This blog contains the ramblings of one crazy mummy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If it offends you feel free not to read it. You will often find moans, whinges, lists of my digiscrapping purchases and even the occasional freebie. I accept no responsibility at all for any purchases that result from reading my blog lol.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A possible solution to my image hosting issues
*Edited to add* If you look over to the right you will see I have added a new blinkie, that one is clickable to view all of the albums I currently have uploaded so far I have done July, June, May, April and March 08, The CD Album I made for Mark for Fathers Day and The Mint Tin Album I made with Leo's S.C.B.U photos. I will get the others up as soon as I have time, and then I will start working on getting the links updated so you can see images direct on the blog again. If you scroll way down to the bottom of the page you can see a slideshow of this months layouts. I will try and remember to switch that one out every month but don't be surprised if July's is still there at Christmas lol you know what I am like.
Before anyone emails me
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
From Our Blog To Yours - What Kind Of Music Are You?
You Are Electronic Music |
You are energetic and expressive. You love feeling alive. You never get sick of your favorite things - they're what makes life special. You don't take tradition or conventions too seriously. You live for the future. You enjoy remixes and re-interpretations of things. Life is about making improvements. |
Hmmm not entirely sure about those results lol.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
From Our Blog To Yours - Summer Jobs
From Our Blog To Yours - Favourite Vacation Spot
From Our Blog To Yours - What Your Fireworks Say About You
What Your These Fireworks Say About You |
You are focused, single minded, and intense. You don't let others see your intensity often, and when they do, they are quite surprised. You burn brightly, but you also burn steadily. You have the endurance to get the one thing you desire most. |
That was super simple and I get a pretty firework picture too result lol.
From Our Blog To Yours - Birthday Style
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
yes I know I know
Lukas is still off school, tomorrow is the last day of school no school until september yay. So I will be back tomorrow I promise, even if all I manage is some Sweet Shoppe Designs From Our Blog To Yours posts.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So sorry
This first one was created for a Spin-A-Lift Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Credits: Layered template (Collection 19, Template 1) by Jen Caputo, Little Buddies by Dani Mogstad and Gina Miller and Date It Tags by GG Digital Designs (The Golden Girls). Fonts are DJB Writes A Lot by Darcy Baldwin and 4990810.
Journalling reads: All I seem to have been hearing lately is “mummy, can I have a dog?” You know how much I hate to say “No” to you, but there are lots of reasons why we can’t have a dog at the moment. When me and Nana saw these on the shopping channel we knew we had to get them for you. Pat their heads and they lay down, sit and bark. Pat their paws and they shake your hand and rub them on the chin and they jump up and down. So we bought them and then listened to you saying “are my dogs coming today” every single day, at least once an hour until they finally arrived. When they came you were thrilled to see they even came complete with little collars. To you they are the best thing in the world. You love to play with them and stroke their soft fur. You finally have your very own “pets” to love and play with. We thought for a long time what we should call them. Me and Nana suggested lots of different names but eventually we decided on Yip and Yap. You made up a cute little song “Yippy and Yappy, my doggies make me happy”. I think they are a great substitute for the real thing because I don’t have to feed them, or walk them. I don’t have to take them to the vets or groom them. I don’t have to clean up any little accidents or presents. But best of all once you go to sleep I can turn them off and forget about them. Maybe one day we will be ready for the responsibility of owning a real pet, but for now these two are enough to make you happy Lukas.
This second one was created for a recipe challenge (Challenge #39) at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Journalling reads: Mummy and Lukas sitting in the tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First he smiles sweetly and moves in real quick. A really lovely cuddle and a great big LICK!! Playing in the trees @ the park 24/06/2008.
This third one was created for a recipe challenge (Challenge #38) at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Journalling reads: We saw these street artists on our trip to London. For as long as I can remember people who choose to do this have fascinated me. I always wonder how they can bear wearing so much make-up, standing still for hours on end and remaining silent. I really love to watch them work, maybe it’s because I could never do it!
Quote:Art is... a question mark in the minds of those who want to know what's happening. Author: Aaron Howard
This fourth one was created for a Cookie Decorating 101 challenge (challenge #41) at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Journalling reads: When Nan fell and broke her arm and needed it to be put in plaster, we all knew that she would only have one colour cast PURPLE.
The fifth and final one was created for another Cookie Decorating 101 challenge (challenge #40) at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Journalling reads: Egg and Spoon Race, Football Dribbling Race, Quoit Balancing Race, Dressing Up Race, Rat Race, Enjoying Every Minute, Green Team Winning!
I will be back to do the enabling once I have got Lukas to bed.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I think we got up to Sunday night didn't we?
Super quick layout share
Enabling: Jaelicious templates by Chrissy W available here, Chunky Monkey by Amanda Slagle (Mandabean) and Robin Carlton available here and Hand Sewn Corners by Kate Hadfield available here.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Changing the subject
The first one was created for the Treat Of The Month Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs. This month's treat is Ranie O'Dell known in the forums as Juliet.
Journalling reads: Right now I am listening to...
Backstreet Boys (Backstreet’s Back, Black and Blue, Millennium, Never Gone and Unbreakable albums)
Journey South (Journey South album)
Boyzone (By Request, A Different Beat and Where We Belong albums)
Westlife (Back Home, Face To Face and World Of Our Own Albums)
Savage Garden (I knew I loved you single)
Atomic Kitten (It’s OK single)
BBMak (Still on your side single)
Ronan Keating (10 years of hits album)
Stephen Gately (new beginning album)
Shayne Ward (Shayne Ward album)
Brad Paisley (5th Gear, Time Well Wasted and Mud On The Tires Albums)
Enrique Inglesias (Escape and Insomniac albums)
Robson and Jerome (Happy Days album)
Mika (Life in cartoon motion album)
Nick Lachey (What’s Left Of Me and SoulO albums)
No Mercy (Greatest Hits album)
Britney Spears (Blackout album)
Shane Richie (I’m your man single)
Gareth Gates (What my heart wants to say album)
All-4-One (I Swear single)
Leona Lewis (Spirit album)
Lonestar (Amazed single)
Sean Maguire (Sean Maguire album)
and Vanessa Hudgens (V album)
Enabling: Inspired by Juliet Templates by Bree Clarkson available here, iCandy by Traci Reed available here, Label Marker Dates by Shawna Clingerman available here and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here.
The second one was for a Spin-A-Lift Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs, another Ranie O'Dell aka Juliet layout.
Credits: Layered template (Inspired by Juliet, Template 4) by Bree Clarkson, Marco by Libby Weifenbach, Epoxy Dates by Shawna Clingerman, Bloomin' Wordart by Jodie McNally. ScrapSimple Tools - Actions Stitching 4901 by Shalee Tippets. Fonts are DJB MEGAN by Darcy Baldwin and MarkerFinePoint-Plain.
Journalling reads: This little herb planting kit started off as a pot and a handful of different seeds.You added a little soil, a little water and some patience. After that all you had left to do was enjoy the time spent with Nana.
Enabling: Inspired by Juliet Templates by Bree Clarkson available here, Marco by Libby Weifenbach available here, Epoxy Dates by Shawna Clingerman available here, Bloomin' Wordart by Jodie McNally available here, ScrapSimple Tools - Actions Stitching 4901 by Shalee Tippetts available here, DJB Megan by Darcy Baldwin available here and MarkerFinePoint-Plain available here.
The last one is a great example of why multitasking rocks lol. It was created for Chrissy's 1st blog template challenge and a One Word Challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Journalling reads: I have always been proud of the fact that you are pleased by the simplest of things. This plastic fireman’s hat we bought at the school fete cost 50p, but the huge smile and repeated thank you’s it produced were truly priceless. You are one in a million and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Enabling: Defined by Michelle Coleman available here, Easily Amused by Traci Reed available here, AL Highlight available here and DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin available here. Paper Masks by Kim Wresh currently available in her grab bag here, Elemental Emotions by Traci Reed is now retired, Paper Strips by Laura18K don't appear to be in her store or on her blog sorry and Glitter Styles were a previous freebie on Megan Farrow's (Flergs) blog but she has lots of other glitter styles available in her store here and you can find all the details about the template challenge including the download link on Chrissy's blog here.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Shall we carry on from Sunday morning?
Sunday night Nan's arm was causing her extreme pain, her fingers had swollen up a lot and were turning a very nasty colour. That was about 10pm, since she wouldn't let me call Lisa because she would be in bed, or anyone else we opted for calling another ambulance. I spoke to the rudest most obnoxious operator on the phone, who then transferred me to a doctor. He was also very unhelpful and said he would send the on-call doctor out to see Nan. When the on-call doctor arrived he took one look at Nan's hand and promptly called an ambulance. He said if the cast didn't come off immediately Nan would be in danger of losing her hand!. So the ambulance arrived, luckily we got 2 amazingly helpful crew members. They made Nan a lot more comfortable and were very concerned about her. They booked her into A&E and then the fun really started. First off a nurse removed the cast, Nan's entire arm was black and blue. They were amazed at how tight the other cast had been applied, it should have been loose enough to allow for the inevitable swelling, instead it was so tight it almost doubled the amount of swelling. Nan was having a lot of trouble with her fingers at this point, they were really cold and numb, she had no feeling at all in her thumb and was causing the doctors to panic a little. The doctor who had treated her the night before sent her for yet more x-rays. I had to wheel her around there myself since no-one bothered to call a porter to take her. We waited around for ages for an x-ray there was no-one around to even hand the form to. Oh the joys of late night hospital visits lol. After more waiting around we were told that the position of the bones had changed and more manipulation would be needed to get it back into the right position to set. Nan was obviously not very happy about the idea of having that done, and being in incredible pain again. The doctor who had done it previously was not happy to attempt it again, so he called for a consultation from a Trauma doctor. Which meant more waiting, eventually I went and asked them if it was possible to get Nan something for the pain just to make her more comfortable. They gave her Ora-Morph (oral morphine) which started off a whole other set of issues, but I don't have time to get into that yet. When they came to manipulate her arm, they gave her gas and air, no anaesthetic this time. She really couldn't get the hang of doing the gas and air properly she was taking very shallow breaths (mainly because she was struggling to catch her breath because she was panicing). There was a very abrupt nurse barking orders at her all the time which didn't help matters. After they manipulated it we had to go for yet more x-rays. This time I had to wheel the bed round to x-ray not the easiest job in the world but admitedly easier than pushing my old twin buggy lol. She had 2 x-rays done and I was just about to take her back to her bay when they called us back saying they needed to take some more. After looking at the x-rays the trauma doctor decided that the position was "acceptable" as long as Nan's arm remained elevated in a 90 degree angle position. She had to be taken to a ward and have a sling (well a makeshift sling made of a pillowcase and some bandages anyway lol) rigged up to a drip stand to help maintain this position. To say Nan was not very happy about the idea of staying overnight is an understatement. They gave her another dose of Ora-Morph and transferred her to a wheelchair to be moved. By that time it was 3:30am, Nan hadn't taken her usual nightly medication and I had taken great lumps out of my arms scratching thanks to the latex allergy. I think I had taken about 12 (dose is supposed to be 1 a day lol) of my allergy tablets by that point usually my latex allergy leaves me unable to breathe I have found that by taking lots of allergy tablets I can reduce the effects from life threatening to annoying lol. I am going to have to leave it there as I have run out of time again, I will try and get back as soon as possible to fill you in on the rest of the week. If I am lucky that might even be later today or tomorrow.
Friday, July 11, 2008
What a week!!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Tagged by Kate
The Rules: Answer the questions using only one word. Then tag four others.
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your significant other? downstairs
3. Your hair? long
4. Your mother? annoying
5. Your father? absent
6. Your favorite thing? computer
7. Your dream last night? unmemorable
8 Your favorite drink? squash
9. Your dream/goal? comfort
10. The room you’re in? bedroom
11. Your hobby? scrapbooking
12. Your fear? death
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
14. What you’re not? skinny
15. Muffins? mmmm
16. One of your wish list items? freedom
17. Where you grew up? oxford
18. The last thing you did? typed
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Favorite gadget? ipod
21. Your pets? none
22. Your computer? lifeline
23. Your mood? depressed
24. Missing someone? yes
25. Your car? nonexistant
26. Something you’re not wearing? knickers
27. Favorite store? shakeaway
28. Like someone? yes
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When is the last time you laughed? unsure
31. Last time you cried? yesterday