This blog contains the ramblings of one crazy mummy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If it offends you feel free not to read it. You will often find moans, whinges, lists of my digiscrapping purchases and even the occasional freebie. I accept no responsibility at all for any purchases that result from reading my blog lol.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I'm back!!!!
Just incase you never noticed I wasn't here I will explain what has been going on. Firstly my computer has been running super slow for a while. It was driving me insane, to the point where I was in favour of chucking it out of the window. Mark has done a complete reinstall and now it runs like lightning. Obviously it will be a lot slower once I finish installing all my stuff back onto it lol but for now I am a happy bunny. I went to the doctors the other day I got some new tablets to try and some eye drops I am a lot happier now that my eyes aren't sore all the time. I am finding it a lot easier to work on my computer, the cough and colds we all had have cleared up a little. Lukas had Friday off school because he threw up everywhere but now seems completely fine and looking forward to going to school tomorrow. Mark has been signed off for a further two weeks at least with his depression. Today is a good day and since they are few and far between for me I am making the most of it. I have some scrapping to catch up on and some very cool new pictures to play with (Lukas has a kiddie gazebo in the garden and wants to live in it lol). I might be back with some layouts later. I haven't scrapped for ages.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Cutting it close again
Me and Mark never seem to get organised and manage to get things doen before they are due. Like tonight is a really good example the deadline for this round of challenges at Digiscrapdivas is midnight EST today. We have just finished them off this evening. Lukas has been a little monster to get to sleep lately, he uses every single delaying tactic he can think of to stay up late. He has to be up for school at 8am tomorrow morning and he's been asleep about 30 minutes. The annoying part is he should have been super tired since he has been playing in the garden and bouncing on the trampoline all day long. I would kill for 1/4 of his energy. Something isn't quite right with him though because he's very clingy and wants cuddles constantly. For two weeks he has asked me "when am I going to school?" when I told him today that he has school tomorrow his reply "don't want to go want to stay here with you" so frustrating lol. He is going to school in the morning his cough isn't too bad, just sudden bursts every now and then through the day. He has a doctors appointment on Wednesday and so do I. What fun that will be lol. I'm off to try and get some sleep but since I am really hot I expect I will be back to ramble some more lol.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Slacking with the blog
I meant to post yesterday but I never actually got around to it. Gavin was 21 yesterday, and Darren was 20 on the 10th, it's amazing to think that my little brothers are all grown up. I remember when they were little, silly things they did, fights we had. I remember sticking up for them at school and now, they don't even speak to me. It's really hard for me. I would have loved to send them cards and let them know that at least I was thinking about them, but what's the point, they are grown adults who chose not to attend my wedding or get in touch with me or Nan because of a fight I had with my mum. It wouldn't have killed them to pick up the phone and give either of us a quick call. I miss them though. I feel incomplete without my family. I would even be happy just to have some photos of them. But I only have a hndful of pictures and they are of the little ones. I took them myself. I asked my mum for the photos back when I started scrapping but wasn't ever given them because she' couldn't be bothered to look for them. I might write to my dad and see if he could copy the few he has.
I am still sick, Lukas still has a cough, Mark is signed off for at least another week. Just incase you were wondering lol.
I don't really have much to talk about lately do I lol. Lukas goes back to school on Monday it's going to seem so strange not having him home again, I know he's only been home for two weeks but it feels like forever (in a good way, I love him being with me all the time). He's excited about seeing his friends again.
This week seems to have flown by, I hate bank holidays they confuse me, I get all my days mixed up. I haven't managed any scrapping today, I am not really sure where the day went the hours seemed to have passed without me getting anything done, except shopping lol. Nan bought me a few digital gifts earlier. I got the Grab Bags at My Digital Muse, Lauren Barden's amazing Make Me Gorgeous, Make Me Balanced and Make Me Balanced Too photo actions. I will have to show you tomorrow what they look like. Some more commercial use stuff from Digidollarama, I love it over there everything is $1 and you can use it for commercial uses, the scrap resources like the paper templates etc can be used in your own kits for sale, the kits and papers can be used for scrap for hire. I have all of the commercial use paper templates. I hate making patterned paper (but then I hate using it as well lol) I prefer clean stuff so these are a life saver for me. I also picked up some stuff at Plain Digital Wrapper, Betsy Tuma is having a 50% off sale and Jill D-Zines is leaving the store. I picked up a couple of things from scrapbook graphics. I will pop back tomorrow with some previews and links to the actual items, I am going to try and get some sleep. If I can't I will be back in a bit with links lol. Insomnia really sucks!
I am still sick, Lukas still has a cough, Mark is signed off for at least another week. Just incase you were wondering lol.
I don't really have much to talk about lately do I lol. Lukas goes back to school on Monday it's going to seem so strange not having him home again, I know he's only been home for two weeks but it feels like forever (in a good way, I love him being with me all the time). He's excited about seeing his friends again.
This week seems to have flown by, I hate bank holidays they confuse me, I get all my days mixed up. I haven't managed any scrapping today, I am not really sure where the day went the hours seemed to have passed without me getting anything done, except shopping lol. Nan bought me a few digital gifts earlier. I got the Grab Bags at My Digital Muse, Lauren Barden's amazing Make Me Gorgeous, Make Me Balanced and Make Me Balanced Too photo actions. I will have to show you tomorrow what they look like. Some more commercial use stuff from Digidollarama, I love it over there everything is $1 and you can use it for commercial uses, the scrap resources like the paper templates etc can be used in your own kits for sale, the kits and papers can be used for scrap for hire. I have all of the commercial use paper templates. I hate making patterned paper (but then I hate using it as well lol) I prefer clean stuff so these are a life saver for me. I also picked up some stuff at Plain Digital Wrapper, Betsy Tuma is having a 50% off sale and Jill D-Zines is leaving the store. I picked up a couple of things from scrapbook graphics. I will pop back tomorrow with some previews and links to the actual items, I am going to try and get some sleep. If I can't I will be back in a bit with links lol. Insomnia really sucks!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Back to ramble away to myself some more
Its cheaper than therapy lol. That annoying man came earlier today about the house was here a really short while and never really looked at anything, Nan had as usual got herself into a state over nothing. I have spent today organising all of my digi stash thats "sorted" that just means relabled to my system of kit name, designer name, store. Then I move it to a sorted folder, whenever I can be bothered the sorted folder gets moved into its seperate organising files within "Crystal's Scrapbooking" eventually it will all be sorted by type i.e ribbons and colour (yes I am that sad lol) but for now I am happy that my sorted file is currently empty tomorrow I can work on filling it up again rofl. I am still sick, Lukas still has a cough and its getting really frustrating not having the energy to get either of us to a doctors so we can try and get sorted. All I want to do at the moment is sleep, I never realised how exhausting it is to cough and sneeze constantly. Lukas is supposed to be back at school on Monday, if he's still coughing like this he will have more time off (much to their annoyance) but that's just tough a mother has to have some principles and mine include not sending my little man to school when he's poorly. I don't really have anything else to say today, I will try and pop back tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Getting organised and playing catch up
There's nothing like spending the day getting my digi stash organised, listening to my music and catching up with all the projects I am behind on. It's easily my favourite way to spend the day at the moment. Even if my nose and eyes are running constantly and I feel rubbish lol. Even though sleep would have been a lovely alternative but we have lots going on here, there's supposed to be someone coming to inspect the house, between yesterday and tomorrow but we don't actually know when they are coming. So we had to clean and tidy the whole house and now we have to sit around and wait for them to show up. Lukas is out playing in the garden, he's still poorly but maybe the fresh air will do him some good. I was playing with him yesterday and I was quite shocked at how long he sat still and played for. He has an amazing imagination and is quite happy to amuse himself for hours. His favourite toys at the moment - a roll of string, a cardboard box and a toilet roll lol. Marks been signed off work by the doctor again because he's feeling really depressed again. I never know how to help him when he is like this because he doesn't talk about anything he just shuts down. Yesterday was a year since we lost the last baby. I really wish he would open up to me, but he knows I am here if and when he does feel like talking about everything. He's really enjoying the scrapping, he hasn't quite got to the stage where he feels comfortable with journalling but he's getting better all the time. It's lovely to have a hobby to share with him, it's fun watching him learn new things he's always so pleased with himself when he masters a technique. The best point for me is watching his face when he gets comments. As sick as this sounds whenever Mark is really depressed, I'm not, I think it's because I step into my natural role as protector. When he's feeling vunerable I tend to fall into the mother role. I seem to function the best when I have responsibilty and people that need to be taken care of. I am going to get back to the organising before Mark gets home and Lukas comes back upstairs. Will probably be back later.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Easter
Hope everyone else is having a really nice one and spending some time with their family. I had planned on having an Easter Egg Hunt with Lukas, Josh, Conor and Ella but me and Lukas are still too poorly. When I feel a little better I will just bag up all the chocolate and prizes I bought and they can have them a little late. Its not all bad though because by the time I get around to doing that they will have all finished their eggs lol. I have bought some more stash, starting with all of these lovely Grab Bags at Divine Digital but if you want any of them they are only available until the end of today! I also bought myself another custom font this one is cursive. HopefullyI will feel up to filling out the form later and emailing it off. I don't think I have anything else to share today, I have a lot of scrapping to catch up on, we have a lot of cleaning and tidying to do and all I want to do is go back to sleep lol.
Friday, April 06, 2007
The other blog is now up to date
All of the 40 Days Of Scrapping Purpose layouts are loaded. I have also added the 1st three 360 Degrees Of Inspiration layouts. All credits and journalling have also been added. I haven't added day 4 because it's not finished yet and days 5 and 6 aren't started lol. Nan should be back in the next few hours I am so excited to see her. I have really really missed having her around the house feels empty without her. Me and Lukas are still ill but getting better, he just has a cough now and I am kind of getting used to it. Will have to make a doctors appointment when I remember though. I have a little Easter Egg hunt planned for either Sunday, Monday or Tuesday depending on what the weather decides to do, so if I don't get back tomorrow I will definately pop back when I have the photographs. Catch you later xx
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Other blog progress
Yes I know I said in my previous post you could see my 360 degrees of inspirations layouts on the new blog, but I changed my mind and decided to post the 40 days layouts first. Hopefully they will all be up by tomorrow, I have posted up to day 23 so far.
Yuck I feel rough
I dont remember the last time I felt this ill. I have flu and it's making me miserable. It's definately not normal for me to cry so much everything has made me cry today. I even got to the point where I shut myself in the bathroom and locked the door because I couldn't stand Lukas's whinging anymore. I resorted to asking Mark to please go and buy something so I could at least move my head, light is hurting my eyes everything aches and I am not even going to get started on how much my ears are hurting, how sore my throat is or how many times I have wiped/blown my nose, I really should buy stocks in tissues lol. I am moaning I know actually I feel a lot better now then I have all day but 4 paracetamol, 4 asprin, some ibruprofen, decongestants and a heat patch on my back have helped lol. Lukas is still poorly but hasn't been sick today or at least not while I have been awake lol. He doesn't have much of a temperature now and seems to just be moany and want hugs all the time. Nan is still on holiday haven't heard from her today, she called last night to let me know her plane was delayed. Hopefully she's having a lovely time. I have set up a new blog to highlight all of my 360 degrees of inspiration layouts. I thought it would stop this one being overwhelmed with posts of images. You can view that blog here. I might add the other layouts I have done at Divine Digital as well - the pearls of joy series, the 40 days of scrapping purpose, the life scrapper etc. I am proud of all these layouts and I would love an easy way to showcase them all. I don't think I have anything else to say today. So will be back tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
What do I have to talk about today?
Lukas and me are still poorly. Mark is fast becoming an egomaniac lol, I encouraged him to take part in the 360 degrees of inspiration at Divine Digital, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I wasn't quite prepared for how a male scrapper would be received over there. Let's just say if he brags about how many comments he has again I will slap him lol. He has this notion that his layouts are the best thing since sliced bread. Believe me I am not trying to say that they aren't good, because they are and I am not saying mine are better because they aren't, mine are different and more personal. What I am trying to say is his ego is getting on my nerves. Unfortunately that's always been one of Marks faults he can never just be proud without driving everyone scatty by going on and on and on about it. I adore him and I have always known he was like this but it still gets on my nerves lol. If you want to see the 360 degrees layouts so far (before I get around to uploading them here lol) you can see them here if you want to see Mark's you can do here he hasn't got around to updating his own blog yet lol. Off to bed back tomorrow or later if I can't sleep lol.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Sometimes good things happen
when you are doing something you don't want to be doing. Like for instance how when I was cleaning up after Lukas threw up earlier and I noticed this magic sentence That means nothing to you unless you know that the circus we went to the other night was this one
so are you making the connection yet? Website means pictures, pictures and text mean I have something to scrap and just incase you aren't quite getting where I am going yet, it means I now have a way to record Lukas's first trip to the circus!!! Yay!! I also have something else to chatter away about before I get to the dull stuff like Lukas being poorly again. Its now officially April 1st here and that means I can display my new desktop do you want to see it?
Credits: POSH: Princess of Spring,POSH: Elements Pack and Bunni Boo by Royanna Lea Fritschmann and Cheat Sheets Desktop 1024x768 by Victoria Feemster. Just incase you were wondering the vibrant pink area that's Lukas's half term holiday, wow two whole weeks without having to get up early, no having to rush around the house looking for a pair of socks or a clean school polo shirt, no having to go through the fridge trying to find stuff to put in his lunchbox that's not pepperamis, ham sandwiches, chicken crisps, kit kats and fruit of some description, I can sum up all of those things in two little words absolute bliss!!
Now what was it I wanted to chatter about, I can't remember lol.
I could show you pictures of the Easter Bonnet Parade, but I think I will leave that until tomorrow and hopefully blogger wont be such a pain, it really doesn't seem to want me to post pictures tonight. I also have some new layouts to show you.Nan's off on holiday on Monday, nearly a whole week without her. It's going to be very strange. But I have plans for while she is away, stuff that we can't do when she's around like wash the dishes once a day and cook real food, in something other than the microwave. Mmmm spaghetti and chilli and i'm making myself hungry lol. Mark's at work, Lukas is asleep he's really poorly again bless him, he has a fever and a nasty cough and he's been sick a few times. Which is wonderful for me (insert sarcasm here lol) I can't do sick, it makes me heave. I normally rely on Mark to clean it up it's always been our thing he does that I do the other gross stuff like giving medicines (when giving Lukas a spoonful of medicine the instructions really should say wear rain gear and cover walls in plastic. It's bizarre that one 5ml spoonful can go so far around the room, cover my entire desk and me and still look like a full spoon full.) , sorting out Lukas's ear infections etc. I had to do it earlier though and I will admit I have done half a job, I did clean it off the bedding and scrub everything but I haven't got around to putting on clean bedding. Im off now, its almost 2:30am I might try and get some sleep, if I can't and blogger wants to behave I will be back with pictures.
so are you making the connection yet? Website means pictures, pictures and text mean I have something to scrap and just incase you aren't quite getting where I am going yet, it means I now have a way to record Lukas's first trip to the circus!!! Yay!! I also have something else to chatter away about before I get to the dull stuff like Lukas being poorly again. Its now officially April 1st here and that means I can display my new desktop do you want to see it?

Credits: POSH: Princess of Spring,POSH: Elements Pack and Bunni Boo by Royanna Lea Fritschmann and Cheat Sheets Desktop 1024x768 by Victoria Feemster. Just incase you were wondering the vibrant pink area that's Lukas's half term holiday, wow two whole weeks without having to get up early, no having to rush around the house looking for a pair of socks or a clean school polo shirt, no having to go through the fridge trying to find stuff to put in his lunchbox that's not pepperamis, ham sandwiches, chicken crisps, kit kats and fruit of some description, I can sum up all of those things in two little words absolute bliss!!
Now what was it I wanted to chatter about, I can't remember lol.
I could show you pictures of the Easter Bonnet Parade, but I think I will leave that until tomorrow and hopefully blogger wont be such a pain, it really doesn't seem to want me to post pictures tonight. I also have some new layouts to show you.Nan's off on holiday on Monday, nearly a whole week without her. It's going to be very strange. But I have plans for while she is away, stuff that we can't do when she's around like wash the dishes once a day and cook real food, in something other than the microwave. Mmmm spaghetti and chilli and i'm making myself hungry lol. Mark's at work, Lukas is asleep he's really poorly again bless him, he has a fever and a nasty cough and he's been sick a few times. Which is wonderful for me (insert sarcasm here lol) I can't do sick, it makes me heave. I normally rely on Mark to clean it up it's always been our thing he does that I do the other gross stuff like giving medicines (when giving Lukas a spoonful of medicine the instructions really should say wear rain gear and cover walls in plastic. It's bizarre that one 5ml spoonful can go so far around the room, cover my entire desk and me and still look like a full spoon full.) , sorting out Lukas's ear infections etc. I had to do it earlier though and I will admit I have done half a job, I did clean it off the bedding and scrub everything but I haven't got around to putting on clean bedding. Im off now, its almost 2:30am I might try and get some sleep, if I can't and blogger wants to behave I will be back with pictures.
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