you should be snapping this up without a second thought because there is a virtual design supermarket there, textures, shapes, styles, and so many other things. The overlays rock my world, especially for slightly older kits that are really cute or perfect for a certain layout apart from the fact that they have ugly flat textureless papers. I know I have used them a lot just for this reason. As you know I have always been a huge Royanna fan, I loved being on her CT and if I had more time I would do it again in a heartbeat but we are not going into that now this is supposed to be a happy post lol. I already owned the majority of Royanna's store a combination of CT assignments and my own purchases made both before, during and after my CT term lol. But she has added a lot of new products since and with the lack of computer time I have had lately I haven't had chance to remember to go and pick them up, what I am missing from my Royanna collection would have cost a lot more than $29.95 even at the reduced rates. There are also a few other advantages, the first is that now I own everything in the store I never have to worry about using things, I don't look at it and think "was that a CT assignment because I don't remember using it". That helps absolve my own guilt, it's stupid I know but I always feel guilty that I am not using any of it like a proper CT member, sometimes my brain forgets that it's no longer required to use royanna's products, because it's not my job anymore, no matter how much I wish it was. The other reason also comes back to it not being a CT assignment, if I ever did decide to make a freebie for here, or maybe a layout for someone I will have the correct license to allow me to do it, no trying to remember the license details, that one is also a guilt issue because I would rather not use it than do something that I shouldn't be doing with it. I have so much respect for Royanna I would be mortified to find out I hadn't used as stated in the TOU. The last thing I think I should mention is that everything in Royanna's store works just as well on hybrid projects as they do on digital ones, they print beautifully, I have printed quite a few cards and layouts and the colours and textures look great.
So there you have it, my top 2 recommendations for must have purchases this week. Go shop!
- If the items you want will cost more than the buy the store promotion, then buy the store! There are no rules that you have to download everything in their store but obviously doing so means you get more value for you money.
- Unzip everything straight away that way you can redownload any files that you have had problems with or you can contact the designer.
- Never be afraid to download something you aren't sure about, you can always delete it but if that sparkly pink girl kit you didn't pick up because you only have boys then becomes one of those damn I wish I could still buy that purchases you are all set. When designers retire stuff there is always something that becomes the I wish I had bought it when I had the chance things.
- If the designer offering the buy the store promotion is someone you haven't purchased from before, check the galleries for layouts using the products it will give you a much greater idea of the quality and versatility of their designs. Always check to see if they have a freebie or sample available as well, a whole store is a considered purchase for almost anyone and you wouldn't dream of making most considered purchases without trying them out first would you.
Apart from those I don't really have any rules as such, now I am sure you are wondering why am I am posting about Buy The Store promotions aren't you. Well that would be because my super awesome husband, (yes I know he's normally at best, the git, but why he has suddenly become awesome, is a whole other post that I haven't got around to writing about yet) has bought me two amazing buy the store promotions that I am overjoyed about. They are seriously the digiscrapping bargains of the year, in my opinion and since it's my blog my opinion is the only one that matters lol. So here are all of the details, along with the links to purchase since I think everyone should be frantically rushing to the stores and checking out with these lol.
The 1st one is being held by Trish Jones. Right now she is encountering a few technical difficulties and her site is down for maintenance but I will give you the details anyway since she has promised to extend the sale and give everyone more time to download their purchases.
The 2nd one is being held by Royanna Lea Fritschmann
So there you have it, my top 2 recommendations for must have purchases this week. Go shop!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Truthful Tuesday
Lauren Grier has started a little thing over at Sweet Shoppe Designs called Truthful Tuesdays, the idea being to post on your blog every tuesday about a truth relevant to you, she has started a little blog train here. Well I am always up for anything that gives me something to write on here lol. Today has been a mixed day, Mark had the performance and conduct hearing at work about all the days he has missed of work, these are usually either days he has had to take off work to care for Lukas when I have been sick, days he has had to use break to get Lukas from school, or days he has been sick. There are also the days he took of when his mum was in hospital and the days he had off when she died and even though he is working in a completely different part of the hospital they have also included the days he had to have off when I was pregnant with Leo, the days he had to have off when Leo was in Special Care and the days he took off when Leo died. Anyway long story short he has received a written warning and been told that if he takes off even a single day for any of these reasons he will be fired. I personally think it's very unfair since the majority of the days he has taken off have been from his own holiday allowance, they said he was entitled to berevement leave both times and honestly I am of the opinion that if he's throwing up or has diarrhoea he has no business looking after sick people in a hospital. I have never liked his boss anyway, so to forget about that crappy part of the day we decided that tomorrow we would go on that trip to Chessington that was originally planned for Lukas's birthday and cancelled due to Nan not being able to be left on her own for all those hours. Now this is where I get to the two truths I am going to share today. The first is that I no longer care if Nan if left on her own for one day, I am really sick of her whinging and her whining. I am fed up of her attitude when I don't do everything for her, and her moaning when I do because "she wants to do it". I am really tired of planning everything around her and being the only one cancelling things, rearranging things and going without sleep to make sure that she's ok. What really prompted my change of heart was a really simple thing that shouldn't have bothered me but did. Lukas had a occupational therapy session tomorrow, and Nan had an appointment at the day clinic and just my luck they were both at the same time. So Mark rearranged his shifts so he could take Lukas and I could go with Nan because apparently she didn't want to ask Lisa to take her. I kept back cash for the £20 taxi fare instead of the £6.50 bus ticket I would have bought for travel and then today the day before remember she informs me that Lisa is taking her to her appointment, in the car. Lisa is oh so bloody wonderful for doing that yet everything I do for her is insignificant because today I was really ill and when she came back from shopping and walking around with Lisa (note the irony here, because I took her to tesco's in a taxi and had to push her around in a wheelchair because her legs hurt too much to walk). I have never ever done anything so frustrating in my life but I did it for her. She does anything that Lisa wants, I frequently hear "I'm so ill, blah blah blah and then Lisa calls and says can you have the kids and Nan agreeing, I bet if her beloved Lisa told her to jump off a cliff or run a marathon she would, *sigh* I got of the point a little there didn't I, anyway she came home and Lukas was downstairs on his own and I was asleep. I got a lecture about how "he could have burnt the house down, or really hurt himself". Lukas had been up about 30 minutes or so when she came in, I don't let him go downstairs I tell him if she's not here he is to stay up here with me, but she tells him he can stay downstairs on his own. I am fed up of being contradicted in front of him, fed up of her going behind my back and letting him do things I have said NO to. But anyway I am seriously rambling now I will shut up about her and move onto the second truth I realised today. When we were planning tomorrow's day out I realised this is the first time we have ever been away from home for the whole day and not had to worry about pushchairs, nappies, bottles etc and I realised that I was relieved about that. It made me so sad to realise that I no longer missed packing a huge bag for the day, struggling to remember everything I needed to take and worrying about the pushchair. I literally packed a bag with debit cards, painkillers, keys, phone, camera, SD cards and batteries and I was good to go. I also threw in a spare set of clothes for Lukas because experience tells me that it's inevitable that it will pour down with rain, or they will get too wet/dirty to wear for some other reason, a spare top for me for the same reason and a few other mummy necessities but they weren't really necessary. I am at the point where I can go out for the day with Lukas and be comfortable knowing that he can eat and drink like a grown up, he doesn't need anything special. Truth is I never thought this day would come, I used to yearn desperately for another baby, would have done anything to have one. I would have willingly gone through another pregnancy from hell, to get that little bundle of joy at the end. Only now I am in the position where I am not really sure I want to go through it all again. The fear of going through the whole baby loss and heartbreak thing might have a lot to do with that but the biggest part for me is that the means no longer justifies the end. I don't think it's worth being pregnant and miserable again, I don't think my sanity, my body or my marriage could take it, and it no longer seems worth the risk. Don't get me wrong if I was to find out I was pregnant I would be thrilled, but I would be terrified and apprehensive too. I proved with Nan that I can do anything if I have to, but I burned out quickly. There are days when I feel unable to take care of myself let alone Lukas, I don't think that I am capable of being the kind of mum I want to be anymore. I guess the 3rd truth would have to be that I blame Leo for that, I don't want to and I hate myself for it, but I do. I would have done anything for that little guy would have willingly given my life for him, and yet when it came down to it, there was nothing I could do but let him go. I poured my heart and soul into caring for him and loving him.
The easiest way to sum up my feelings for him would be to say this, imagine that you are an artist, an average nothing special artist and you start on this project that seems like nothing extraordinary. You spend hours on it, those hours turn into days and months, you pour your heart and your soul into it's creation. You lose sight of everything around you because you become consumed by the act of trying to make sure your precious work is completed. You shed blood and tears over this project and one day all of a sudden it's complete and you are in complete awe of it's perfection. Gallery owners try and tell you things you have to do to make it better and at first you humour them, only you slowly see your perfection slipping away from it. You recover most of the damage but while it's still amazing, it's no longer perfect. Still in your eyes it's truly astounding and everytime you look at you see the sacrifices and the effort and it's worth it. You decide that it's so special you want to display it and share it's magnificence with the whole world. Everyone marvels over it, and your pride in it grows each and every day. You love it more each and everytime you lay your eyes on it. Then someone, an unknown stranger decides to detroy it, they smash it to pieces and give you no clue as to why. You work with your own hands and allow the hands of the greatest artisans in the world to try and help, desperately trying to bring back your greatest achivement but it's no good, everything you do just ends up taking more and more of it's original beauty away. It's turning to dust in your hands, and you know that there truly is no more hope, you decide to be resigned to the fact that it's gone and nothing you can do will bring it back. The final insult comes when you see how carelessly someone has thrown it into the dumpster, as you run your hands through the broken dreams and memories your tears fall, you know that nothing else you ever create will have the magic that one had, know that it was too pure, too beautiful for this world. You search everywhere for an answer to your only question of why but eventually realise the why no longer matters, the answer to that question will give you nothing, least of all the only thing you really desire. When searching through other projects you come across the 1 which will always remain unfinished, it had showed so much potential at the time, but somehow you were never able to complete it, you start a new project and again despite the great start you are unable to bring yourself to complete it, knowing that nothing will ever be the same as the one which was lost. As you resign yourself to the knowledge that there will never be a masterpiece, your eyes fall onto your 1st creation. Standly proudly wanting to be looked at, it was created with no talent, or skill an accident really but somehow despite the bad start it has turned out to be the thing you treasure most. It has a unique charm that is truly appealing to you, this one wasn't designed to be shared, it's for you to keep in your private collection where it can give you comfort and bring a smile to your lips. As time goes on you slowly come to the realisation that other people may appreciate it's special charms and slowly begin to share it's beauty with others, each time feeling more pride at the joy that it brings to so many others as well as you. It brings you many rays of sunshine on the darkest of days, it slowly eases the pain and the hurt. You know that if there is never another project that will be ok, as long as you have this one. You also know that if anyone or anything were ever to try and take this one from you or damage it in any way, you would willingly lay down your life for it. You would suffer any pain, fight any battle just to keep it safe and secure.
The masterpiece is Leo, the unfinished projects Gaiebraille and Ambrose and the prized 1st piece that would be Lukas. As for the hours of sacrifice those would be pregnancy. Now I really need to get to bed it's 3:33am and I have to be up and heading out of the door at some ungodly hour lol.
The easiest way to sum up my feelings for him would be to say this, imagine that you are an artist, an average nothing special artist and you start on this project that seems like nothing extraordinary. You spend hours on it, those hours turn into days and months, you pour your heart and your soul into it's creation. You lose sight of everything around you because you become consumed by the act of trying to make sure your precious work is completed. You shed blood and tears over this project and one day all of a sudden it's complete and you are in complete awe of it's perfection. Gallery owners try and tell you things you have to do to make it better and at first you humour them, only you slowly see your perfection slipping away from it. You recover most of the damage but while it's still amazing, it's no longer perfect. Still in your eyes it's truly astounding and everytime you look at you see the sacrifices and the effort and it's worth it. You decide that it's so special you want to display it and share it's magnificence with the whole world. Everyone marvels over it, and your pride in it grows each and every day. You love it more each and everytime you lay your eyes on it. Then someone, an unknown stranger decides to detroy it, they smash it to pieces and give you no clue as to why. You work with your own hands and allow the hands of the greatest artisans in the world to try and help, desperately trying to bring back your greatest achivement but it's no good, everything you do just ends up taking more and more of it's original beauty away. It's turning to dust in your hands, and you know that there truly is no more hope, you decide to be resigned to the fact that it's gone and nothing you can do will bring it back. The final insult comes when you see how carelessly someone has thrown it into the dumpster, as you run your hands through the broken dreams and memories your tears fall, you know that nothing else you ever create will have the magic that one had, know that it was too pure, too beautiful for this world. You search everywhere for an answer to your only question of why but eventually realise the why no longer matters, the answer to that question will give you nothing, least of all the only thing you really desire. When searching through other projects you come across the 1 which will always remain unfinished, it had showed so much potential at the time, but somehow you were never able to complete it, you start a new project and again despite the great start you are unable to bring yourself to complete it, knowing that nothing will ever be the same as the one which was lost. As you resign yourself to the knowledge that there will never be a masterpiece, your eyes fall onto your 1st creation. Standly proudly wanting to be looked at, it was created with no talent, or skill an accident really but somehow despite the bad start it has turned out to be the thing you treasure most. It has a unique charm that is truly appealing to you, this one wasn't designed to be shared, it's for you to keep in your private collection where it can give you comfort and bring a smile to your lips. As time goes on you slowly come to the realisation that other people may appreciate it's special charms and slowly begin to share it's beauty with others, each time feeling more pride at the joy that it brings to so many others as well as you. It brings you many rays of sunshine on the darkest of days, it slowly eases the pain and the hurt. You know that if there is never another project that will be ok, as long as you have this one. You also know that if anyone or anything were ever to try and take this one from you or damage it in any way, you would willingly lay down your life for it. You would suffer any pain, fight any battle just to keep it safe and secure.
The masterpiece is Leo, the unfinished projects Gaiebraille and Ambrose and the prized 1st piece that would be Lukas. As for the hours of sacrifice those would be pregnancy. Now I really need to get to bed it's 3:33am and I have to be up and heading out of the door at some ungodly hour lol.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Now for something a little lighter
You may have noticed I redecorated in here lol. No I haven't suddenly learnt all about Html, I told you before looking at all that code makes my head hurt lol. I did what I do best - I bought something pretty. Zoe Pearn over at Sweet Shoppe Designs released a new line of products called blog in a box, it includes everything you need to make your blog beautiful, now don't get me wrong the sets are beautiful when you first buy them but they were a little pink for my liking, so I recoloured them. It's fairly simple to do if you follow the instructions included. I was a bit sad that my search bar was missing but I just asked how to fix it and Zoe got right back to me. I have now got a 2 column blog instead of the columns I was used to but it's growing on me, I can always have a play around when I feel like and see if I can get my old code and the one included in the set to mix together and give me a beautiful 3 columned blog lol. I have 2 new layouts to show you as well. Then I really have to go and try and do some work, I have CT assignments, Sweet Shoppe Challenges and loads of other stuff to get done and I am feeling so uninspired and unmotivated it's not even funny, but we are not going to go into that today because I am short on time. Ok the 1st layout I have to show you was created using a set of papers that I was RAK'ed by the lovely Jodie McNally and the coordinating wordart she has for sale.
Credits: Layered template (Starting Blocks 2, Template 1) by Amy Bleser, One Cool Chick and One Cool Dude by Hollie Haradon (Holliewood Studios), Doggy Dog Papers and I'm Talking 'bout Doggy Dogs Wordart by Jodie McNally and Glitter Styles by Megan Farrows (Flergs). Font is DJB Malea by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Ever since you were a baby you have always been a really tactile little guy. You love to be hugged and kissed, love the feeling of snuggling up and being held. You are also really affectionate, and always enjoy showing other people that you care. Some of your methods are adorable, hearing you say “I love you hundreds” or “your the best mummy in the whole wide world” makes my heart melt, no one gives better super tight squeezes than you, and your kisses are lovely if a little bit wet. But some of the things you do are not exactly endearing like your habit of licking me like a dog. That is just really really gross. I tell you off for doing it all the time but then you look at me with those huge puppy dog eyes and turn me to mush. You know that you can pretty much be forgiven for anything you do because of how loveable you are. So I suppose until you grow out of it I should just accept that there are going to be times when I will need to dry off, after you say you love me. I should get used to being completely grossed out, because I am sure that there will come a day sometime in the future when I look back on it and miss the days when you used to give me your... Licks of love.
Enabling:Back to do it later.
The second one was created for a Spin-A-Lift challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs, for this one we had to spin a layout by the current treat of the month amandaresende. I used one of Bree Clarkson's Inspired by Amanda templates to finish it, the template I picked was based on amanda's Friends (Hodge Podge 15) layout found here. I still need another 12 points to get my 40% coupon this month but luckily I have cookie decorating challenges and some a few others that I can use templates for left to do.
Credits: Layered template (Inspired by Amanda, Template 4) by Bree Clarkson, 2 Cool 4 School by Dani Mogstad and Susan Bartolini (ScrapKitchen), Paper Flowers by Dani Mogstad and Tons Of Flower Jewels by Sara AMarie. Glitter Styles by Megan Farrows (Flergs and Font is DJB Mess In My Head by Darcy Baldwin.
Enabling:Back to do it later.
Journalling reads: Ever since you were a baby you have always been a really tactile little guy. You love to be hugged and kissed, love the feeling of snuggling up and being held. You are also really affectionate, and always enjoy showing other people that you care. Some of your methods are adorable, hearing you say “I love you hundreds” or “your the best mummy in the whole wide world” makes my heart melt, no one gives better super tight squeezes than you, and your kisses are lovely if a little bit wet. But some of the things you do are not exactly endearing like your habit of licking me like a dog. That is just really really gross. I tell you off for doing it all the time but then you look at me with those huge puppy dog eyes and turn me to mush. You know that you can pretty much be forgiven for anything you do because of how loveable you are. So I suppose until you grow out of it I should just accept that there are going to be times when I will need to dry off, after you say you love me. I should get used to being completely grossed out, because I am sure that there will come a day sometime in the future when I look back on it and miss the days when you used to give me your... Licks of love.
Enabling:Back to do it later.
The second one was created for a Spin-A-Lift challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs, for this one we had to spin a layout by the current treat of the month amandaresende. I used one of Bree Clarkson's Inspired by Amanda templates to finish it, the template I picked was based on amanda's Friends (Hodge Podge 15) layout found here. I still need another 12 points to get my 40% coupon this month but luckily I have cookie decorating challenges and some a few others that I can use templates for left to do.
Enabling:Back to do it later.
Yesterday would have been his 4th birthday.
We were supposed to be going out to celebrate his birthday yesterday but a combination of me being ill and Mark and Lukas being lazy meant we didn't end up going anywhere, which left us all in the house with hours and hours to be reminded of everything that was missing from the day or more accurately who was missing. I tried a few times to write a post yesterday, about how I felt and what the day meant but I just kept finding that I couldn't find the words. There aren't words to express how difficult birthdays, and christmas's and anniversaries are, the only people who could ever truly begin to understand are people who have been through the same thing and even then they might not entirely get it, since everyone feels differently. It's harder still when you are awake all night beforehand, the day already seems to long, too painful and then you add another 12 or so hours onto it. You look at the clock and you remember what you were doing this time 4 years ago, remember what you have done ever since. You sit on or in bed, almost waiting, to hear the sound of a 4 year old thundering across the landing eager to open presents and cards even though you know it's never going to come. You ask yourself questions about how you should be celebrating the day and how you would have celebrated the day if things had been different. It's always a day of questions, of wondering, a day filled with silence and sighs, always has been and always will be. Usually I scrap a layout to him, wishing him a happy birthday, telling him how much I miss him. I do it to replace the card that I don't get to write, the presents I don't get to wrap. But yesterday I didn't. Couldn't drag up the motivation to create for him and it makes me sad. I always want it to be a layout from the heart but yesterday my heart felt kind of numb. Amputees often say they can still feel the limb there after it's been removed and that's kind of the way my heart feels now, it's like pins and needles and the memory of the hurt that used to be there. I want to feel that hurt again, not because I am some sick sadistic person but because feeling that however much it hurts is better than feeling numb. Yesterday was the first time I hadn't shed tears over him on one of "his" days. I hated myself for that, almost like he's watching and thinking I don't care anymore. But we reminded him last night, that we care, that he's missed every single day. Last night as we stood in the garden and lit a candle for him, as we sung happy birthday and twinkle twinkle little star loud enough to annoy the neighbours, just to make sure he could hear it. Then we blew out the candle and made a wish, and one look at Lukas told me that we had both wished for the same thing - that we didn't have to stand alone in the garden to do this, because we both wished that he was still here with us. On wednesday, since it's the only day we will all be together as a family, we will go and buy a balloon and we'll light another candle and then let it go all the way to heaven for him to play with. Happy Birthday Leo I hope that you had a great day, even though we weren't there.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The pretty things to share lol
Sorry for the rant, guess I had a lot more to get off my chest than I had originally thought lol. Anyway here are the layouts and hybrid projects (bookmarks) I had promised to show you.
First up is a layout using Chrissy's new Gotcha Cornered set, no challenge I just saw the template and knew this photo would work perfectly and then went from there unusual for me lol.
Credits: Layered template (Gotcha Cornered, Template 2) by Chrissy W, Eco Friendly by Kristin Cronin Barrow and Meghan Mullens and Scenery Trees by Christina Renee. Font is Giddyup Std.
Journalling reads: Whenever you play outside, I can’t help myself from watching you, I feel like It is impossible to stop watching you. It’s always an almost magical thing to see as you stand beneath the trees and gaze up. You look at every tree like you have never seen one before enchanted by every single leaf on every single branch. You gaze at the colours taking in every tiny little individual detail You run your hands over the trunk, enjoying the sensations of the rough texture on your fingers and all the knots that make every tree unique. They fill you with questions, mummy why do the leaves fall?, mummy why are the trees so tall?, mummy are the trees trying to reach up to the sky? mummy how do the trees stay stood up? mummy do the trees get cold outside? I hope you never lose your curiosity or appreciation for the beauty that is everywhere if you take the time to look for it.
The second one was for a Spin-A-Lift Challenge, we were spinning layouts by Lena Brandenburg, I chose to horizontally flip her Twinkle Twinkle layout found here.
Credits: Layered template (Twinkle Twinkle) by Lena Brandenburg and Mark It Up by Lauren Grier. Font is DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin.
The third one was created for a sketch challenge at A Cherry On Top, I know it's strange for me to use a sketch not a template but it was a great way to use a CT Assignment from Amy.
Credits: Sketch by milmomma, It's In The Bag - Paper Bag Hearts, Grammie's Apron and Grammie's Apron Addon by Amy Bleser, 4x12 Paper Cutters by Chrissy W and Japanese Foliage Brushes by Design Fruit. Font is Pea Leigh Leigh.
I actually made the bookmarks next but I want to share this layout first. Created for a Sugar Free Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs about leaving home.
Credits: Layered template (Template Challenge 3) by Chrissy W, Cutie Patootie by Kay Miller and New House Doodles by Kate Hadfield. Font is DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: For as long as I can remember there has been conflict between me and my mum. Nothing I said or did was ever good enough for her. We used to argue about everything. She would say I was lazy, I had an attitude problem, and throw insults about left right and centre. I would stand there and take it, deciding that it wasn’t worth the effort of arguing with her. With kids everywhere and nothing ever being completely safe from being damaged, or destroyed, I was fed up of sharing my bedroom with my two younger sisters, who climbed into bed with me every night and expected me to be a mum to them. I used to escape to Nan’s house whenever I was able. I would happily sleep on Nan’s floor and get up to go to work with her at 7am rather than go home. The older I got the worse things got, my mum hated me more and more, made my life more of a misery. I got a job and worked from 7am until 9pm at the weekends just to avoid being at home. I worked every day after school and was literally at home only for the hours I was asleep. I would hand over my entire wage packet each week to my mum, just to try and make life bareable. I used to dream about the day when I would finally be legally old enough to move out. Only I never expected things to turn out the way they did. I met someone, and I fell hopelessly in love. The first time him and my mum met each other they despised each other. I didn’t help things when I started keeping some of my wages each week so I could do things with him. She was furious, and took the stand that it was her money, she was entitled to it and he was taking it from her. Things got worse and worse everytime he came around. I was desperate to spend more time with him, so I did something stupid, I booked the day off work and I didn’t tell her. I got up in the morning and I put my uniform on and walked out of the house, and then I walked around to his house. I spent the whole day with him, my mobile phone turned off. Lies always have a way of coming back to bite you. When she saw my wage packet she knew it was short, so she rung my boss to ask why. To say she hit the roof would be an understatement. I have never seen her so mad in my whole life. She screamed, she shouted, she threw things, and then eventually she turned to hitting me. After giving me two black eyes, a split lip and taking a large chunk out of my throat and another out of my chest. She told me to get out of her house. I grabbed everything I could carry and ran to Nan’s house. I knew that she would never turn me away and I was right. She took me in, my stepdad was nice enough to pack up my clothes and bring them to Nan’s house for me, even though he earned my mother’s wrath for doing it. She made his life a misery for weeks afterwards saying he had no right to go behind her back. All of my electrical equipment, a combination of gifts and purchases made with money I had been given by realatives, she considered her property. Same with furniture, cd’s, dvd’s and anything else of value. Nan helped me to buy everything I needed. The worst part was having to go to school and having people asking me what had happened to my face. Dealing with the questions from friends and teachers alike. They wanted to lodge a formal complaint against my mum on my behalf, but I refused to allow them. I didn’t want my brothers and sisters to be split up, I was still desperate for my mum to love me didn’t want her to get in trouble and part of me wanted . I suppose I still believed that I must have deserved it at that point. The hardest part about it all for me though was being at the same school as two of my brothers, seeing them every single day and watching them walk past and avoid looking at me. They were forbidden by her to speak or even look at me, later they told me that they didn’t really want to anyway they were disgusted that I had let people in on what really happened in our house. The relationship didn’t last long I caught him with another woman, and for a while I wondered if it was all worth it. But it all worked out in the end. I will always be greatful to Nan for everything she did and continues to do. I have been here ever since, apart from the short while I stayed at Mark’s. Nan’s house will always be my home.
Now onto the bookmarks. The first one was because I have a super cute CT Assignment from Amy but no suitable photos to use with it. I was originally going to make a card but then I remembered I had bookmark templates, and once I saw how quick and simple they were to make I kind of didn't want to stop lol. They are a lot of fun to make and so quick and easy. I will get around to priting them and assembling them eventually but for now they are purely digital.
1st Bookmark
Credits: Layered template (Bookmarked!, Template 1) by Aisyah Roslan (Sya's Blueprints) and Catch A Wave Elements and Catch A Wave Papers by Amy Bleser.
2nd Bookmark
Credits: Layered template (Bookmarked!, Template 2) by Aisyah Roslan (Sya's Blueprints) and Zoey's Wardrobe Mini Kit by Amy Bleser.
3rd Bookmark
Credits: Layered template (Bookmarked!, Template 3) by Aisyah Roslan (Sya's Blueprints) and Summer Spunk and Summer Serenade by Amy Bleser. Font is DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin.
Now I have definately spent far too long doing this, so I will be back tomorrow to do the enabling and linking. I have to get Lukas undressed and I have other stuff to get done before I have to help Nan to bed. Ok so I just noticed these pictures aren't quite right I was trying to save a little time by directly adding the HTML code for them but they are too big, I will fix them tomorrow by redoing the links how I usually do them.Never mind I can fix them by just altering the code slightly so I will do it now, or it will drive me insane knowing that it is wrong lol, the bookmarks I decided to use the smaller code for because they look huge. Editing to add, yep I came back again and changed the way the bookmarks were displaying, they were really annoying me, I guess I just don't know when to leave things alone lol.
First up is a layout using Chrissy's new Gotcha Cornered set, no challenge I just saw the template and knew this photo would work perfectly and then went from there unusual for me lol.
Credits: Layered template (Gotcha Cornered, Template 2) by Chrissy W, Eco Friendly by Kristin Cronin Barrow and Meghan Mullens and Scenery Trees by Christina Renee. Font is Giddyup Std.
Journalling reads: Whenever you play outside, I can’t help myself from watching you, I feel like It is impossible to stop watching you. It’s always an almost magical thing to see as you stand beneath the trees and gaze up. You look at every tree like you have never seen one before enchanted by every single leaf on every single branch. You gaze at the colours taking in every tiny little individual detail You run your hands over the trunk, enjoying the sensations of the rough texture on your fingers and all the knots that make every tree unique. They fill you with questions, mummy why do the leaves fall?, mummy why are the trees so tall?, mummy are the trees trying to reach up to the sky? mummy how do the trees stay stood up? mummy do the trees get cold outside? I hope you never lose your curiosity or appreciation for the beauty that is everywhere if you take the time to look for it.
The second one was for a Spin-A-Lift Challenge, we were spinning layouts by Lena Brandenburg, I chose to horizontally flip her Twinkle Twinkle layout found here.
Credits: Layered template (Twinkle Twinkle) by Lena Brandenburg and Mark It Up by Lauren Grier. Font is DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin.
The third one was created for a sketch challenge at A Cherry On Top, I know it's strange for me to use a sketch not a template but it was a great way to use a CT Assignment from Amy.
Credits: Sketch by milmomma, It's In The Bag - Paper Bag Hearts, Grammie's Apron and Grammie's Apron Addon by Amy Bleser, 4x12 Paper Cutters by Chrissy W and Japanese Foliage Brushes by Design Fruit. Font is Pea Leigh Leigh.
I actually made the bookmarks next but I want to share this layout first. Created for a Sugar Free Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs about leaving home.
Credits: Layered template (Template Challenge 3) by Chrissy W, Cutie Patootie by Kay Miller and New House Doodles by Kate Hadfield. Font is DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: For as long as I can remember there has been conflict between me and my mum. Nothing I said or did was ever good enough for her. We used to argue about everything. She would say I was lazy, I had an attitude problem, and throw insults about left right and centre. I would stand there and take it, deciding that it wasn’t worth the effort of arguing with her. With kids everywhere and nothing ever being completely safe from being damaged, or destroyed, I was fed up of sharing my bedroom with my two younger sisters, who climbed into bed with me every night and expected me to be a mum to them. I used to escape to Nan’s house whenever I was able. I would happily sleep on Nan’s floor and get up to go to work with her at 7am rather than go home. The older I got the worse things got, my mum hated me more and more, made my life more of a misery. I got a job and worked from 7am until 9pm at the weekends just to avoid being at home. I worked every day after school and was literally at home only for the hours I was asleep. I would hand over my entire wage packet each week to my mum, just to try and make life bareable. I used to dream about the day when I would finally be legally old enough to move out. Only I never expected things to turn out the way they did. I met someone, and I fell hopelessly in love. The first time him and my mum met each other they despised each other. I didn’t help things when I started keeping some of my wages each week so I could do things with him. She was furious, and took the stand that it was her money, she was entitled to it and he was taking it from her. Things got worse and worse everytime he came around. I was desperate to spend more time with him, so I did something stupid, I booked the day off work and I didn’t tell her. I got up in the morning and I put my uniform on and walked out of the house, and then I walked around to his house. I spent the whole day with him, my mobile phone turned off. Lies always have a way of coming back to bite you. When she saw my wage packet she knew it was short, so she rung my boss to ask why. To say she hit the roof would be an understatement. I have never seen her so mad in my whole life. She screamed, she shouted, she threw things, and then eventually she turned to hitting me. After giving me two black eyes, a split lip and taking a large chunk out of my throat and another out of my chest. She told me to get out of her house. I grabbed everything I could carry and ran to Nan’s house. I knew that she would never turn me away and I was right. She took me in, my stepdad was nice enough to pack up my clothes and bring them to Nan’s house for me, even though he earned my mother’s wrath for doing it. She made his life a misery for weeks afterwards saying he had no right to go behind her back. All of my electrical equipment, a combination of gifts and purchases made with money I had been given by realatives, she considered her property. Same with furniture, cd’s, dvd’s and anything else of value. Nan helped me to buy everything I needed. The worst part was having to go to school and having people asking me what had happened to my face. Dealing with the questions from friends and teachers alike. They wanted to lodge a formal complaint against my mum on my behalf, but I refused to allow them. I didn’t want my brothers and sisters to be split up, I was still desperate for my mum to love me didn’t want her to get in trouble and part of me wanted . I suppose I still believed that I must have deserved it at that point. The hardest part about it all for me though was being at the same school as two of my brothers, seeing them every single day and watching them walk past and avoid looking at me. They were forbidden by her to speak or even look at me, later they told me that they didn’t really want to anyway they were disgusted that I had let people in on what really happened in our house. The relationship didn’t last long I caught him with another woman, and for a while I wondered if it was all worth it. But it all worked out in the end. I will always be greatful to Nan for everything she did and continues to do. I have been here ever since, apart from the short while I stayed at Mark’s. Nan’s house will always be my home.
Now onto the bookmarks. The first one was because I have a super cute CT Assignment from Amy but no suitable photos to use with it. I was originally going to make a card but then I remembered I had bookmark templates, and once I saw how quick and simple they were to make I kind of didn't want to stop lol. They are a lot of fun to make and so quick and easy. I will get around to priting them and assembling them eventually but for now they are purely digital.
1st Bookmark
Credits: Layered template (Bookmarked!, Template 1) by Aisyah Roslan (Sya's Blueprints) and Catch A Wave Elements and Catch A Wave Papers by Amy Bleser.
2nd Bookmark
Credits: Layered template (Bookmarked!, Template 2) by Aisyah Roslan (Sya's Blueprints) and Zoey's Wardrobe Mini Kit by Amy Bleser.
3rd Bookmark
Credits: Layered template (Bookmarked!, Template 3) by Aisyah Roslan (Sya's Blueprints) and Summer Spunk and Summer Serenade by Amy Bleser. Font is DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin.
Now I have definately spent far too long doing this, so I will be back tomorrow to do the enabling and linking. I have to get Lukas undressed and I have other stuff to get done before I have to help Nan to bed. Ok so I just noticed these pictures aren't quite right I was trying to save a little time by directly adding the HTML code for them but they are too big, I will fix them tomorrow by redoing the links how I usually do them.Never mind I can fix them by just altering the code slightly so I will do it now, or it will drive me insane knowing that it is wrong lol, the bookmarks I decided to use the smaller code for because they look huge. Editing to add, yep I came back again and changed the way the bookmarks were displaying, they were really annoying me, I guess I just don't know when to leave things alone lol.
Stuff to share
I'll hold my hands up and admit that when it comes to posting here, lately I have pretty much sucked. I know that anyone who is still reading this must be sick to death of my excuses by now. So I thought I would take a few minutes to explain where my time has been going. You don't have to read it, you can skip down to the bottom and look at the layouts and hybrid projects I have to show you, but I feel compelled to write about it even if it's only for my own benefit. Ever since Nan broke her arm things have been crazy here, at first I was doing everything for her from coffee making to dressing her, taking her to the toilet, helping her up and down the stairs and too many other things to remember. I cared for her and the house, I looked after Lukas who was sick as well, threw in the usual arguments and disputes with Mark and CT work. Somehow I still found time to throw a little scrapbooking into the mix. Sure I could do it but my days were starting somewhere between 5-30am and 7-30am (depending entirely on when Nan got up). I had to stay up to do things for her until she went to bed anywhere between midnight and 1am. I would start all of my "work" scrapping, CT work, forums, emails, etc after she went to bed. I will hold my hands up and admit that some days I was getting about 2/3 hours sleep in total. I'm not well myself but I found myself having to get Nan and Lukas ready for hospital appointments and actually go out of the house. The person who can go months at a time and not even go out into the back garden was going to the hospital for appointments in various departments. Nan had appointments for her eyes, others for her arm, day clinic, blood tests, scans, xrays, and other things and Lukas had weekly occupational therapy. I was getting close to a complete meltdown. I just wasn't physically able to keep up that pace. When I reached the point where I thought things couldn't get any worse inevitably they did Nan was taken into hospital. We were truly worried about her, she was in hospital for a week and I was so exhausted and ill myself I visited her a grand total of once. People were saying to me that it must be a break for me, but to be honest it really wasn't. I ended up working harder because with Nan out of the house Mark became even more of a slob than normal. He seemed to be of the opinion that since Nan wasn't here to notice and shout at him for it, her usual standards for the house could be thrown out of the window. I will admit as the weeks went on Nan was able to do more things for herself meaning I could take her down in the morning, make her coffee, give her the medications she usually takes and sort her breakfast out and then leave her sitting there and go back to bed. She was content to sit and watch Jeremy Kyle, and a variety of other daytime TV until I got up. I kind of let anything looking vaguely like a routine slide. Lukas stayed up as late as I did going to bed some nights as late as 4am. That meant he slept all day long leaving me time to do everything Nan wanted. With him being ill he was happy to lay around on the sofa or the bed and watch TV or play games, really anything that involved him not having to do much. Right now we have reached the point where I am staying up all night because I can't sleep (sometimes combined, with my immense hatred of being woken up, meaning that I elect to stay up and then go to bed once Nan's up rather than be woken up). Me and Mark have resorted to watching late night olympic coverage and using that as our time together, we really don't see each other otherwise. I fit some scrapping in after Mark falls asleep, or sometimes while we are watching the olympics. I am grabbing a few hours sleep during the day while Lukas is still asleep, he's still not back to 100% but he's slowly getting better. Nan has the plaster off but her arm is a mess she really can't use it at all without being in a lot of pain. The biggest problem I have now is that she's so depressed, she hates that she can't go to work, hates having to ask people to do things for her. It's making her irritable and she's slowly driving me insane with her whining and not listening to anything. I understand that she's in pain but there is a huge difference between telling me she is in pain, or complaining about being in pain and whining and whinging constantly. I keep telling her that I am not going to listen to her if she whines, and that if Lukas does that he gets put in time out! I suppose a lot of it comes down to the fact that I feel so ill myself. I desperately need to make a doctors appointment for myself and get the obvious urine infection sorted, I have had enough of them to recognise when it's time to go see the doctor but I just don't have the energy or the time really. We still haven't celebrated Lukas's birthday as he's been too ill to do anything, and everything I had planned for the summer holidays has been resigned to the probably not going to happen pile. Sunday would have been Leo's 4th Birthday, we always try and do something to make sure it's never forgotten. It's still a day that needs to be celebrated, sure we only had him 3 months but any time with him was better than never knowing him. He was so sweet and innocent and he truly touched and changed everyone's lives,so I have decided that for the 1st time in a long time, I am going to put what I want 1st. If Nan needs anything she will have to either manage by herself or pick up the phone and call Lisa. I am in severe need of a break I have coped all by myself since Nan hurt herself. Lisa never let it stop her from taking the 2 holidays she had booked, including the one over Lukas's birthday. Sure it worked out that I, would have had to cancel my plans for his birthday anyway because he was ill, but she didn't know that. She went off happily on her way, knowing that Nan couldn't be left alone at that point, and I would be the one who would change things in my life to make sure she was cared for. Malcolm never let it stop him from flying to spain for the weekend. I think it's time that someone else stepped up and took over just this once. Mark's off for the entire weekend so we are planning to spend Saturday tidying the rooms, getting rid of junk and making this space we call ours a little more suitable for human habitation lol. Then Sunday we will make our plans based on what the weather decides to do. Whatever we end up doing it will just be me and Mark and Lukas, spending quality family time together to remember the one that's missing. I have just over 2 weeks left of the school holidays and I am hoping to get at least one of the things I wanted to do with Lukas done. I have a complete new school uniform to shop for, Lukas is in need of absolutely everything to go back to school with. Pants, Socks, Vests, Polo shirts, Trousers, Shoes, Trainers, Tracksuit bottoms, White T-shirts, Book bag, Fleece, Jumper, Coat, Lunchbox/Lunchbag, Water bottle, Bag and that's before you account for all the other stuff he needs as well like new pyjamas, dressing gown, slippers, you name it he needs it he is so tall now nothing at all fits. I also have challenges at Sweet Shoppe Designs I want to do and I admit it's all feeling very overwhelming right now. This has turned out a lot longer than I was intending so I will post the layouts in another post.
Monday, August 18, 2008
From Our Blog To Yours - Grease Quiz
It's been quite a while since I have seen grease, I actually bought it on dvd and the disk doesn't play properly but I never got around to taking it back, this should be interesting anyway lol.
Here's my results: You know the movie
You have correctly answered 9 of 15 questions.
On average, 736 of users who took the quiz gave 11.43 right answers.
Hmm will have to dig out that dvd and rewatch it. Wish I knew which ones I got wrong though lol.
Here's my results: You know the movie
You have correctly answered 9 of 15 questions.
On average, 736 of users who took the quiz gave 11.43 right answers.
Hmm will have to dig out that dvd and rewatch it. Wish I knew which ones I got wrong though lol.
From Our Blog To Yours - Which American Accent Do You Have?
Well I would hope none since I am British lol. But these quizzes are always a good way to avoid doing anything for another few minutes lol.
That's definately very odd lol, I have never even been to America!
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Northeast Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak. | |
Philadelphia | |
The Inland North | |
The Midland | |
The South | |
Boston | |
The West | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
That's definately very odd lol, I have never even been to America!
It's time for summerslam and I am scrapping?
I have been ill all day today so I never got any scrapping doen before it started so I am scrapping while I am watching Summerslam but when it's time for the John Cena vs Batista there's no chance I will still be sitting here lol. This one was created for a Pop Rocks! challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs. I have never done one of these before but it was a lot of fun. This one was TV Catchphrases, so I went with one of the ones I hear all the time around here, "What's going to work? TEAMWORK from the wonder pets and a photo from the school sports day this year, where the team Lukas was part of (green team incase you never guessed lol) were the overall winners.
Credits: Layered template (Double Ups 3, Template 1) by Bree Clarkson, Eco Friendly by Kristin Cronin Barrow and Meghan Mullens, The Boys Of Summer and Got A Date Strips by Britt-ish Designs, Hand Stitched Corners by Kate Hadfield, Stitched Labels by Ellie Lash and I'm Talking 'bout Sports Wordart by Jodie McNally. Fonts are DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin and Allstar.
Enabling: Double Ups Templates 3 by Bree Clarkson available here, Eco Friendly by Kristin Cronin Barrow and Meghan Mullens available here, The Boys Of Summer and Got A Date Strips by Britt-ish Designs available here, Hand Stitched Corners by Kate Hadfield available here, Stitched Labels by Ellie Lash available here, I'm Talking 'bout Sports Wordart by Jodie McNally available here, DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin available here and Allstar available here.
Will be back to add the enabling tomorrow, I am hoping to get another layout done before I go to watch Summerslam properly instead of half watching it while I scrap.
Enabling: Double Ups Templates 3 by Bree Clarkson available here, Eco Friendly by Kristin Cronin Barrow and Meghan Mullens available here, The Boys Of Summer and Got A Date Strips by Britt-ish Designs available here, Hand Stitched Corners by Kate Hadfield available here, Stitched Labels by Ellie Lash available here, I'm Talking 'bout Sports Wordart by Jodie McNally available here, DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin available here and Allstar available here.
Will be back to add the enabling tomorrow, I am hoping to get another layout done before I go to watch Summerslam properly instead of half watching it while I scrap.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Another layout share
Before you ask, no I didn't make it to my bed lol. I saw the new releases at Sweet Shoppe Designs and got busy selecting, shopping, downloading and scrapping lol. This one was created for a Paper 2 Digi challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs, scraplifting Lisa Dickinson (bluestardesign). The layout I chose was her relax {scenic route} found here.
Credits: Paper Cutters 4x12 by Chrissy W, Eco Friendly by Meghan Mullens and Kristin Cronin Barrow, Got A Date Strips by Britt-ish Designs, Ultimate Stitches Volume 2 White by Lisa Whitney and Crafty Frames by Ellie Lash. Glitter Styles by Megan Farrows (Flergs) and Font is DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin.
Enabling: Paper Cutters 4x12 by Chrissy W available here, Eco Friendly by Meghan Mullens and Kristin Cronin Barrow available here, Got A Date Strips by Britt-ish Designs available here, Ultimate Stitches Volume 2 White by Lisa Whitney available here, Crafty Frames by Ellie Lash available here and DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin available here.
Enabling: Paper Cutters 4x12 by Chrissy W available here, Eco Friendly by Meghan Mullens and Kristin Cronin Barrow available here, Got A Date Strips by Britt-ish Designs available here, Ultimate Stitches Volume 2 White by Lisa Whitney available here, Crafty Frames by Ellie Lash available here and DJB Miss Liz by Darcy Baldwin available here.
Sharing some layouts
yes I know I suck at blogging, but I am slowly getting back on track with everything and finding ways to manage my time more effectively. But anyway enough apologising for now, I have my bed beckoning me but I can't wait to show you these layouts I have made.
The 1st one was made purely because I felt it needed recording, no challenge just me wanting to journal about a moment I didn't want to forget which is really how my scrapping started anyway.
Credits: Layered template (Copycat 1, based on a layout by Dr.Digiscraps) by Wendy W, I'm Talking 'bout See Kara Run Wordart by Jodie McNally, Chloe's Treasures by Annie Manning (Paint The Moon) and Text Path by Jen Caputo. Font is DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: There are some parts about being a mum, that are a lot easier if you have very little fear, don’t mind making a bit of an idiot of yourself and are just a tiny bit insane. One of the best examples of this is Sports Day. If you are overweight and you have joint problems that should be enough reasons to not take part in the parents race. If on the morning of Sports Day you couldn’t find a bra that didn’t show over or through your top, that should set off screaming alarm bells saying DON’T DO IT, JUST DON’T DO IT. But if on the off chance you fail to listen to that very sensible advice and insist on doing it anyway, you will find out many things. Like trousers that are comfortable don’t stay up when you run, boots don’t make ideal shoes for running in, and boobs become deadly weapons when you add in speed. When you finish last and you feel like you are about to die of exhaustion and embarassment, you can take comfort from these few words “i’m really proud of you mummy, you tried really hard”. It only takes those few words and that look of pride, to make you forget all about, how much you are hurting all over and how hard it is to breathe. That’s all it takes to make you remember it’s not the winning it really is that taking part that is important.
Journalling on path reads: Sports Day 2008.
Enabling: I'm Talking 'bout See Kara Run Wordart by Jodie McNally available here, Chloe's Treasures by Annie Manning (Paint The Moon) available here, Text Path by Jen Caputo available here and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here. All the details for the Copycat Template 1 can be found here including the download link.
The 2nd one was made mainly to appease my own guilt at how much I have neglected my CT duties for Amy, she has been incredibly understanding about all the craziness going on here, but that doesn't stop me feeling very very guilty about how long it's been since I made my last page using her products. This one is a very girly page, so not my usual style but I am really pleased with the way it turned out. I might have to borrow Ella for some more recent photographs lol.
Credits: Layered template (August 1st-15th 08 Template Challenge @ Digital Freebies) by Jennifer Schmitt, Stitched Stems by Natalie Braxton, Springs A Bloom, Spring Morning, Spring Morning Addon and Spring Morning Solid Background Pack all by Amy Bleser, Crayons Lightroom Preset by Kelsey Smith and Font is DJB Merry by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Ella, because we see you all the time, we don’t notice how big you are getting. It’s only when we look back through photos we have taken of you that we see how much you are changing all the time. With you being so tall and acting so independent it’s really hard for us to remember that you are not even 5 years old yet!
Enabling: Stitched Stems by Natalie Braxton available here, Spring Morning, Spring Morning Addon and Spring Morning Solid Background Pack all by Amy Bleser available here, here or here, here, here or here and here, here or here and Crayons Lightroom Preset by Kelsey Smith can be found with lots of other free lightroom presets available here. DJB Merry by Darcy Baldwin doesn't seem to be uploaded at Sweet Shoppe Designs yet, Springs A Bloom by Amy Bleser was a previous potato bar item at Polka Dot Potato and is currently unavailable. All the template challenge details including the download link can be found here.
The next 3 layouts were all created with Chrissy's brand new template set - Gotcha Cornered. Which are featured in the Dollar Deals Day promotion at Elemental Scraps, you can pick up these and other goodies by Chrissy and the other ES designers for the bargain price of just $1 from now until the end of the 16th (which for me is today thanks to the time difference).
The first one is a wedding layout, I am really behind on scrapping my wedding, it never really appeals to me to scrap those photos, no idea why I have bought lots of kits that I thought would work but didn't and made a few pages here and there, but I guess I prefer scrapping other stuff.
Credits: Layered template (Gotcha Cornered, Template 1), Paper Cutters (Scallop with holes paper) and Family Photos and Frames all by Chrissy W, Hitched by Robin Carlton and Kay Miller (slightly recoloured) and With A Kiss Wordart by DSP Designers. Glitter Styles by Megan Farrows (Flergs) slightly recoloured.
Enabling: Gotcha Cornered Templates by Chrissy W currently available here for just $1 will change the link when they get moved into her store, Paper Cutters Scallops and Family Photos and Frames by Chrissy W available here and here, Hitched by Robin Carlton and Kay Miller available here and With A Kiss Wordart by DSP Designers available on this CD. Megan Farrows (Flergs) glitter styles are no longer available for free but she does have lots for sale in her store here.
The second one is another wedding layout but not my wedding, this is a photo from David's wedding (which I accidently forgot until I saw the date on the photo I was scrapping lol).
Credits: Layered template (Gotcha Cornered, Template 3) by Chrissy W, Love Story (slightly recoloured) by Hollie Haradon (Holliewood Studios), Sleepytime Wordart by Jodie McNally and Stroke of Midnight by Jofia Devoe and Annie Manning (Paint The Moon). Glitter Styles by Megan Farrows (Flergs). Fonts are DJB Liz by Darcy Baldwin and ALS Script.
Journalling reads: When Uncle David and Aunty Elizabeth got married, it was a very busy day. Everyone had to get up early, to get ready on time. Then we had the ceremony, and the all the photographs being taken. That was all before you were even usually up from bed! But combined with all the dancing we did, the balloon chasing you did and all the attention you got, eventually you had reached the point where you were utterly exhausted. So you did something that is very you, went into mummy’s bag, and got out your bottle. Then wondered over to the only sofa not being used, laid down and fell fast asleep. Completely oblivious to everything going on around you including the disco!
Journalling on strips reads: Weddings are really hard work.
Enabling:Gotcha Cornered Templates by Chrissy W currently available here for just $1 will change the link when they get moved into her store, Love Story by Hollie Haradon (Holliewood Studios) available here, Sleepytime Wordart by Jodie McNally available here, Stroke of Midnight by Annie Manning (Paint The Moon) and Jofia Devoe available here, DJB Liz by Darcy Baldwin available here and ALS Script available here. Megan Farrows (Flergs) glitter styles are no longer available for free but she does have lots for sale in her store here.
The last one was made using Amy's new collaboration with Maria LaFrance, another girly one with lots of pink, I am really not a pink kind of person yet both my girly layouts are ones I really like the end result of which is just bizarre lol.
Credits: Layered template (Gotcha Cornered, Template 4) and Clearly Inked Alpha by Chrissy W, Gabrielle and Gabrielle Mini Heart Album by Amy Bleser and Maria LaFrance and Little Traveler Sampler by Bohemian ART. Fonts are DJB Writes A Lot and DJB Erika by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Ella you had a great time at your 1st school fete. You tried out lots of games, and bought things from the stalls. But your favourite parts had to be having your face painted and getting a ride around the grass on top of the little white pony.
Enabling:Gotcha Cornered Templates by Chrissy W currently available here for just $1 will change the link when they get moved into her store, Clearly Inked Alpha by Chrissy W available here, Gabrielle and Gabrielle Mini Heart Album by Amy Bleser and Maria LaFrance available here, here or here and here, here or here, DJB Writes A Lot and DJB Erika by Darcy Baldwin don't seem to have been uploaded at Sweet Shoppe Designs yet and I can't seem to find Little Traveler Sampler by Bohemian ART.
Really have to run now, Nan will be up soon and then it's time for bed. I am hoping that I will find some time to scrap today, Chrissy has a new template challenge up and I can't wait to use it, also have some other stuff from Amy to use, lots of Sweet Shoppe Designs challenges to get done before the end of the month and other assorted I want to do if I get time things on my list lol.
The 1st one was made purely because I felt it needed recording, no challenge just me wanting to journal about a moment I didn't want to forget which is really how my scrapping started anyway.
Journalling reads: There are some parts about being a mum, that are a lot easier if you have very little fear, don’t mind making a bit of an idiot of yourself and are just a tiny bit insane. One of the best examples of this is Sports Day. If you are overweight and you have joint problems that should be enough reasons to not take part in the parents race. If on the morning of Sports Day you couldn’t find a bra that didn’t show over or through your top, that should set off screaming alarm bells saying DON’T DO IT, JUST DON’T DO IT. But if on the off chance you fail to listen to that very sensible advice and insist on doing it anyway, you will find out many things. Like trousers that are comfortable don’t stay up when you run, boots don’t make ideal shoes for running in, and boobs become deadly weapons when you add in speed. When you finish last and you feel like you are about to die of exhaustion and embarassment, you can take comfort from these few words “i’m really proud of you mummy, you tried really hard”. It only takes those few words and that look of pride, to make you forget all about, how much you are hurting all over and how hard it is to breathe. That’s all it takes to make you remember it’s not the winning it really is that taking part that is important.
Journalling on path reads: Sports Day 2008.
Enabling: I'm Talking 'bout See Kara Run Wordart by Jodie McNally available here, Chloe's Treasures by Annie Manning (Paint The Moon) available here, Text Path by Jen Caputo available here and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here. All the details for the Copycat Template 1 can be found here including the download link.
The 2nd one was made mainly to appease my own guilt at how much I have neglected my CT duties for Amy, she has been incredibly understanding about all the craziness going on here, but that doesn't stop me feeling very very guilty about how long it's been since I made my last page using her products. This one is a very girly page, so not my usual style but I am really pleased with the way it turned out. I might have to borrow Ella for some more recent photographs lol.
Journalling reads: Ella, because we see you all the time, we don’t notice how big you are getting. It’s only when we look back through photos we have taken of you that we see how much you are changing all the time. With you being so tall and acting so independent it’s really hard for us to remember that you are not even 5 years old yet!
Enabling: Stitched Stems by Natalie Braxton available here, Spring Morning, Spring Morning Addon and Spring Morning Solid Background Pack all by Amy Bleser available here, here or here, here, here or here and here, here or here and Crayons Lightroom Preset by Kelsey Smith can be found with lots of other free lightroom presets available here. DJB Merry by Darcy Baldwin doesn't seem to be uploaded at Sweet Shoppe Designs yet, Springs A Bloom by Amy Bleser was a previous potato bar item at Polka Dot Potato and is currently unavailable. All the template challenge details including the download link can be found here.
The next 3 layouts were all created with Chrissy's brand new template set - Gotcha Cornered. Which are featured in the Dollar Deals Day promotion at Elemental Scraps, you can pick up these and other goodies by Chrissy and the other ES designers for the bargain price of just $1 from now until the end of the 16th (which for me is today thanks to the time difference).
The first one is a wedding layout, I am really behind on scrapping my wedding, it never really appeals to me to scrap those photos, no idea why I have bought lots of kits that I thought would work but didn't and made a few pages here and there, but I guess I prefer scrapping other stuff.
Enabling: Gotcha Cornered Templates by Chrissy W currently available here for just $1 will change the link when they get moved into her store, Paper Cutters Scallops and Family Photos and Frames by Chrissy W available here and here, Hitched by Robin Carlton and Kay Miller available here and With A Kiss Wordart by DSP Designers available on this CD. Megan Farrows (Flergs) glitter styles are no longer available for free but she does have lots for sale in her store here.
The second one is another wedding layout but not my wedding, this is a photo from David's wedding (which I accidently forgot until I saw the date on the photo I was scrapping lol).
Journalling reads: When Uncle David and Aunty Elizabeth got married, it was a very busy day. Everyone had to get up early, to get ready on time. Then we had the ceremony, and the all the photographs being taken. That was all before you were even usually up from bed! But combined with all the dancing we did, the balloon chasing you did and all the attention you got, eventually you had reached the point where you were utterly exhausted. So you did something that is very you, went into mummy’s bag, and got out your bottle. Then wondered over to the only sofa not being used, laid down and fell fast asleep. Completely oblivious to everything going on around you including the disco!
Journalling on strips reads: Weddings are really hard work.
Enabling:Gotcha Cornered Templates by Chrissy W currently available here for just $1 will change the link when they get moved into her store, Love Story by Hollie Haradon (Holliewood Studios) available here, Sleepytime Wordart by Jodie McNally available here, Stroke of Midnight by Annie Manning (Paint The Moon) and Jofia Devoe available here, DJB Liz by Darcy Baldwin available here and ALS Script available here. Megan Farrows (Flergs) glitter styles are no longer available for free but she does have lots for sale in her store here.
The last one was made using Amy's new collaboration with Maria LaFrance, another girly one with lots of pink, I am really not a pink kind of person yet both my girly layouts are ones I really like the end result of which is just bizarre lol.
Journalling reads: Ella you had a great time at your 1st school fete. You tried out lots of games, and bought things from the stalls. But your favourite parts had to be having your face painted and getting a ride around the grass on top of the little white pony.
Enabling:Gotcha Cornered Templates by Chrissy W currently available here for just $1 will change the link when they get moved into her store, Clearly Inked Alpha by Chrissy W available here, Gabrielle and Gabrielle Mini Heart Album by Amy Bleser and Maria LaFrance available here, here or here and here, here or here, DJB Writes A Lot and DJB Erika by Darcy Baldwin don't seem to have been uploaded at Sweet Shoppe Designs yet and I can't seem to find Little Traveler Sampler by Bohemian ART.
Really have to run now, Nan will be up soon and then it's time for bed. I am hoping that I will find some time to scrap today, Chrissy has a new template challenge up and I can't wait to use it, also have some other stuff from Amy to use, lots of Sweet Shoppe Designs challenges to get done before the end of the month and other assorted I want to do if I get time things on my list lol.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
It's raining, It's pouring
If you took a look outside right now, you would be forgiven for assuming we are in the middle of winter not the middle of August. It's pouring down with rain, it's cold and it's just miserable and depressing. Since we are all still sick outside wasn't really an option but Lukas at least has gotten over the I want to just lay here and do nothing stage. So we got out the craft collection I bought to amuse him in the summer holidays. We started with Sand Art, then we tried our hands at Wind Chime Making and after Lukas decided that I would look better with green fingers (literally lol) he decided that was enough crafting for the day. So he moved onto playing the playstation and I chatted with Nan and made vague attempts to get some work done on the computer. I just can't seem to find the motivation to create layouts today partly because my hands are really bad today and I can't seem to get warm but mostly because I just can't concentrate. I did some shopping at Sweet Shoppe Designs this morning and usually that is great motivation to scrap because I can't wait to play with it, but obviously not today. Lately it's been hard to find the time to scrap now I have the time but not the motivation ironic huh lol. I know that I have really sucked at updating this lately and it's not that I don't have a lot to write about, I do I just don't have time to write it, or I do have time but not the motivation like today. Nan is going to hospital to have the plaster off on Tuesday, but I think they will end up replastering it so things probably won't be much different than they are now but I am still keeping my fingers crossed. I keep hoping that I will wake up one morning and things will be back to normal, no-one will be sick, no-one will need constant care I would be content if that was only for an hour or two at the moment. It's not that I don't want to take care of Nan or Lukas it's just that I am so tired out by everything. I can't remember the last day where I slept soundly without half listening out to make sure no-one needs me, or going to sleep with my mobile phone in my hand incase nan calls for something. I guess more than anything I miss what I consider normal. It's really hard for me to step up and be the full time carer, mummy, wife, ct member, and everything else I am expected to be when I feel so ill and all I really want to is crawl into my bed and stay there lol. *sigh* i'm such a moaner lately, sorry I just needed to vent. I am going to have to go back to real life in a bit, this has taken a lot longer than I was anticipating. But while I am here I suppose I should show you the layouts I have managed to get done so far this month.
This first one was created for a Cookie Decorating Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Credits:Layered template (Cookie Decorating 101, 30th July 2008) by Kay Miller, Bead Factory Green and Bead Factory Blue by Micheline Martin, Fizzy Grape Slushie by Lauren Grier and Zoe Pearn, Family Photos and Frames and Paper Cutters 4x12 by Chrissy W and Glitter Styles by Megan Farrows (Flergs).
Enabling: Fizzy Grape Slushie by Lauren Grier and Zoe Pearn available here, Family Photos and Frames and Paper Cutter 4x12 by Chrissy W available here and here. Bead Factory Green and Bead Factory Blue are now retired, Glitter styles were a previous freebie on Megan Farrows (Flergs) blog but you can see her full range of them here and all the Cookie decorating details including the download link can be found here.
This second one was for a Scrap With The Sugarbabes challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Credits: Layered template (Launchpads, Template 102, Collection 21) by Bree Clarkson and The Land Of Nod by Dani Mogstad. Fonts are DJB Nicole and DJB TracyL both by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Time isn’t something I am ever very specific about. I don’t wear a watch, and I rarely look at clocks but the moment in time I will never forget is 9:28am on the 3rd August 2002. That was the moment I stopped being just Crystal and became so much more. I became your mummy. I remember how disappointed I was that you were a boy not a girl like they had told me. I remember telling the doctor that you couldn’t be a boy you had a purple bedroom and a wardrobe full of dresses. I remember feeling like my lungs were going to explode as I held my breath waiting for you to finally cry. I remember telling the doctors to make sure they spelt your name right.I’m sorry that I didn’t hold you for the few seconds that they offered me before they whisked you to the special care baby unit, I was just so mixed up and unsure of what I was feeling, I was tired and in a lot of pain from where the doctors had been pressing on my stomach. I went to sleep before even seeing you. When I woke the 1st thing on my mind was you, and even though it took a while for my 1st look at you when it came, I was utterly overwhelmed by my feelings. It was truly love at first sight and there’s nothing that feels anything like it in the world!
Enabling: Collection 21 by Bree Clarkson available here, Land Of Nod by Dani Mogstad available here, DJB Nicole and DJB TracyL by Darcy Baldwin available here.
This third one was created for an Inspiration challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs and is also my current desktop wallpaper lol.
Credits: Layered template (Double Template 30, Side A) by Andrea Gold, A Pocket Full Of Posies by Penny Springmann (slightly recoloured), Save The Date Brushes by Darcy Baldwin and 2008 Calendar Template English Radmila Littledeer. Font is DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin.
Enabling: A Pocket Full Posies by Penny Springmann available here, Save The Date Brushes and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here and here and 2008 Calendar Templates by Radmilla Littledeer available here. I can't seem to find Double Template 30 by Andrea Gold in the store.
These last 2 were created with Chrissy's latest template set - Get 'Em Scrapped, a set of two 2 page templates. I am the first to admit two page templates are not my style, I rarely do multi photo layouts so I wasn't really looking forward to using these, but I have to admit after using them I am kind of eating my words. They are a really well designed set and they were definately not that difficult to scrap with everything just seemed to click into place, the hardest part was choosing the photos lol. I will hold my hands up and admit they were even quite fun to use. They are definately worth a try if you have a lot of photos you need to get scrapped even if 2 pagers aren't your usual style of scrapping, you will probably be pleasantly surprised just like I was.
I used one of them for A Recipe challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Credits: Layered template (Get 'Em Scrapped, Template 2) by Chrissy W and First Bell by Lauren Grier and Amanda Heimann. Fonts are DJB Nicole and DJB Chalk It Up by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: Ever since the day you started school, you have loved it. But there is one part of school you look forward to for the whole year - The summer fete. You love the games, you love the sounds, you love all the noise and bright colours. The stalls and the events may change every year but your excitement only seems to increase more with every year. This year you tried everything they had to offer from cake decorating, to bouncy horse racing, from javelin throwing, to playing on the playground equipment. But your favourite parts had to be buying the fireman’s helmet from the stall for 50p and getting the chance to sit in the driving seat of a “mini car”.
Enabling: Get 'Em Scrapped by Chrissy W available here and First Bell by Lauren Grier and Amanda Heimann available here and DJB Nicole available here. DJB Chalk It Up by Darcy Baldwin is found in the Home Room Collaboration at The Digi Chick here.
The second one I used to scrap some of the many photos I took when it snowed in April.
Credits: Layered template (Get 'Em Scrapped, Template 1) by Chrissy W, Let It Snow by Angela and Emily Powers (Two Sisters Designs) and Midnight Magic by Michaela Ferkul (Microferk Designs). Font is DJB Erika by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads: It starts with a mad dash around the house looking for warm clothes. Then we move onto bundling on those clothes in enough layers that it’s hard to move. It takes a while but finally the fun can begin. We can make the 1st prints in the fresh white snow. We can taste the snow for the very 1st time. We can jump on the snow covered trampoline. Throw snowballs, and make snowbaby’s. We can make our own snowstorn by just shaking the tree. We can lay in the snow and make snow angels. We can run and we can play without feeling the mind numbing cold of the weather. We can forget about everything except just enjoying the moment and the memories we are making. *sigh* I wish we could have a snow day every day of the week.
Enabling: Get 'Em Scrapped by Chrissy W available here and Midnight Magic by Michaela Ferkul (Microferk Designs) available here. Let It Snow by Angela and Emily Powers (Two Sisters Designs) is now retired and DJB Erika doesn't seem to have been uploaded at Sweet Shoppe Designs yet.
I am hoping I will feel more motivated tomorrow and be able to come back and blog some of the stuff I have to tell you. If I don't make it back don't worry, you know it's nothing major I am just busy if you want anything urgently you can always email me and i'll be back when I can.
This first one was created for a Cookie Decorating Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Enabling: Fizzy Grape Slushie by Lauren Grier and Zoe Pearn available here, Family Photos and Frames and Paper Cutter 4x12 by Chrissy W available here and here. Bead Factory Green and Bead Factory Blue are now retired, Glitter styles were a previous freebie on Megan Farrows (Flergs) blog but you can see her full range of them here and all the Cookie decorating details including the download link can be found here.
This second one was for a Scrap With The Sugarbabes challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Journalling reads: Time isn’t something I am ever very specific about. I don’t wear a watch, and I rarely look at clocks but the moment in time I will never forget is 9:28am on the 3rd August 2002. That was the moment I stopped being just Crystal and became so much more. I became your mummy. I remember how disappointed I was that you were a boy not a girl like they had told me. I remember telling the doctor that you couldn’t be a boy you had a purple bedroom and a wardrobe full of dresses. I remember feeling like my lungs were going to explode as I held my breath waiting for you to finally cry. I remember telling the doctors to make sure they spelt your name right.I’m sorry that I didn’t hold you for the few seconds that they offered me before they whisked you to the special care baby unit, I was just so mixed up and unsure of what I was feeling, I was tired and in a lot of pain from where the doctors had been pressing on my stomach. I went to sleep before even seeing you. When I woke the 1st thing on my mind was you, and even though it took a while for my 1st look at you when it came, I was utterly overwhelmed by my feelings. It was truly love at first sight and there’s nothing that feels anything like it in the world!
Enabling: Collection 21 by Bree Clarkson available here, Land Of Nod by Dani Mogstad available here, DJB Nicole and DJB TracyL by Darcy Baldwin available here.
This third one was created for an Inspiration challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs and is also my current desktop wallpaper lol.
Enabling: A Pocket Full Posies by Penny Springmann available here, Save The Date Brushes and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here and here and 2008 Calendar Templates by Radmilla Littledeer available here. I can't seem to find Double Template 30 by Andrea Gold in the store.
These last 2 were created with Chrissy's latest template set - Get 'Em Scrapped, a set of two 2 page templates. I am the first to admit two page templates are not my style, I rarely do multi photo layouts so I wasn't really looking forward to using these, but I have to admit after using them I am kind of eating my words. They are a really well designed set and they were definately not that difficult to scrap with everything just seemed to click into place, the hardest part was choosing the photos lol. I will hold my hands up and admit they were even quite fun to use. They are definately worth a try if you have a lot of photos you need to get scrapped even if 2 pagers aren't your usual style of scrapping, you will probably be pleasantly surprised just like I was.
I used one of them for A Recipe challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Journalling reads: Ever since the day you started school, you have loved it. But there is one part of school you look forward to for the whole year - The summer fete. You love the games, you love the sounds, you love all the noise and bright colours. The stalls and the events may change every year but your excitement only seems to increase more with every year. This year you tried everything they had to offer from cake decorating, to bouncy horse racing, from javelin throwing, to playing on the playground equipment. But your favourite parts had to be buying the fireman’s helmet from the stall for 50p and getting the chance to sit in the driving seat of a “mini car”.
Enabling: Get 'Em Scrapped by Chrissy W available here and First Bell by Lauren Grier and Amanda Heimann available here and DJB Nicole available here. DJB Chalk It Up by Darcy Baldwin is found in the Home Room Collaboration at The Digi Chick here.
The second one I used to scrap some of the many photos I took when it snowed in April.
Journalling reads: It starts with a mad dash around the house looking for warm clothes. Then we move onto bundling on those clothes in enough layers that it’s hard to move. It takes a while but finally the fun can begin. We can make the 1st prints in the fresh white snow. We can taste the snow for the very 1st time. We can jump on the snow covered trampoline. Throw snowballs, and make snowbaby’s. We can make our own snowstorn by just shaking the tree. We can lay in the snow and make snow angels. We can run and we can play without feeling the mind numbing cold of the weather. We can forget about everything except just enjoying the moment and the memories we are making. *sigh* I wish we could have a snow day every day of the week.
Enabling: Get 'Em Scrapped by Chrissy W available here and Midnight Magic by Michaela Ferkul (Microferk Designs) available here. Let It Snow by Angela and Emily Powers (Two Sisters Designs) is now retired and DJB Erika doesn't seem to have been uploaded at Sweet Shoppe Designs yet.
I am hoping I will feel more motivated tomorrow and be able to come back and blog some of the stuff I have to tell you. If I don't make it back don't worry, you know it's nothing major I am just busy if you want anything urgently you can always email me and i'll be back when I can.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Still on planet Earth
not gone off on some cosmic cruise around the galaxy, I have just been..., go on finish the sentance you know you want to, you've seen me say it enough lol, BUSY. Since I last posted here Nan has been admitted and released from hospital and is now needing more help than before, Mark is still being a pig and Lukas is still sick. It was Lukas's official birthday yesterday, I say official we didn't really celebrate because of him being sick, so like the queen he gets 2 birthdays (and has done ever since he was born because either me, him or both of us are always sick on his birthday). His official birthday (the day he was born - 3rd August) and his unofficial I feel better now let's party birthday which changes every year depending on who is sick and how sick they are. Then we celebrate Leo's birthday on the 24th August, because even though he's not here to enjoy it I still think it deserves to be recognised and celebrated. Since I currently have about an hour or so while Nan is at a hospital appointment to get caught up on everything that's computer related I am going to have to love you and leave you, but I just thought I should drop in and let you all know that I am still around and promise again that I will try and organise myself better so I can get this blog up to date. I will leave you with something cute Lukas did earlier, he threw up and then felt hungry, not fancying cleaning up more sick I told him he couldn't have most of the things he wanted to eat because I didn't want to upset his tummy again. We asked him if he would like some bread and butter, his reply was no I want naked bread lol. He meant dry bread but obviously doesn't think bread feels dry, he didn't understand what we thought was so funny!
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