Friday, December 22, 2006

Snowglobe baby

Panos Efstathiadis is a complete genius. So what qualifies someone as a genius in Crystal world well kick ass photoshop actions are a real must lol. If someone takes the time to make a photoshop action that either makes my life easier or creates something amazing they are akin to god lol.

So anyway Mr Efstathiadis has a fabulous collections of actions available free of charge at including the one that creates this.

Doesn't Lukas look cute in a snowglobe. LOL.

Want to know someone else who has fab actions?

Tandika Star at, as much as I love her wicked actions (mostly free for the first week to subscribers - subscribing costs $35 a year) her tutorials are even better today I created grossgrain ribbon and realistic rikrak. I have made a lot of things thanks to her amazing tutorials. It's very therapeutic pressing buttons and actually creating something. I like designing stuff I like sharing stuff as well, I think I might design a quick christmas kit if I get chance for anyone who wants it. But since no-one seems to read this blog anymore maybe no-one would want it?

I started writing this to take out some frustration but since I am not really sure why I am frustrated I will come back later for another post now I have to write some Christmas Cards I mean after all even I don't usually leave my cards until the 22nd of December.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bored now

So bloggers not liking my pictures, and I don't have much time to ramble since I still have to finish making Nan's Christmas present and organise my hardrive as well as boring stuff like wrapping Nan's Christmas gifts because she get's herself tangled in wrapping paper, write christmas cards and dullest of all tidy up.
Lukas is downstairs feeling sorry for himself because he has a cough and a cold. Mark has just taken a chunk out of his finger with a pair of scissors, Nan's trying to lay down and it seems like I am the only one its dawned on that Christmas is in one weeks time.Might pop back later if I get time.

Blogger is a pest

Since blogger decided not to allow me to add more text after my pictures I started a new post.
But I can't remember what else we have done.
Tell you what let's have a look at my festive house while I have a think.
I couldn't be bothered to alter them sorry but from top to bottom are: Tree, front of house, Back Garden. There are lots more but blogger is being very slow uploading pictures.

a whole week without a post

naughty girl lol. But I have been very busy. Lukas has been poorly, I have been making Christmas gifts for his teachers, Avoiding my mum and so much other stuff.
But I owe you a recap so let me have a think what has happened since last post?
Well there was Lukas's school play he was supposed to be a sleepy shepherd, but from the moment he got the letter he said "i'm not doing it and you can't make me". He's a stubborn boy my son and once he makes his mind up you have no chance of changing it (definately my boy lol
So anyway we drag to school wait ages in the cold. Go into the hall and end up right at the back. I was annoyed because I told Mark we had to be there early so we could get good seats but we aren't going into that one lol. Lukas had a yellow tea towel tied around his head (not the one he was sent with) and his dressing gown was nowhere to be seen. The kids start singing and you can hear the teacher above all that going "Lukas are you going to sing?" answered with a resounding "NO". Off came the tea towel and then he saw me. Helplessly trying not to laugh at him and he got the giggles. The next song when the kids started singing he put his hands over his ears. It didn't get any better throughout the performance thankfully it only lasted 15 minutes.Here's some pictures they aren't great but better than nothing.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Wedding blues

What is it about weddings that makes everyone go crazy?
Why do family members believe it's necessary to invite cousins you have never met, distant family members that you don't remember meeting, or a better question still why do mothers think they can invite half the hall capacity of complete and utter strangers?
Which brings me to the best question of all - why didn't we just elope? lol
It seemed such a good idea at the time, your mum's sick, Nan won't be about much longer, it will be something for everyone to look forward to etc etc.
When we went and bought the engagement ring, we seem to have a kind of amnesia about what our families were like. You know how women hold their newborn and forget they were screaming obscenities 5 minutes before (no I am not talking about my labour lol). I think couples get engaged and in their minds their families are going to be thrilled and want to help out and its going to be so much fun.
You neglect to recall that my mother hates marks mother, and people will be interfering left right and centre. That you will have tonnes of stuff to plan and organize and only three months to do it in. You don't remember the horror of going dress shopping with said mother or the ordeal you will have telling her that actually you are going to invite your dad despite her "i'm not coming if you invite him".
The only good thing about a wedding is sometimes you can wing stuff and deal with the inevitable fall out at a later date by neglecting to mention certain things to my mother.
Like the fact that I have invited my dad, Ordered the wedding cake arrangement I wanted and best of all there's some things people will never need to know like the boots I will be wearing under my wedding dress. Oh I can just imagine the look of horror on my mum's face if she knew I was even remotely considering wearing anything other than horrid pinchy high heel things. Oh the knowledge that I have evaded that look just makes me smile lol
As you can see it's true what they say "simple things please simple minds" lol.

Maybe tomorrow I will manage an entry on here that is more than just a collection of mindless ramblings but I doubt it.

Bumps, Burns and Bah Humbug

(Post a date late due to blogger being a pain in the bum)
I have decided that Christmas lights are a huge source of evil lol. Nan decided she wanted another set in the living room, in putting them up I managed to smash 3 of the bulb coverings, burn my hand on a naked bulb, slice into my finger with part of broken bulb covering, The artex ceiling went into my hand and just for good measure Lukas shook the stool and I fell off it. Came upstairs and managed to whack my wrist (yes obviously the one that was already hurting lol).
Don't get me wrong I love Christmas and the lights but I am a little fed up with my fridge bedroom because of leads through the window, the headaches from flashing lights, i'm not sleeping very well and if I hear every musical item in this house one more time I might be very tempted to smash them into little pieces.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

So cold in here today

and I don't mean in a hostile way, I mean in a windows won't close because Nan has so many outdoor lights plugged in through them way. I have a thick jumper on and under the duvet and I am still shivering so much for my room being the warmest in the house. I think we should ignore the freezer and use this room today lol.
Anyway enough whinging about being cold. I have other things to bitch about today.
Remember I mentioned some issues with Lukas's school? Will compress this as much as possible I don't like Lukas's teacher very much. When Lukas went to school last before he was poorly Mark took him, the teacher told him that the special needs coordinator wanted to speak to me.
I was to put it mildly angry. So when Lukas went back on Monday I went to get him and was told he'd had 2 accidents and wet himself and 1 accident of the other variety. He had also fallen asleep on the carpet - was I called nope and I was in all day long. I was furious, especially when she said to me "you shouldn't have sent him to school if he was ill" It's like duh dumbo if he was ill he would have been at home with me. I keep him home whenever he even looks slightly ill. The letters from the school saying Lucas - yes I spelt it the way they do WRONG! hasn't been at school why are dull especially when you have spoken to the stupid school daily saying he's still throwing up and pooping etc. Anyway since I am starting to ramble I will get back to the special needs coordinator before I work up into a huge rant. Everytime we have had an appointment to meet her she hasn't shown up. Yesterday when I had a doctors appointment she comes up and tries to shake my hand - um no I don't think so. She's like this hyper woman full of energy and I just felt like slapping her lol. I can't stand people like that, yeah I know I'm probably just jealous lol. Conversation went a little like this:
Her: "Hi I am ..... so nice to meet you "
Me: raising eyebrows
Her: I've come to have a little chat with you
Me: Nope, Can't, have to be somewhere. Walking out of door and over my shoulder "sorry"
Me and Lukas: Bye
Then I took Lukas home and he decided he didn't want to come with me to the doctors, because "Nannie has CBeebies". So I went on my own and sat in the waiting room reading a book and from some unknown place developed my own hyperactivity. I couldn't stop talking, I smiled at someone and they smiled back, I got chatted up by some man on the bus and I just felt a little festive cheer. Then as usual something went wrong - I went upsatirs and found Lukas had chucked all my wedding invites around the room, opened every christmas card I had written and stripped my bed of every item of bedding. Then a bit later he decided to pee on the bed. I love my son with every inch of my heart but sometimes he is a pain in the bum lol.
Right time to go back to freezing my bum off.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Losing Control

Life Sucks! Well it does when you live in a body that just doesn't do what you want it to do.
I wrote my wedding invitations out yesterday and my wrist is swollen and sore today. I used to write essays, pages and pages of whatever came in to my head with no problem now I write 78 invitations and I am hurting. Even getting dressed and brushing my hair was difficult this morning. *sigh* The part I really hate though has nothing to do with the pain, its the control I hate not having the control over my body to make it do what I want. Having a lot of control issues lately, The wedding plans seem to have changed somewhere along the lines instead of me being in the driving seat and deciding what I want and discussing it with Mark (and then doing whatever I want anyway lol) I seem to have been relegated to the back seat while Nan and my Mum argue out all the details that are left. One of the biggest being food. Mum's decided she's going to pay for all the food as a wedding present. Sounds a nice gesture until you realise that its all just so that she can ignore all my requests not to have gateaux and chicken drumsticks, she's making favours with stuff I got bullied into buying even though I didn't want them and unfortunately the list goes on and on. Nan is just as bad everything my mum argues for Nan argues against and its all purely for the sake of arguing.Yesterday there was a little boy kicking a football repeatedly at our Christmas lights. My only solution was to go outside and bring his ball in. Evil aren't I but I just felt like we had completely lost control of even something as simple as keeping our christmas lights in one piece. I feel like I am constantly battling Lukas's school, I don't like things they do but that comes down to control as well,but I cant be bothered to go into that one today because typing hurts too.